Rate & Discuss: The Almost People

May 28th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

As the solar storm rages, Jennifer, a Ganger driven mad by the memories of being “decommissioned”, is seeking revenge. Can the Doctor convince the factory workers to work together with their Gangers to overcome a monster of their own making?

Matthew Graham’s spine-chilling two-parter reached its dramatic conclusion tonight, and it’s now full steam ahead as we gear up for next week’s momentous mid-series finale…

Before we get into that, the episode itself was an epic fight for survival, as humans and Gangers alike set out to save their own skins. As their desperate attempts to come out on top unravelled, we were left to ponder over who the real monsters were, and, for the Doctor, it was a case of two peas in a pod as he worked with his doppelganger to stop a civil war. Two Doctors are better than one, but whose side was the double really on?

Of course, the task of saving a group of humans and their bio-engineered clones comes easier said than done, and the fate of the crumbling factory hung in the balance. Could the terrified factory workers be convinced to embrace their own humanity, or would the revolutionary rise of their vengeful duplicates result in their ultimate downfall? It wasn’t just the solar storm raging, as all the unfolding events reached their explosive climax…

…which brings us on to the subject of tonight’s mind-blowing cliffhanger, which has been described as “the ending to end all endings”. Now we can but sit and wait, with the final scenes racing through our minds, as we countdown to the game-changing finale. Did your jaw hit the floor? What did you think of the episode as a whole? Let us know what you made of tonight’s high levels of unfurling drama in the comments section below!

Please don’t read the comments if you haven’t yet seen the episode. Spoilers!

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85 comments on this article
  1. ema
    June 3rd, 2011 at 3.04pm | #1

    Just occurred to me @Rose. You said about how the Silence said Amy had been there for days. But then Amy was adamant about being their only for a little while… Maybe that was the ganger saying I have only been here as in made a little while ago? Long shot I know but a possibility in the timing of Amy/ganger being made.

  2. PRB
    June 3rd, 2011 at 8.19pm | #2

    That’s a good theory, actually. Nice thinking. But… I think Amy saw Eye Patch Lady (can’t remember her actual name at the mo) before she was taken. In the orphanage, I think.

  3. shawn
    June 4th, 2011 at 3.14pm | #3

    the doctor give himt eh sonic screw driver and told the ganger doctor that he my have enough residual energy to survice we seen them turn to sluse out of the screen with the sonic screwdriver but we dont no what happens next he mite have reformed but not showing us as it mite spoil n e futre plot details that moffat mite want to do

  4. bron
    June 4th, 2011 at 3.27pm | #4

    Just a thought here – trying to work out the logistics of Amy’s pregnancy – she told the Doctor’s she was pregnant in the Impossible Astronaut – so assuming at least one month at that point – she then went on the run for 3 months – so would have been at least 4 months by the end of Day of the Moon. So at most five months have passed since then and The Almost People…but the Doctor says she hasn’t been with them for a VERY long time….is five months a very long time from the point of view of a time lord? Or has she been missing for longer…like sometime last season?

  5. shawn
    June 4th, 2011 at 3.32pm | #5

    very good i never thought of that at all until i read ur thory its very intriging i’ll be watching out for little clues to this now

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