Rate & Discuss: The Curse of the Black Spot

May 7th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The TARDIS is marooned onboard a 17th-century pirate ship whose crew is being attacked by a mysterious and beautiful sea creature, and the Doctor must gain the trust of the implacable Captain Avery. He must work quickly, for his friends have already fallen under the Siren’s spell…

Avast me Whovian mateys, and what do we ‘ave ‘ere!? Well, a discussion for tonight’s new episode of Doctor Who, The Curse of the Black Spot, of course! It was a case of all hands on deck in the rip-roaring adventure, as the TARDIS trio took to the high seas…

As with all good pirate stories, this episode boasted an array of sword fighting, rope swinging and plank walking. Of course, it wouldn’t be a good pirate story without a strange disturbance becalming the waters, and in this case, it was the mysterious Siren, using her enchanting beauty to mystify the ship’s crew… Well, if you’ve got it, flaunt it!

It takes a lot to make a buccaneer quiver in his boots, but with them all living in fear of the dreaded black spot, it was time to batten down the hatches, discard the bottles of rum and hoist the mizzen, as the Doctor, Amy and Rory set out to solve the mystery of the “stroppy, homicidal mermaid”. That is, if they didn’t fall under her spell themselves…

So, did the episode deliver the booty? Is a pirate’s life for you? Did it make you a Jolly Roger, or should everyone involved be made to walk the plank to be fed to the fish? Did it push the boat out? Leave YOUR mark in the comments, whether it left you feeling sea sick, chanting “Yo ho ho!”, or using your remote control as a makeshift sword! Ahoy!

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68 comments on this article
  1. JC
    May 11th, 2011 at 3.24am | #1

    It probably doesn’t mean anything, but the Doctor says “our planet” when he says that a human virus killed the aliens on the ship, “a human virus from our planet”.

    Probably over sensitive to things now, lol

  2. bobdog
    May 11th, 2011 at 11.25am | #2

    I agree, it is frustrating, but we now get some new mysteries to think about as well – the 2 universes/ships/amys, and we now know that the eyepatch lady is important…

  3. shawn
    May 11th, 2011 at 3.25pm | #3

    i just want to know who the eye patch lady koviran really is i think its a lot more than the midwife thory

  4. David
    May 11th, 2011 at 9.29pm | #4

    As many have said, it was ok. Enjoyable, yet slightly insubstantial Saturday evening romp, series filler, nothing to write home about, probably not an ep I will be eager to re-watch…

    All of the above :)

  5. shawn
    May 11th, 2011 at 11.06pm | #5

    i didnt watch the repeate and i wont be watching the repeate on friday it wasnt my sort of eipesode it was good but not brilliant

  6. Calli Arcale
    May 12th, 2011 at 3.12pm | #6


    That’s an interesting point about the Doctor being kind of aloof when Amy was resuscitating Rory. Another interesting thing, perhaps related (unless we’re overanalyzing this :-D ) is that Rory didn’t start breathing again until after Amy gave up on the CPR. Now, they may just have done a typical movie-style screwup of how this all normally works, or maybe there’s something else going on. (Not another Bad Wolf, I hope. That sort of thing can really only be done once on a show.)

    Now, perhaps the Doctor was aloof because he’s not very good at comforting people. (And honestly, he really isn’t. He gets all awkward and often tries to get out of the situation as fast as possible.) Maybe he knew Amy’s chances were poor, but didn’t want to go against Rory’s wishes by doing the CPR himself and letting Amy take credit. (Though you’d think the TARDIS would have at least an ambi-bag somewhere, or even more sophisticated resuscitation devices. It *used* to have a sickbay at least.) So he distanced himself, and then backed off when he thought Rory was dead. But then Rory wasn’t dead, and the Doctor stayed aloof because he needed time to process the situation.

    Yeah…and then didn’t he go right away to the scanner to check on Amy’s quantum pregnancy? Something isn’t right, and the Doctor knows it, but doesn’t want to tell his companions. Secrets tend to make people aloof. Everybody is keeping really big secrets in the TARDIS now, so it’s going to be an interesting season. I wonder if the sheer normalcy of this episode isn’t deceptive. It may be more important than we think.

    (I suddenly remember the Babylon 5 episode “Interludes and Examinations”, which had such an innocuous name, and started out so simply, but ended up having massive, game-altering events in it.)

  7. Katie
    May 12th, 2011 at 6.24pm | #7

    @Calli Arcale
    I think the reason the Doctor didnt help was the fact that Amy had signed the contract given by the Siren saying she would look after him and be responsible, if the Doctor interuppted then it would have broken the contract

  8. shawn
    May 14th, 2011 at 12.12am | #8

    @Calli Arcale
    the point u made about u can only do the bad wolf arc once in the show is not strictly true cos they did simalar things with the torchwood arc in series 2 mr harold saxon r mr saxson arc for series 3 and the planets dissappering for the series 4 arc and the 2010 speacials he will knock 4 times arc for tennets last days they r all the same type of story arcs as bad wolf they just use a different word r words and way to go about it even the cracks and the silence will fall arc i think is simalar toorchwood and mr saxon story archs would be the closest to the bad wolf style arcs with words following the companions in each series except torchwood as it was mentioned by the ann droid in series 1 fanile for the first time ever as russle t davis had the idea for the torchwood arc for series 2 when he was doin series 1 when it was an answer to a weakest leak game show

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