BBC confirms Series 6 to be split into two halves

The BBC Press Office has today announced that the sixth series of Doctor Who will be split into two halves to accommodate a ‘big plot twist’ halfway through the series.
Confirming reports from yesterday, Matt Smith’s second series will begin over the traditional Easter 2011 period, and will run until Episode 7, when ‘one of the most exciting Doctor Who cliffhangers’ of all time will keep viewers ‘on the edge of their seats’ until the series resumes with the remaining 6 episodes later in the Autumn.
Steven Moffat said: “The split series is exciting because viewers will be treated to two premieres, two finales and more event episodes. For the kids it will never be more than a few months to the next Doctor Who! Easter, Autumn, Christmas.”
Meanwhile, over at The Guardian website there’s a video of the showrunner’s initial announcement at the Edinburgh TV Festival this morning, in which he explains: ”Doctor Who will come back for 7 episodes at Easter, building up to an Earth-shattering climax in Episode 7. There will be a huge game-changing cliffhanger, one we could never do normally at the end of a series. It will change everything for the Doctor, Amy and Rory.”
He continued: ”In order to give you time to recover, we’ll let you go off, have your summer holidays, then come back in the Autumn for another 6 episodes in what will be Series 7, I suppose. We’re not just splitting it, we’re making two separate series.”
What do you think of the news? As always, let us know your thoughts about it below!
Next year, the X-Factor doesn’t start until Novemeber so they wouldn’t be any clashes
Wow so we’re getting series seven alot sooner than we thought! So series 6 will be 7 episodes and series 7 6 episodes? Very good idea, hope it works well!
I’m not at all sure about this, for one thing, breaking one series into two series hardly seems to be a bonus, on the other hand how great will it be this time next year when we only have to wait until perhaps October as opposed to waiting all the way til Christmas, which is exciting. I just hope it works and we don’t get shorter story arcs n the like as it’s such a small amount of time
The X Factor Doesn’t start until november??? How come?
Oh and I think this is a great idea, although I think it should be Series 6 Part 1 and 2 instead of 2 series!!!!
The reason being the fact they’re lauching the America version next summer.
Anyway, I think spliting the series is a good idea if the plot is good. But it should be Series 6A and 6B rather than two seperate series!
series 6.0 and 6.5 methinks? (that’s how several American Dramas have marketed their dvd sets – Eureka, Stargate Universe, Caprica to name a few)
i’m not sure….. could be good, could be bad, for one think, each part of thye series may feel rushed, and if theres a big cliffhanger i may not be able to cope for a few months… but, like moffet said, doctor who won’t ever be far away…. the wait inbetween seres is far too long for my liking…
i like this alot, the classic series has a alot of shake ups with the series and this is good have the series split up. it would mean more “i can’t believe that happened” moments andd would improve the ratings by having two series starters and two finale and nobody going out in the summer/exam excuse of not watching doctor who. steven moffat might be writing ep 1, ep 7+8 (the mid series) and ep 12 + 13 (the end of the series). it was confirmed that he was writing 5 episodes for series 6.
It’s Series 6 Parts 1 and 2, not Series 6 and Series 7.
Get That Into Your Head You Idiots Who Differ.
Wow, Next Year Will Be Awesome.
2 Series of Primeval, 2 Series of Torchwood, The Final Series of SJA, And 2 Parts of a Series of Doctor Who!
It will be whatever Moffat and the rest of the Who people decide to call it.
2 series of Torchwood?? No there is only one.
Final Series of SJA?? It’s not the last one, another is being filmed.
I am always amazed how people an not really see what is going on with DW. We have been through all this before, from 48 weeks in the 60’s, cut down to half in the 70’s and finally 13 weeks in the 80’s. Currently the BBC is on an Empire Building exercise, borne out of building villages and showing dreadful crap of an evening every night, They have become obsessed with chasing TV ratings as well. If Steven Moffat pushes this “series break” or calling the next season “6 and 7″, it will give the BBC the justification to shorten the length of the series in future years, If anything, we should be campaigning to retain the format as it is, it has worked so well since it’s return in 2005. The BBC will look for any excuse to cancel the series, if it impacts on their empire building, this is something even the BBC Trust want investigating! Be realistic people, there is not another TV series in the world that splits it’s season into 2 in this way (yes, admittedly, due to the Hollywood strikes last year, a number of shows were filmed in 2 halves but ultimately, they will be realised as one series, this is not normal practice!)
Ooh, just realised: the second premiere story will be a two-parter – fantastic! And, it’s a good thing the Daleks aren’t coming back (so far) next series. Although, the next Dalek story does sound a bit intriguing…
Actually, “being realistic”, there is/was another show that split its seasons in two – Heroes and, just like Doctor Who, it was released as one season. Series Six of Doctor Who will be split into two halves, not two series.
Sorry, but that’s rubbish, isn’t it. It’s been decided as a creative decision, so Moffat can explore a different way of writing the series, and is no way being welcomed by the BBC as an excuse for them shortening the series then cancelling it. That’s just rubbish.
What a surprise steve is kicking up a fuss. Predictable!
I am actually behind this idea. It will be something new and fresh. We all feared when TW went to a 5 episode story arc but ultimately it was the best piece of television last year! So I have faith in the new formula. Only thing that makes me sigh a little is we have to wait EVEN longer for a story arch conclusion. All I’ll say is it BETTER BE GOOD MOFFAT!