Archive for ‘Discussions’
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The world is gripped by a mass delusion and only Bill Potts can see the truth. When even the Doctor is fighting on the wrong side, it’s up to Bill to convince the Time Lord that humanity is in deadly danger. And if she can’t do that, she may just have to kill her best friend…
Lie of the Land Giveaway!
Thanks to the BBC, we’ve got a copy of Series 10: Part 1 to give away on DVD!
To be in with a chance, simply post your review of The Lie of the Land in the comments below, ensuring that your email address is correct (as this will be used to contact you if you’re the winner!).
Only one entry per email address will be accepted. The giveaway is open in the UK and the winner will be contacted by email next Saturday, 10th June 2017.
NOTE: This discussion will NOT be spoiler monitored so please do not read the comments section if you haven’t seen The Lie of the Land. You have been warned!
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A 5,000 year-old Pyramid stands at the centre of a war zone, where the Chinese, Russian and American armies are about to clash. There are many problems with that, but the one that intrigues the Doctor is this: there wasn’t a pyramid there yesterday. The Doctor, Bill and Nardole face an alien invasion unlike any other, and before conquest can begin, these aliens need the consent of the human race…
Series 10 continued in spectacular style tonight as the second instalment of this year’s epic three-part adventure took our heroes to the end of the world itself…
They’ve been there before, of course, but definitely not like this. The Doomsday Clock was already a-tickin’ as our TARDIS Team unravelled the mystery of an ancient but brand new Pyramid, but it was what lay inside the tomb that had the potential to push the Doctor & Co – and the entire human race – to the brink of destruction. The Monks were back and they were ready to talk, as the truly Earth-shattering extent of their powers was revealed.
Meanwhile, Armageddon was nigh within the confines of a research laboratory (it’s always the last place you look…) and the consequences would have been catastrophic had it not been for Bill Pott’s final act of desperation. She has given her consent, but what did you think of The Pyramid at the End of the World? Are the modelling Monks a magnificent edition to the show’s menagerie of monsters, or were you left disappointed by the latest extra terrestrial escapade? Let us know by discussing tonight’s episode in the comments!
NOTE: This discussion will NOT be spoiler monitored so please do not read the comments section if you haven’t seen The Pyramid at the End of the World. You have been warned!
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It only feels like yesterday that Bill Potts was stepping aboard the TARDIS in The Pilot, but time really does fly when you’re having fun because we’re already halfway through the brand new series.
We’d say that we’re halfway out of the dark, but something tells us that things are going to go from bad to worse for Team TARDIS as we approach the grand finale, The Doctor Falls, especially if the events of last night’s episode, Extremis, are anything to go by, and who knows what further shocks and surprises will be unearthed along the way…
While we twiddle our thumbs and wait for the adventure to continue in The Pyramid at the End of the World next weekend, now is the perfect time to reflect on the first half of Series 10 and discuss your favourite moments so far. We’ve encountered living puddles, rampant robots, a Thames-dwelling serpent, killer woodlice, the walking dead and even the Pope himself has made an appearance. Amidst the chaos, Bill has become a bonafide time travelling hero and Nardole has proved himself to be secretly bad ass, too. Although there’s nothing secret about that, baby doll. But what’s been your favourite episode of the bunch?
Vote in our poll below and let us know what you’ve loved/loathed in the comments section!
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Never judge a book by its cover… Click here to rate the latest episode, Extremis »
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In the Haereticum – the Vatican’s secret library of blasphemy – there is an ancient book known only as The Veritas. Throughout history, anyone who has ever read it has immediately taken their own life. Now a new translation is online, and the danger is spreading. The Vatican appeals to the Doctor. Will he read The Veritas? But can even the Doctor survive the ultimate truth?
