CONFIRMED: Peter Capaldi IS the Twelfth Doctor!

PETER CAPALDI has been revealed as the Twelfth Doctor in Doctor Who ending months of fevered speculation.
The actor was announced in the iconic role during a special live show on BBC One earlier tonight, in which he made his first public appearance as the coveted Time Lord.
Peter’s been the hot favourite to claim the part as this week bookmakers took a surge of bets on the Scottish actor, who has previously guest starred in the series and its spin off.
Peter will make his on screen debut as the next Doctor in this year’s Christmas Special and has said it is “an amazing privilege” to be trusted with the keys to the TARDIS. “Like the Doctor himself I find myself in a state of utter terror and sheer delight,” he revealed. He secured the role in a secret audition, after which the BBC knew they’d found the one.
Peter’s Doctor will travel through time and space with Jenna Coleman who’ll be returning for Series 8 as Clara Oswald. The actress has congratulated her newest co-star and said she “can’t wait to start a new adventure”. “With Steven’s writing plus Peter’s talent, we’ll be making an amazing show with an incredible incarnation of number 12,” she predicted.
Series runner Steven Moffat has labelled the new leading man “one of the most talented actors of his generation”, as Controller of BBC One Charlotte Moore looked ahead to “an exciting new era”. “Peter has all the genius and versatility needed to take on the mantel of the great Time Lord,” she said. “He’ll bring his own particular wisdom and charisma.”
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So what do you think? Let us know your thoughts on Capaldi’s casting in the comments…
I think it all depends on the site. Whoviannet has always been a place where opinions are balanced or where strong opinions are held, people debate them without being abusive. That’s exactly why I’m still here after 900 comments.
For Revived Series fans, Peter Capaldi is a different choice to play the Doctor.
I can’t see him being as energetic or excitable as the 9th, 10th and 11th Doctors and so, you have to question what positive things will fill that vacuum.
I think people are concerned that the Doctor could be a much darker character, I’ve heard people saying that could have seen Capaldi as The Master but not the Doctor, and obviously John Hurt’s Doctor (if he is a Doctor) seems to hint at a darkness we’ve only seen glimpses of in the Doctor before.
I think Peter Capaldi’s casting was an interesting choice, a choice that was a relief considering how badly Moffat could have gotten it wrong, and I’m willing to wait and see what he has to offer to the role.
The Doctor changes, Doctor Who changes.
11th Doctor fans are facing having to say goodbye to their Doctor and getting used to a new one, something 10th Doctor fans like myself have already gone through.
SOME 11th Doctor fans know they’ll probably get the same “Get over it, move on” rhetoric that we got, perhaps they were the ones who were saying it, so their anxiety about the change is understandable.
I think that Capaldi will do well in the role, I think John Hurt’s doctor may be an older McGann or even an echo or metacrisis. I really don’t want them to stuff up the numbers. I hope that Capaldi isn’t the last doctor, I think Moffat will do anything to keep this show afloat, including giving the doctor more regeneration’s.
I’m glad that the doctor didn’t become a woman, He has been male for over 1000 years and I believe he should stay that way. :-)
@Amber Watkins
I just wanted to reiterate what a great Doctor Paul McGann is in the audio plays – please have a listen if you can find them (Big Finish). He’s actually become one of my favourites through listening to them, especially with Lucie Miller as his companion (Sheridan Smith).
I’m over-the-moon with announcement of Peter as the new Doctor and very much looking forward to Christmas special. No disrespect to 11th but I hope we get a lot of 12th in it and not just last minute for the regeneration.
I agree. I was late coming into doctor who and saw the End of Time part 2 when Matt Smith was already the doctor. however, I was following the reruns on Tv and thy had a weekend before the Eleventh Hour. I was so cross and annoyed. So yes I hope that we have more twelfth doctor time
I wish all the best to Peter Capaldi as the twelfth doctor, and to Moffat, who I hope will figure out how to fix the universe he has created and will explain why the Tardis exploded in season 5 and where the silence went after season 6
I’m really excited of this new doctor.
but there is now a agiem row as the new yonger fans
are saying that he is too ugly and old
so my big fear is that my faveroire show will be cancelled because of fan girls don’t like the show
matt was complained of because he was 26 at the time of he being cast.
I know he will be fine
but why judge him too soon!
and I hate to argue with new fans but thr Doctor is not meant to be a goodloooking hero
he is an ancient timelord who uses his wisdom and intellince with a dash of humour to solve problems
how about waiting and seeing
and it is only a small minority alot of my freinds are behind him saying he is a great actor
if you watch classic or earlier seres of who many of his inacartions were played by older actors and eccleston was 40 when he played the ninth
jon pertwee was 50 when he played the third and he got away with wearing a frilly shirt and masses of white curluy hair, he was not too old. heck he could dash about as mush as a the youngest guy.
i’m afraid it is showing how some people how shallow they are by judging others on looks in stead of their personality.
calpidi is not ugly. i think he has the similliar hawk like face like the third and fouth doctor.
please don’t pull the plug on this programme bbc.
Please take no notice of last post
I had my mind wiped by the silince on that day
I’m sure the twelth doctor will be brillant much like his other incarations
I think he’ll be a great doctor. However, he won’t be quite as much of a physical actor as Matt Smith because of his age, but he looks intelligent enough. I don’t think he’ll last very long, though. He’ll probably only go for a season or two. I also think he’ll keep Clara around because she’s done so much for him, he really owes him.
I personally am a newer fan of Doctor Who and I am only 13. Doctor Who really is an amazing show. I do admit that David Tenant and Mat Smith are quite attractive but I saw Peter Capaldi in World War Z and he was playing one of the WHO DOCTORS so my dad and I couldn’t stress how much this was meant to be. But yes he was a very good actor in that and im sure he will do very well as the Doctor :)
I agree, people should stop judging Peter. I think he’ll be a great Doctor!
Does anyone find it weired how David Tennant (10th Doctor) and Peter Capaldi seem realy simular?
Both Scottish and look quite alike.
Wondering if the new Doctor will be using his scottish accent or English…
Couldn’t be more right Robert. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover! Long live Doctor who!! :)
Moffat better let him use the scottish accent, the seventh doctor got to keep his accent in fact they emphasized it. Even in tooth and Claw when they let Tennant be scottish they made him water down his accent and not use it as strong…if that make sense :-P
Yeah, I think Peter will be a great doctor, but David Tennant is always going to be my favourite.
I think he wont do badly but I don’t think he’ll be the best doctor
I’ve seen repeats of the old ones and became a devoted whovian following the series watching all reruns a year before season seven but Capaldi will be my first Doctor whilst following the show :-D