Rate & Discuss: The Curse of the Black Spot

May 7th, 2011
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The TARDIS is marooned onboard a 17th-century pirate ship whose crew is being attacked by a mysterious and beautiful sea creature, and the Doctor must gain the trust of the implacable Captain Avery. He must work quickly, for his friends have already fallen under the Siren’s spell…

Avast me Whovian mateys, and what do we ‘ave ‘ere!? Well, a discussion for tonight’s new episode of Doctor Who, The Curse of the Black Spot, of course! It was a case of all hands on deck in the rip-roaring adventure, as the TARDIS trio took to the high seas…

As with all good pirate stories, this episode boasted an array of sword fighting, rope swinging and plank walking. Of course, it wouldn’t be a good pirate story without a strange disturbance becalming the waters, and in this case, it was the mysterious Siren, using her enchanting beauty to mystify the ship’s crew… Well, if you’ve got it, flaunt it!

It takes a lot to make a buccaneer quiver in his boots, but with them all living in fear of the dreaded black spot, it was time to batten down the hatches, discard the bottles of rum and hoist the mizzen, as the Doctor, Amy and Rory set out to solve the mystery of the “stroppy, homicidal mermaid”. That is, if they didn’t fall under her spell themselves…

So, did the episode deliver the booty? Is a pirate’s life for you? Did it make you a Jolly Roger, or should everyone involved be made to walk the plank to be fed to the fish? Did it push the boat out? Leave YOUR mark in the comments, whether it left you feeling sea sick, chanting “Yo ho ho!”, or using your remote control as a makeshift sword! Ahoy!

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65 comments on this article
  1. PRB
    May 9th, 2011 at 10.19am | #1

    Ooh, good questions! Didn’t think of the first one, but good point. Second question: I guessed the surface had to be unbroken? Who knows?!

  2. Calli Arcale
    May 9th, 2011 at 4.26pm | #2

    Regarding the CPR, it’s interesting to mention that recent studies have found that the compressions are more important than the breaths. In Rory’s case, clearing the airway would likely have been more important — he was never once turned over onto his side to drain out the water. Then again, since he was able to talk whilst attached to the life support machines, presumably the siren took care of that at least.

    Mostly, though, I really liked seeing pirates on Doctor Who. Just sheer fun — now I must watch “Enlightenment” and “The Pirate Planet”. ;-)

  3. J Dooley
    May 9th, 2011 at 5.11pm | #3

    Katie, that is what my wife and I said to each other. Everyone went to the sick bay except Amy, the Doctor and the Captain. Why were they transported somewhere else in the ship?

  4. Calli Arcale
    May 9th, 2011 at 5.57pm | #4

    I was figuring that everybody was transported first to the same location, and then the siren moved them to the sickbay once they’d been evaluated — or maybe she had just run out of beds, and that’s why they got dumped on the floor.

  5. David RCD
    May 9th, 2011 at 8.03pm | #5

    Not as good as the first two episodes but still a very good episode. 3.5/5

  6. annie
    May 9th, 2011 at 8.35pm | #6

    @Calli Arcale
    yeah i was wondering that to but over all great episode :)

  7. Steve
    May 9th, 2011 at 10.47pm | #7

    @Calli Arcale

    I think that perhaps if they stuck around they the Siren would have eventully found them and put them in the beds, also they tried to reason with it, the other pirates would have tried to attack it, making her angrey and forcing them into the beds
    Overall great episode, good effects and camera work, really made it feel like the ship was actully at sea, for a standalone episode it was great, when you compare it with the likes of Victory of the Daleks, The Beast Below, The Vampires of Venice, it was brillent, and just what we needed after last weeks epic two parter

  8. shawn
    May 9th, 2011 at 11.23pm | #8

    i totaly agree with everything u just wrote i couldnt have wrote it better myself

  9. JC
    May 10th, 2011 at 12.49am | #9

    Scary, I agree with Steve, lol

  10. Professor Zed
    May 10th, 2011 at 1.51am | #10

    Yes, some little sticking points in the episode. The vanishing pirate, the smashed reflective surfaces that would have still been reflective regardless, the Doctor, Amy and Captain on the loose on the alien ship.