Series 10 marked its epic halfway point tonight (time flies when you’re having this much fun!) and things went from bad to worse for our heroes as they faced the mystery of the Veritas. They say you should never judge a book by its cover…
…but if you were to sit down and give this one a read, the consequences would be pretty dire indeed. It didn’t take the Doctor & Co very long to figure that one out, of course, but that was just the tip of the iceberg when they realised that nothing was as it seemed within the confines of a forbidden library hidden deep beneath the Vatican. Confused? You will be.
Amidst all the Monks and mayhem, Missy was also back as the Doctor’s oath was finally explained, but was her return – and the subsequent culmination of the Vault mystery – worth the wait? And what did you think of the rest of Extremis? The series has definitely been stirred into an interesting new direction, but is it the direction you were hoping for? Lets us know by rating and discussing the latest episode in the comments section below…
You can read what WhovianNet thought of tonight’s episode in our advanced preview here.
NOTE: This discussion will NOT be spoiler monitored so please do not read the comments section if you haven’t seen Extremis. You have been warned!
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It’s almost been a whole year since Michelle Gomez announced Missy’s return in Series 10 and now, as teased in the final seconds of tonight’s trailer for Extremis, the bitch is finally back.
The actress will be reprising her BAFTA nominated role as the renegade Time Lady in next weekend’s episode, which will see the fall out from Oxygen’s momentous cliffhanger as the Doctor & co journey to the Vatican’s secret library of blasphemy. But there will be another surprise waiting for the Doctor when he is forced to face up to the ultimate truth…
To kick start the final countdown to her grand comeback, let us know your favourite Missy moments in the comments below. She may have only appeared in 4 episodes to date (not including her cameos throughout Series 8), but she has already established herself as a formidable on screen force to be reckoned with. It’s safe to say that whenever Missy is in town, trouble isn’t too far behind. Basically, she’s so fine she blows our mind. And she’s going to need eight snipers.
The void is waiting, and so is our discussion! Review the latest episode, Oxygen »
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The Doctor, Bill and Nardole answer a distress call in deep space, and find themselves trapped on board space station Chasm Forge. All but four of the crew have been murdered – and the dead are still walking! In a future where oxygen is sold by the breath, and space suits are valued more highly than their occupants, the TARDIS crew battle for survival against the darkest evil of all…
Doctor Who Day is here again (hurrah!) and after last week’s encounter with the Landlord, it was time for the Doctor and Bill Potts to swap Planet Earth for the great unknown as they ventured into the void itself. Space, the final frontier…
Tonight’s exhilarating episode had all the makings of a classic Doctor Who adventure, as our heroes (including Nardole, who finally upgraded from cameo to companion) arrived on a doomed space station where the dead were walking and oxygen was running out. Well, if you’re going to so carelessly ignore the conditions of your Vault-guarding oath (and yes, Doctor, we are looking at you…), you might as well do it properly, but it wasn’t long before things went from bad to worse for TV’s favourite Time Lord, who paid the ultimate price…
And poor old Bill, eh? Our companion also went through the mill in tonight’s awe-inspiring adventure, which boasted spectacular special effects, a terrifying adversary and a climactic cliffhanger to boot. But what did you think of Oxygen and all its accompanying deep space drama? Did you find yourself immersed by the intergalactic imagery, or were its capitalistic connotations a waste of your time (and breath)? Rate & Discuss it in the comments below!
You can read what WhovianNet thought of tonight’s episode in our advanced preview here.
NOTE: This discussion will NOT be spoiler monitored so please do not read the comments section if you haven’t seen Oxygen. You have been warned!
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Christmas came early for Torchwood fans this weekend when it was announced that they’ll finally be getting the fifth series they’ve been waiting for.
Well, sort of. Although Jack and Gwen will be reuniting for new adventures, they won’t be making an actual televisual comeback just yet, as their return will be helmed by the audio awesomeness that is Big Finish Productions. Still, it’s the first time we’ll have canonically seen – erm, heard – them since Miracle Day, so it will still be pretty damn exciting to find out what they’ve been up to since their Stateside shenanigans.
