We’re now 24 hours away from the regeneration of the one and only Eleventh Doctor and it’s time for fans far and wide to come together to say #GoodbyeMatt!
They have done just that in this interactive Christmas video which has seen Whovians from around the world unite to bid farewell to Matt Smith in style.
On the eve of The Time of the Doctor, our final video is here and you can enjoy everyone’s messages below.
We’d like to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed – we received videos from the UK to Australia to Mexico and so we hope the final product will serve as a small but touching representation of what millions of others will be saying this time tomorrow…
Once again the Whovian fandom has shown that we can join forces to achieve greatness and we’ll be sending the video to Matt Smith himself. We’ll keep you updated. Geronimo!
And we couldn’t have put it better ourselves! Please share the video to spread the word!
The Time of the Doctor is tomorrow night at 7:30pm on BBC One. See the latest news!