Silences, Rivers and Songs – Series 6 discussion

July 27th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The spring series of Series 6 has been and gone, but the first action-packed seven episodes have left us a TARDIS load of unanswered questions and unexplained mysteries…

Suffice to say, Steven Moffat has definitely provided us with more than enough to keep our overactive brains occupied until the Doctor returns in Let’s Kill Hitler in the autumn, so let’s get started, shall we? Of course, we now finally know who River really is, but just what is her relationship with the Doctor? And who was the girl in the spacesuit?

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606 comments on this article
  1. TimeNeek
    September 5th, 2011 at 1.41pm | #1

    if u take away Moffats brilliant style of mystery and making us fans go back to figure out his clues, it’s great for us to go back to previous seasons so that it forces us not to throw out the previous seasons, keeping them just as fresh!! Either way without this style Moffat wouldn’t be Moffat and Doctor Who will lose all meaning

  2. Mike A
    September 6th, 2011 at 12.47am | #2

    I’m starting to think we are overrating Moffat. Sometimes his story are great but sometimes …. Yuk. The 2 part silent story set in the 60s was pretty good, but the Good Man goes to war, and this Hitler story was rubbish. This Hitler story totally waste the opportunity of using Hitler in any meaningful way. Instead they make a couple of jokes on him, and then lock him up in a cupboard. Now, compare this to the 2 part silent story, where we had a wonderful story with Richard Nixon. Great use of Nixon in that story. Furthermore, didn’t you think it odd that River changed her mind pretty fast in trying to kill the Doctor to loving him madly. Didn’t work for me. The transition was unbelievable. But my biggest gripe is that, I’m always plugging the show trying to get people to watch it. New viewers would have no idea what was going on in the Hitler story. The River story would have lost them. Oh well. Hey. I still love the show, but think its convulted storytelling is very risky.

  3. TimeNeek
    September 6th, 2011 at 2.51am | #3

    Well, I would understand about the new viewers coming up right in the middle of the story of Melody Pond. It would be very confusing, and it did get a couple of my new viewers! But, hey, it keeps people involved!!
    Now a joke about hitler and him getting shoved into a measly little cupboard, that has obviously gotta be hilarious.

  4. Bad Wolf
    September 7th, 2011 at 11.29am | #4

    @Mike A

    I agree about how quickly River changed her mind from killing to loving the Doctor. But, had Moffat made it last several episodes, the already heavy overarching story would have been even heavier. So I understand why he chose to solve this problem in one episode only and, at least for me, Alex Kingston (a.k.a. the Goddess) sold River’s conversion single-handedly. I’ll never forget the moment she realises she is River Song, what a powerful and magical scene : such a level of intensity has rarely been reached by the show so far (Rose’s Doomsday farewell scene, Donna’s loss of memories in Journey’s end, the 10th Doctor’s regeneration).
    You’re right, Moffat’s storytelling is very risky, but isn’t it what the show is all about. When there’s risk, when there’s danger, the doctor and his companions embrace it !

  5. TimeNeek
    September 8th, 2011 at 12.34am | #5

    Exactly!! And I nearly cried at that scene!! Saying back in past posts we were wondering how Alex would be portraying a younger version of herself, I think she did that just to well. Just like the Doctor after regeneration, she was able to get that oh so perfectly, trying to figure who she is!! And after recognizing who she is to be (River Song) that moment she changed dramatically into (not almost the same) as the River we know!!!! But she still has some problems and consequences to deal with later on after that android morpher wanting her dead

  6. TimeNeek
    September 8th, 2011 at 2.41am | #6

    Just watching big bang and pandorica opens, and I just thought… If the whole universe, and time was rebooted. Amy and Rory, everybody forgot about the Doctor, except somehow River remembered, which time period was she from? I don’t know, but everything was rebooted, and the River in the time of angels…. that’s all! But what happened to her when the whole of reality was going through big bang 2?

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