Silences, Rivers and Songs – Series 6 discussion

July 27th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

It was in The Eleventh Hour we were first told of the mysterious silence, but we’re still no closer to finding out what it is, or, more importantly, what’s behind it…

Steven Moffat has promised us that all of our questions will be answered in Series 6, and we’ve been left with plenty of clues to dissect until it hits our screens! What ominous figure could possibly blow up the TARDIS, and what could be their motives for doing it? We’ve also heard what’s seemingly their voice – does it sound at all familiar?

Could it have anything to do with River Song, who’s identity we’ll also discover next year? In The Big Bang she told the Doctor that everything will change when he finally learns who she is – not the most inviting of prophecies, and we’re sure you’ve all got your own weird and wonderful theories whizzing aimlessly through your Doctor Who obsessed minds. So, it’s about time we gave you somewhere to share them, isn’t it?

Feel free to speculate the remaining nights until Christmas away on this post, a link to which will be posted on the sidebar so you can check back to see what our other visitors make of this ever-growing series arc. People say silence is a virtue, but something tells us things will be far from virtuous for the Doctor when this particular one takes over…

464 comments on this article
  1. Mike A
    May 24th, 2011 at 7.32am | #1

    The pregnancy positive / negative scans hints perhaps that “Amy’s Choice” is more relevant than we think. Remember, in that we had 2 realties (one Amy pregnant, one not). Perhaps there is a connection.

  2. Patrick
    May 24th, 2011 at 11.54am | #2

    @Mike A
    I was thinking that as well funnily enough. Cause Amy was having a dream with the whole being pregnant in “Amy’s Choice” so the whole pregnancy which was brought up again in The Impossible Astronaut could lead to the fact that Amy is pregnant. But she said at the end of Day of the Moon that “I thought I was pregnant, turns out I wasn’t.” But then that bit there turns out I wasn’t could lead to the fact that Amy might be unsure whether she is actually pregnant or not also meaning that the TARDIS is confused as well. Just a thought though.

  3. shawn
    May 24th, 2011 at 3.10pm | #3

    i think the silence have done something to amys baby if there was one to make the TARDIS confussed as to is she r isnt she

  4. Bad Wolf
    May 25th, 2011 at 4.35pm | #4

    Reading all your comments and theories is really fun ! I also think that the killer in the spacesuit is River (but when in her timeline ?) and that she is linked to Amy : the two of them felt ill when they saw the Silence. I also noticed the startling reappearance of the mysterious TARDIS previously seen in The Lodger, and I loved it : Steven Moffat began a very ambitious and complex story with the Eleventh Hour (with all the Silence’s unseen appearances in series 5, which I didn’t notice at the time).
    But currently, some unresolved mysteries from series 5 are bothering me : why did the Silence (and how, if they’re responsible for this) make the TARDIS explode in The Pandorica Opens, and why did River Song still remember everything when the universe was reborn ?
    Also, remember this scene, in Day of the Moon, where Canton is alone with Dr Renfrew in the orphanage ? Someone knocks on the door (4 times ! Just like good old Wilf in The End of Time !) and Dr Renfrew answers them. Then he closes the door and, seconds later, a Silence/Silent opens it and enters the room. Why didn’t the monster enter immediately ? What if it was someone else behind the door the first time ? (Maybe it’s nothing, but I don’t trust Steven Moffat anymore, when it comes about continuity, this man can be really, really, really clever !)
    Also, regarding the eyepatch lady, the first thing which crossed my mind when she appeared was : she’s a nanny, watching over a child. Amy’s baby ? The little girl ? River ?
    I’m really looking forward to this “earth-shattering cliffhanger” that awaits in episode 7 : will it be a spectacular event or a shocking revelation (or both ?), and will it be about River’s secret, Amy’s pregnancy or the Silence’s master plan (or all of them ?) ?
    I hadn’t felt this excited and enthusiastic for roughly 5 years, when Alias was still airing : Steven Moffat took a page from J.J. Abrams when he replaced Russell T. Davies. The acting, writing, special effects and production values are almost always stellar in Doctor Who, but this grand design, those hints carefully offered each week, this mysterious conspiracy and this “game changer” still to come, anticipated and feared, pretty much set the show apart and above pretty much everything that exists on TV these days.
    Oh, and June 4th is the eve of my birthday : can’t wait for what looks like a memorable weekend for me !

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