Rate & Discuss: A Good Man Goes to War
In her cell in Stormcage, River Song sadly acknowledges that the time has come at last – today will mark the Battle of Demons Run and the Doctor’s darkest hour. Both sides will make their sacrifices and River Song must finally reveal her most closely guarded secret to the Doctor.
Well, there we have it! The first half of Series 6 has reached its mind-blowing conclusion. There were twists and turns waiting around every corner, but did it live up to the hype?
Tonight’s epic episode has undoubtedly been one of the most highly anticipated of recent years, and, what with the return of several monsters, the culmination of various ongoing plot threads, plus the long awaited reveal of River Song and the fact that it was our last dose of the Doctor until the autumn, you can see why it had so much riding on its back!
Responsible for delivering the goods was Steven Moffat, the man universally acclaimed for his time and space defying brain. He had lots to get through in the mid-series finale, and from start to finish, the story went by at rocket speed, as the Doctor and Rory the Roman raced across galaxies and River acknowledged that her time had come at last…
For poor Amy, it was an emotional rollercoaster at the hands of Madame Kovarian, while all around them the Doctor’s enemies lay a carefully concealed trap as he called in long held debts and solemnly given promises. Both sides made sacrifices, but was it worth it?
We’ve had some exhilarating cliffhangers this series, and this one was no exception, but we’re now left to twiddle our thumbs until the autumn. Among all the shock revelations and surprises that hit us in tonight’s episode, we’ve been given plenty to think about until our heroes return, most notably River Song, whose true identity has at long last hit the airwaves. Was her secret the pay off we’d been promised? Were your theories right?
So, did you love it or loathe it? Were you blown away by the suspense and danger, or was Steven Moffat’s storytelling just too much to take in? The comments are waiting…
Please don’t read the comments if you haven’t yet seen the episode. Spoilers!
Rory is not a wimp hes been nothing but brave since he first came on screen.Hes had a fight with a vampire fish,hit an old lady alien with a stick, waited for 1000s of years guarding the pandorica waiting for his loved one (AMY),plus he died twice and now his wife and baby has been taken away, i think hes maybe a bit mad,he will be raging doing anything he can for them.On the subject Amy how can you be bored of her, just because in this episode it is not all action and Amy is sad and confused.huh i understand some of your negative coments but the rest i try to understand but im sorry i cant!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Patrick Your very much wrong. I love Doctor Who. This is not Doctor Who, it is a soap opera with poor story lines and bad actors. Matt Smith is great but is let down by 2 appalling bad companions. I have never forgotten that Doctor Who is a FAMILY programme and not a “kids” programme as you would believe. There is nothing wrong with the series becoming darker, if it is for the right reason. I used to hate RTD marmite writing but in retrospect at least it run with some elements of the Doctor Who concept.
I would like to point out that this is a ” Rate & Discuss” forum and both sides should be put forward. I want to see Doctor Who pass it’s 50th anniversary but the BBC have dumped Doctor Who before and will do it again if the ratings fall.
I’m afraid I completely disagree; in fact, I’m pretty astonished anyone can call Rory and Amy “appalling” and the storylines “poor”. I think Doctor Who’s as popular as ever, and rightly so. But as you say, it’s ‘Rate and Discuss.’
Let’s keep it a bit lighter though: we’re all here because we love Who.
“…hit an old lady alien with a stick…” Hahaha. Sorry, but that’s a great way to put it. I agree with you completely by the way.
the series becoming much much more darker is the only main problem ive got the other problems r just small trivel things but the darker who is a bit annoying to my every eipisode bar a couple seems to be in nite time but all in all its a good show
I agree,we are all here because we love doctor who!
id like to see you acting they are both amazing actors karen gillan is a bit better than maybe arthur.I love acting.
im 12 ive worked at a jail as a child actor.Its hard and they do it very well.Not just anyone can go audition you need an agent and in order for an agent you need to audition for that.It is very dificult to get to be doctor who or companion! How could you slag off there acting
if you dont like doctor who then why are you on a FAN website which is for FANS
I hope Amy,Rory and River will be back in the next series.
I actually would love to be an extra on Doctor Who or just have a cameo/appear in Doctor Who just to meet Karen though I’m meeting her at the London Film and Comic Con. Do you need an agent for that?
I thought it was a mixed bag but over all a disappointment. I have high hopes for the second half and saw that there are currently people writing the next season so Im excited that there will be a next season and am looking forward to a new companion.
im happy that there is goin to be a next series as well i think doctor who is save at lest till the 50th anniversary in 2013
I agree with annie and PRB, Karen and Arthur are really good at portraying Amy and Rory. I absolutely adore Rory, I think how Arthur has made him a bit less of a companion of the Dr. So that Amy WEARS the trousers in their relationship is adorable. But Rory was amazing in this ep just for the fact he was forceful for once and became the hero
There is a lot more to explain about River/Melody yet.. maybe in the future series we’ll get to see a younger River in the TARDIS with the Dr. as a companion, that’d be cool.
Although I agree, but just because theyve starred in a great show, dosent necessarily mean theyr great actors…
@annie If you are 12, which i doubt, then you should understand that not everybody will like every actor. Doctor Who as a series has a very impressive array of actors who have made fantastic impacts on the series. The most noticeable was the very brilliant Elizabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith. As for your aggressively rude comment about not like the show, I have previously pointed out and seem to have to do this again, I love Doctor Who. Big Finish produce the most incredible plays which showcase Doctor Who as it is meant to be. Fun, Sci Fi. enjoyable adventures. Doctor Who on the BBC is wrapped up in soap opera stories lines underlined with convoluted plot lines that are running over more than one season. As, you claim, you are 12, I mean that you can pick up most of the Audio Plays from Big Finish and enjoy the adventure. With the latest series, you have to see the whole series to understand what is going on. My feeling is that if I want to see stories lines where people are pregnant or have relationships, I will watch Coronation Street or Eastenders. Doctor Who does not need this sort of plot line to be entertaining.
I agree, Patrick. Amy Pond is one of my favorite companions as well – she’s up there with Sarah Jane and Romana II. Her facial expressions alone are tremendous and her interaction with the Doctor are complex and beautifully presented.
I have to disagree on Amy Pond. Although I appreciate how much Karen has really grown this season as an actress the character of Amy is my least favorite companion to date. She is my daughter’s second favorite and so it’s just a matter of tatse.
My mind has been blown. I’m really going to hate Moffat until September. I really can’t wait for this series soundtrack comes out. The music playing when we find out who river is, gives me chills. I am curious as to what is going to happen. If they find Melody, then what? There are still 5 more episodes after the newest one in the fall…Grrrr I just cant wait to see what happens.
Melody’s timelord DNA would be because of the exposure to the time vortex.
But this pregnancy storyline was so much more than it is in EE and Coronation St. This pregnancy revealed that River was Amy and Rory’s daughter but with part time lord dna because Amy was pregnant in the TARDIS for some of it and she correctly stated that it would have an affect. The affect was that River was part time lord (well lady). The storyline wouldn’t have worked out if Amy wasn’t pregnant at all.