Rate & Discuss: Day of the Moon

April 30th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The Doctor is locked in the perfect prison while Amy, Rory and River Song are being hunted down across America by the FBI. With the help of new friend and FBI-insider Canton, they are reunited to share their memories. The world is occupied by an alien force that controls humanity through post-hypnotic suggestion, and no one can be trusted.

Our heroes embarked on an apollo mission tonight as Series 6 of Doctor Who continued, and there were shocks aplenty as their US adventure reached its thrilling conclusion…

Episode one’s cliffhanger saw us all holding our breath as Amy shared a life-changing revelation, and part two (as part two’s often do!) picked up from right where we left off, and from then on it was non stop action as Earth faced a threat from a terrifying force.

Three months later, the Doctor was locked up in the perfect prison and his friends were alone, terrified and on the run across America. It seemed that nothing or no one could break the Silence as they controlled humanity through post-hypnotic suggestion. Of course, the new series has only just begun, and with 5 other episodes to get through this spring, things were eventually wrapped up and the TARDIS team managed to save the day, aided – as one often is – by Neil Armstrong’s foot, and be back in time for tea.

The Day of the Moon has dawned, and as the sun doth set on the Doctor’s dapple in the desert, we want to know what you thought of the latest episode. Do you think it was a worthy conclusion to the opening two-parter, or do we need to speak to Houston about a problem? Did its momentous cliffhanger result in you screaming at the television? Leave your mark in the comments below (the good, the bad and the ugly) before you forget!

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92 comments on this article
  1. The 13th Doctor
    May 2nd, 2011 at 12.42am | #1

    Well, I must say I did have to watch it again, because I agree with most other people on here that Moffatts episodes are starting to get a bit too confusing at times and risk alienating casual viewers. As much as its good to get viewers brains working, I think Moffatt is over-stepping the mark. As for the episode, it was great, apart from the sequence at the start where Canton is hunting down River, Rory and Amy, which I didnt fully get the gist of. As for the girl regenerating… highly interesting, I personally would like it to be the Rani, but I suspect its highly unlikely, maybe Romana? who knows! And I do like the idea of there being alot more questions than answers… River Songs identity? Well by kissing the Doctor, narrows it down a bit I suppose… this series is shaping up nicely…

  2. The 13th Doctor
    May 2nd, 2011 at 12.59am | #2

    Wait, I hope they explain at some point in the series who the girl is…

  3. Professor Zed
    May 2nd, 2011 at 2.56am | #3

    Perhaps Amy had been pregnant with Rory’s child. (The BBC would NEVER let Moffat allow the Doctor to have “relations” with one of his companions.)

    Amy (and maybe Rory too) could be “arched” Time Lords (as was the 10th Doctor in “Human Nature/Family of Blood”.) If they were arched when they conceived their baby, then it might be POSITIVE that it’s a Time Lord. Therefore, it might be NEGATIVE because it’s human (but conceived by “arched” Time Lords.)

    The Silence may have “removed” the fetus from Amy during the “days” that the Silence told her she was with them in the Faux TARDIS. That fetus would then have been brought backwards in time, and brought up in the orphanage, then placed in the astronaut suit circa 1969.

    Now, how that little girl got from Florida in April/July 1969 to New York city in January 1970 where she regenerated… I have no idea. What happened to her between July and 6 months later. What was it that caused her to regenerate?

    I also don’t think that it was the Silence who built the faux TARDIS(es). I think someone else is responsible for that. It could be Amy and Rory’s doing – back when they were “un-arched”. It may be their TARDIS that is hidden on the 3rd floor of Amy’s 2 floor house.

    I also think it’s possible that Amy – while still an “arched” Time Lord, now human, is in an insane asylum dreaming this entire Universe. Trapped in that insane asylum by the true villain of the series. The War Lord? The Dream Lord? Omega? Morbius? Borusa?

    I want explanations and I’m not gonna stop watching “Doctor Who” until I get some! So there!

  4. Kiki
    May 2nd, 2011 at 3.57am | #4

    I think the suit was life support that kept that girl alive and after six months out of the suit she died and regenerated.

  5. JamButty
    May 2nd, 2011 at 8.07am | #5


    The Doctor already is a dad. His very first companion, Susan, was his Grandaughter.

  6. Kona
    May 2nd, 2011 at 10.15am | #6

    Ok , but the issue of the doctors death hasnt been resolved….episode 7??

  7. JC
    May 2nd, 2011 at 11.37am | #7

    I know he’s been a Father before, as you mention, he had a Grandaughter and through cloning, had Jenny, but what I meant more specifically was that I didn’t want the Doctor and Amy to have a child together, because at least for me, that would be extremely weird, even if as TWWL said, conception wasn’t achieved in the……….normal way.

    @KiKi, I had the same thought. If it was the same girl that regenerated that was in the life support suit, why did they find that the suit was engineered to support human life, not Time Lord?