And that’s not all! Producer James Goss has teased that – as well as a brand spanking new team - Aliens Among Us will include “an appearance by someone who just has to be, has to be dead”, which begs the question… who?! The show certainly boasts a back catalogue of deceased characters, so the possibilities are seemingly endless, but who would you like to see – again, make that hear – come back from the dead? Let us know in the comments!
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Bill is moving in with some friends and they’ve found the perfect house – so what if it’s strangely cheap to rent, and the landlord is a little creepy? The wind blows, the floorboards creak, and the Doctor thinks something is very wrong. What lurks in the strange tower at the heart of the building – and why can’t they find any way to enter it?
The brand new series continued tonight and the scare factor was notched up to a whole new level as Bill and her friends moved house… and there wasn’t a living puddle, weird robot or big fish in sight. So then, what could possibly go wrong?
Well, quite a bit, as it turns out. This is Doctor Who we’re talking about, so things weren’t going to stay calm for long. The new housemates had barely got their feet through the door before they started disappearing into the walls instead and, as history repeated itself at the hands of the sinister Landlord, the answers lay up in the mysterious tower where a woeful wooden woman hid from the world. And she hadn’t had a visitor in a very long time.
What did you think of the latest episode? Will Knock Knock go down as an instant classic, or were its creaky floorboards too much of a cliché? Share your reviews in the comments…
You can read what WhovianNet thought of tonight’s episode in our advanced preview here.
NOTE: This discussion will NOT be spoiler monitored so please do not read the comments section if you haven’t seen Knock Knock. You have been warned!
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In Regency England, beneath the frozen Thames, something is stirring. The Doctor and Bill arrive at the last of the great frost fairs, and find themselves investigating a string of impossible disappearances – people have been vanishing on the ice! Bill is about to discover that the past is more like her world than she expected, and that not all monsters come from outer space…
It was third time unlucky for the Doctor and Bill tonight as the brand new series continued. The year was 1814 and they had landed in the middle of the Last Great Frost Fair, so what could possibly go wrong? Just don’t step on any butterflies…
Changing the future of the human race turned out to be the least of Bill’s worries, however, when her attention turned to surviving the present instead. Or rather, surviving the past. Oh, you know what we mean. It all came down to a shackled serpent that lay beneath the ice, but who was behind the giant Thames-dwelling terror, and was it even a terror at all?
Suffice to say, there was something fishy going on as the new TARDIS co-resident got to know a different side to her 2,000 year old tutor, but did the fun at the fair (while it lasted, anyway…) make Thin Ice an instant classic, or did the snow-covered story sink under the pressure? You can post your thoughts regarding the latest episode in the comments below.
You can read what WhovianNet thought of tonight’s episode in our advanced preview here.
NOTE: This discussion will NOT be spoiler monitored so please do not read the comments section if you haven’t seen Thin Ice. You have been warned!
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It only feels like yesterday that Peter Capaldi was being announced as the Twelfth Doctor, but time really does fly when you’re having fun as it’s already four years later and the end of his epic era is nigh.
Exactly when he’ll be handing over his TARDIS duties, though, we’re not entirely sure. It was assumed that the regeneration scene would feature in this year’s Christmas Special, which has been confirmed as both Peter and outgoing showrunner Steven Moffat’s final episode, however a spanner has recently been thrown into the works…
That spanner being this Series 10 trailer, which shocked us all with a blink and you’ll miss it clip of the Doctor’s death-defying process seemingly beginning. That combined with the fact that Peter recently revealed that he’s already filmed his character’s final moments, despite the fact the festive episode doesn’t film until July. It’s confusing to say the least!
But then again, when isn’t it? Nobody really knows what’s going on, but here is the place where you can post your theories. We’re sure we’ll slowly learn more as Series 10 continues, so be sure to check back in to dissect the latest developments. We’ll put a link in the sidebar for easy access, so you’ll never be too far away if you need to simultaneously speculate and self-combust in equal measure.
See the universe anew. Click here to Rate & Discuss the latest Series 10 episode…