First two Adventure Games launched worldwide

The first two Doctor Who Adventure Games have been officially launched internationally.
City of the Daleks and Blood of the Cybermen – both written by Phil Ford – can now be purchased ,exclusively from Direct2Drive, for a special bundle price of $6.99. The remaining two episodes will also be available to buy on the retail game site for a small fee shortly after their respective UK releases. The games are currently being showcased at this year’s San Diego Comic Con.
City of the Daleks sees the Doctor and Amy face the dreaded Daleks as their latest scheme threatens to wipe out virtually every human in existence, while, in Blood of the Cybermen, our heroes arrive in the Arctic, where something that has been waiting under the ice for thousands of years turn members of a survey team from flesh to metal.
Don’t forget that once you’ve played the games you can share your thoughts with WhovianNet! Did you enjoy being the Doctor? Use the links below to have your say!
I’d feel a bit cheated if I lived in the USA right now.