  8. The Silence
    May 2nd, 2011 at 11.40am | #8

    Well, Timelords are biologically similar to humans.

  9. vaguely
    May 2nd, 2011 at 1.42pm | #9

    @The Silence
    “The timelord’s body is a miracle. There are whole empires that would tear this world apart fro just one cell”


  10. Sam
    May 2nd, 2011 at 2.31pm | #10

    Brilliant way to kick off a series, but the Doctor in the perfect prison? Didn’t we see that two episodes ago?

  11. Professor Zed
    May 2nd, 2011 at 3.55pm | #11

    You’re right Sam. Neither prison was very perfect, were they?!

  12. The Silence
    May 2nd, 2011 at 5.49pm | #12

    Yeah, good point! But in other ways the two sometimes appear similar. They look very similar. They both breathe oxygen. If a life support system was created for one, it would be hard to tell the difference on first inspection.

  13. vaguely
    May 2nd, 2011 at 6.12pm | #13

    @The Silence
    Apart from the two hearts ;)

  14. The silence
    May 2nd, 2011 at 6.24pm | #14

    That would be quite difficult to verify from the suit though.

  15. elena
    May 2nd, 2011 at 8.58pm | #15

    ahhh i loved it! it really made me think… 1. loved the bit with ’stupid face’ was soo cute! really thought she meant the doctor at first!? :O what i want to know is why she thought rory/the doctor thought she loved the doctor… i mean i know they might have thought it a tiny bit but not enough for her to make an announcement about it? and also i swear she is always making announcements about how she realises she loves rory? 2. loved how suspious the doctor was of amy, haa when he was saying ‘as long as there is noices through your wall… etc’ and looks round at amy; doesn’t that sound allot like her life? he has obviously realised that the silence have played a big part in her life… he keeps on looking at her non-trustingly which is weird why he is suddenly so suspious of her? 3. completely have no idea or clue about that eye patch person through the hatch, that was soo randorm… did look alot like river though don’t you think? unless thats the little girl grown up if she hadn’t regerated and because she has she looks slightly different; ie river! 4. OMG was soo upset about river when she said about the kiss thing, have really seen a nicer side to her this series so far… LOVED the Doctors reaction! haa bless him… 5. did anyone else hear the silence saying to amy ‘YOU will help bring the silence’… hmmm just her… 6. the little girl i reckon as said before was tracked down by the silence to pilot their stolen technology tardis, as she is young she wont blow up the solar system whilst doing so… also i agree with whoever said that because she’s a time lord/lady she looks alot younger than she probs is… which is also allot like river as i bet she’s alot older than she looks, as the doctor would never know how old she was as he keeps on meeting her in the wrong order… 7. ‘i hope my old man is not watching this as he will be very angry’ what river said and rory was there, SO rory is obviously her father… 8. Amy’s pregnancy, what i think it is is that her pregnancy is a tipping point in time, which will depend on another event for it to happen, ie river is amy’s baby with rory due to the obvious links and that quote earlier and the reason before you say that why she didn’t know rory as the roman was probs cos well i dunno… and this means that her ‘romance’ with the doctor is properly plausable and isn’t insest. also that explains the tardis not knowing the pregnancy and the little girl is the other option of the pregnancy ie the doctors child (probs the bad doctor or future as amy wouldn’t notice the difference) which is why she thought the doctor thought she loved him… REALLY STUCK ON THIS IDEA, and the doctor has to decide which one he’ll let happen as both can’t, this also explains the time lord thing… 9. loving the new relationship between river and the doctor, ie the flirtyness, SOO sweet! can’t wait for them to hook up, they really suit eachother!!!!!!! 10. ’silence will fall’ could either relate to the species dying out like the romans however why they would broadcast their own failure is beyond me or an actually silence… will probs think of more in a min so will keep you posted… :) :D

  16. Patrick
    May 2nd, 2011 at 11.07pm | #16

    When the girl regenerated it was 6 MONTHS LATER so what happened in them 6 months?

  17. melt
    May 3rd, 2011 at 8.36am | #17

    if rory is still mr fantastic plastic ( doctor sat down next to him and asked if he remembered the 2000 years waiting for amy in ep 2 ) what sort of kid is he likely to father barbie or sindy ?

  18. vaguely
    May 3rd, 2011 at 1.03pm | #18

    I’m thinking amy might have spotted it, were he a very large action man. They tend not to be anatomically correct!

    The point of that scene, I think, was about memory and its importance (a recurring Moffat theme).

  19. Patrick
    May 3rd, 2011 at 3.21pm | #19

    The little girl is obviously Amy and Rory’s with a Time Head.

  20. Patrick
    May 3rd, 2011 at 4.19pm | #20

    Could you change your name because I have the same name and could lead to confusion.

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