    My own biggest problem with this episode: The Doctor abandoning the TARDIS when it was acting up. Seems to me it would make much more sense for the Doctor to stick with the TARDIS in a situation like that rather than to exit and allow it to possibly go wandering off on it’s own, perhaps a billion light years away.

    One other thing I’m not certain of: Why was the Siren/EMH “human-looking”? I would think it would have looked something like however the dead horny aliens looked before they were skeltonized. That is, if those horny aliens were the originators of the ship and the Siren/EMH program. Perhaps the program running the Siren/EMH adapted. I found the scenes on the Pirate ship a tad on the boring side, but things picked up on the alien ship.

    Oh, and I like what Steve wrote above too, pertaining to the pirates attacking once on the alien ship. Good thinking!

    “Curse of the Black Spot” may have been more of a “standard” DW episode, but standard for DW is pretty high up on the scale. This episode was still miles above what is offered as entertainment on other television shows.

    REALLY looking forward to next week’s episode. Hope I don’t “over expect” too much!

  11. PRB
    May 10th, 2011 at 9.20am | #11

    Watched it again, and yeah, I really enjoyed it. I think a lot was lost in editing though. We’ll have to wait ’til the DWM Special companion to the season to find out exactly what got cut.

  12. shawn
    May 10th, 2011 at 10.21am | #12

    i thought it was good i dont think it was avrich like most people r saying it was it was what u needed after the high flyer two parter that we just had

  13. JC
    May 10th, 2011 at 3.02pm | #13

    @Professor Zed
    The Doctor did explain why it looked human, I can’t remember exactly what he said but he did say the way the Siren was in some way biological and could change the way it looked.

    I have such a bad memory

  14. Professor Zed
    May 10th, 2011 at 3.55pm | #14

    JC, you have a better memory than me! I don’t remember the Doctor saying anything like that. I’ve not watched the episode a second time. BBC America didn’t make it available ON DEMAND like they did the first two episodes. I had figured all the episodes would be available, silly me. So I didn’t record it. I’ll be watching it again next Saturday night when it repeats just prior to the newest episode.

  15. TSG
    May 10th, 2011 at 4.16pm | #15

    @Professor Zed
    Good point about the Doctor abandoning the TARDIS. Why would he do that? Not even to get to Amy and Rory surely, because he could always find them afterwards. It was just a convenient way to get rid of the TARDIS, I think.

  16. shawn
    May 10th, 2011 at 4.26pm | #16

    i always wonder about the doctor abandoning the TARDIS in the curse of the black spot ud think that staying in it would be a saver way of solving the problem but then again it wouldnt be doctor who if they didnt make things complicated so he had to solve it without the TARDIS good to see he found it again in the sick bay room lol

  17. Shelly
    May 10th, 2011 at 5.02pm | #17

    I found the episode somewhat disappointing. I didn’t like the Doctor abandoning the TARDIS but the CPR was what frustrated me more. I know Rory wanted Amy to do it but if I had been in Amy’s place and it was my husband lying there, the Doctor would have been told to help! It also didn’t feel very IC for him to sit by and not try to assist. Finally, what happened to the TARDIS’ medical bay? Surely there’s equipment there to revive Rory.
    It felt a lot like an old Tom Baker (not in a good way) – let’s run over here, then over there, then back over here, apparently accomplishing nothing the entire time.
    The trouble with Moffat starting us out with such suspenseful stuff as in the Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon is now we want more clues about what’s happening THERE and have less patience with episodes which don’t appear to relate to that mystery.

  18. Utnapishtim
    May 10th, 2011 at 8.35pm | #18

    @Professor Zed
    The doctor mentioned that the hologram took on the genetic makeup of the patients – I’m paraphrasing here obviously!

  19. elena
    May 10th, 2011 at 9.14pm | #19

    i must admit, the doctor did act rather strange and aloose when rory was being ressusated, i mean even when amy was still trying he offered her comfort(patting her on the back) as though he already thought there was no hope, also when rory woke up did you see how the doctor reacted!? he like got up and looked very weird? i reccommend you watch that scene again and then you’ll know what i mean…

  20. shawn
    May 10th, 2011 at 10.10pm | #20

    i noticed that aswell i wonder whats goin on there with the doctor i think he nos something the others dont

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