Two new teaser trailers, synopsis for Web of Lies

Starz have today released two teaser trailers and an official synopsis for Web of Lies, the new Torchwood app-based web spin off which will run parallel to the new TV series.
You can get hold of the first part of the motion comic series, which is written by Jane Espenson and Ryan Scott, for free from the iTunes App Store, while subsequent instalments will be available to purchase in packs of 3 for 59p, or in a special bundle for £1.79. Instalments will be released weekly after each new episode of Miracle Day.
Just because you’re paranoid, it doesn’t mean they are not out to get you. Conspiracy theorist Miles Mokri is shot on the very best day to be shot: Miracle Day. He doesn’t die, but he is silenced, and his survivors are left only with the cryptic clues he left behind…
His sister Holly and friend Nick team up to decipher the clues and to find out what Miles knew about a mysterious “Key,” one of the secrets of Miracle Day. During the frantic search for the Key, Holly, a cancer survivor, is faced with new enemies, betrayals, and mysterious references to something called “Torchwood.” By the time she uncovers the Key, she’s learned something about it that may just change her mind about everything.
In a parallel story, back in 2007, Gwen and Captain Jack live out a harrowing “missing day” that fills in a missing chapter in the history of the Miracle that changed humanity…
Keep up to date with all the Miracle Day developments at our Torchwood site!
Do I want to pay for this? I have to say, if they hadn’t included Jack and Gwen, then no, I wouldn’t. It would have seemed too dispensable, too superfluous. As it is, I think I will download this.
Ooh! Could this “missing day” be the story of Torchwood’s struggle to find Captain Jack after End of Days?
I really like how they created these short video’s.
The day that Jack wasn’t there to help.