Silences, Rivers and Songs – Series 6 discussion

July 27th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

It was in The Eleventh Hour we were first told of the mysterious silence, but we’re still no closer to finding out what it is, or, more importantly, what’s behind it…

Steven Moffat has promised us that all of our questions will be answered in Series 6, and we’ve been left with plenty of clues to dissect until it hits our screens! What ominous figure could possibly blow up the TARDIS, and what could be their motives for doing it? We’ve also heard what’s seemingly their voice – does it sound at all familiar?

Could it have anything to do with River Song, who’s identity we’ll also discover next year? In The Big Bang she told the Doctor that everything will change when he finally learns who she is – not the most inviting of prophecies, and we’re sure you’ve all got your own weird and wonderful theories whizzing aimlessly through your Doctor Who obsessed minds. So, it’s about time we gave you somewhere to share them, isn’t it?

Feel free to speculate the remaining nights until Christmas away on this post, a link to which will be posted on the sidebar so you can check back to see what our other visitors make of this ever-growing series arc. People say silence is a virtue, but something tells us things will be far from virtuous for the Doctor when this particular one takes over…

530 comments on this article
  1. Patrick
    June 10th, 2011 at 8.37pm | #1

    @Bad Wolf
    Maybe the bullet didn’t get through like the suit was bullet protected or something but I suppose we’ll find out though. We know it can’t be River cause as I have often stated the little girl was River/Melody cause she escaped from the astronaut suit and someone one else was put in there which leads me to think it was the real Doctor and killed the flesh perhaps?
    In Day of the Moon the Doctor said that the Silence needed a space suit which is why the humans traveled to the moon in the first place. Why they needed it was not explained but again as I say we’ll probably find that out in the second half of the series or in series 7.

  2. shawn
    June 10th, 2011 at 10.10pm | #2

    thats a very interesting thory about the doctor killing the flesh doctor the real doctor gave the flesh doctor to kill the flesh montser and them selfs i think that screwdriver left behind in the flesh factory will come back in some way

  3. Bad Wolf
    June 10th, 2011 at 10.12pm | #3

    Ok, ok. But I’m still obsessed with this damned “Of course not” River line . Why did she say that ? She must have known who was in the space suit.
    With only one finale episode this series, I hope Steven Moffat won’t cram too many answers/revelations all at once, I’d rather have a few answers (and wait for next series) and a well crafted episode than a lot of answers surrounded by a mess of a story

  4. TimeNeek
    June 11th, 2011 at 2.11am | #4

    I found a connection! Apparently in the pandorica opens, the talks about the story that what is contained inside the pandorica is not a goblin, or a trickster, but the most feared warrior in all of existence! Than in a good man goes to war, commander runaway talks to the troops that the doctor is no trickster or goblin, but the most feared being in all of existence! I believe that’s what he said. But that’s gotta be saying something, cause the Doctor was than trapped inside, the greatest and most feared being in all of time and space! U know what would be awesome! If Arthur Darvill, Karin Gillan, and Matt Smith are all listening on in our conversations! I <3 u guys! Well not that way, but you are all…. Words can't explain! Sorry bout that, had a whovian moment

  5. TimeNeek
    June 11th, 2011 at 12.27pm | #5

    I sounded stupid! Didn’t I ?

  6. shawn
    June 11th, 2011 at 8.46pm | #6

    i just cant wait to find out what happens in the next part as auther said that the mid series finale is nothing compered to whats to come

  7. Emerald
    June 12th, 2011 at 12.39am | #7

    @Bad Wolf

    Oh, I don’t think he will. Judging by Moffat’s style, he never gives us any info without raising six million other questions at the same time. He knows everything but he certainly won’t put it all out on a plate for us.

    I’ve been thinking more about River/Melody – so she’s going to be raised as a weapon, right? The obvious assumption is that that means she’s going to be given all manner of training with guns and explosives and kung fu and whatever else – which is the very conventional way this plotline usually goes along, and we have seen that she’s good with a laser. But what if, instead of that, River/Melody is more like the bait in some great trap? They know he knows she’s a Timelady, and an innocent child, so he’d do anything to save her. She is, in many ways, the perfect bait. Or, similar theory, they let her grow into a beautiful young woman, he turns up, falls in love, and bam, he’s vulnerable to everything.

    Or (and this theory did occur to me in the pub) they take her shiny hybrid DNA and clone a whole massive army of quasi-Timelords from Flesh and use them to launch some sort of all-out war. Definately a pub theory, that one, sorry :P

  8. IdrisSkywalker
    June 12th, 2011 at 4.30am | #8

    I’m completely baffled. All of my theories were wrong. I did think that River was Amy and Rory’s daughter, and i did think the “time head” thing, but…everything else…wrong. Hmmm…my dad was watching Battle-star Galactica and a commercial came on–it was very short, and it showed a skeleton arm holding the sonic screwdriver. slowly, the green light of the sonic fades away…and that’s it. What in the universe does this mean? Does this mean that the Doctor WILL die in his eleventh regeneration, thus causing the series to end by the 50th anniversary? Or is it a trick, to get us worked up over nothing? Hmmmmmm…so many questions…

  9. shawn
    June 12th, 2011 at 2.00pm | #9

    its probebly something to get r hopes up over nothing i think in my oppinion

  10. rebelsdaughter13123
    June 13th, 2011 at 5.39am | #10

    @FishFingers and Custard
    River Can be a Time Lady and still die in forest of the dead without regenerating and she actaully tell you this if you listen carefully enough. She tells the doctor It’ll burn out both your hearts and don’t think you’ll regenerate. then later he begs her to let him do this and she tells him You wouldn’t have a chance, and neither do I. She knew it would kill a Time Lord to sit in that chair

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