Sheridan Smith “hotly tipped” to be 12th Doctor?

June 18th, 2013
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Sheridan Smith is “hotly tipped” to be chosen as the Twelfth Doctor as the rumours of a female incarnation continue.

According to the Daily Star the actress, who has previously said it’s her “dream” to play the Time Lord’s companion, is the BBC’s “perfect” candidate to step into the role when Matt Smith regenerates in this year’s Christmas Special.

“Sheridan’s popularity is at an all-time high,” a source said. “There’s a feeling the next Doctor should be a woman.”

They’ve added: “So the producers are planning to put a lot of effort into convincing her.”

Actress Helen Mirren has recently insisted it is “absolutely time” for a female Doctor.

Sheridan is no stranger to the Doctor Who universe. She played Lucie Miller, companion to the Eighth Doctor in Big Finish’s audio adventures but would she make a good Doctor?

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12 comments on this article
  1. Doctor Marik
    June 19th, 2013 at 12.21am | #1

    No no no, a thousand times no! I’ll admit, that I have nothing against this actress or any other actress that wants to play the role, heck I’m sure that she and man other females are more than qualified but I really don’t think that the Doctor should be a female at all, it just wouldn’t make sense for him to have been a man for his last 10 (11 maybe?) regeneration a and then suddenly he’s suddenly a she. Story wise, I just don’t think it makes any sense to change his gender.

  2. docgirl23
    June 19th, 2013 at 12.57am | #2

    He could have a sudden gender swap due to an illness or something. That would be funny to see him swap from male to female back to male and then suddenly female again lol. But once it was sorted he should stay male. I’ve got othing against female actresses at all. I just feel that The Doctor should remain a male

  3. Freddy Jones
    June 19th, 2013 at 2.57am | #3

    And while we’re at it, let’s have Billie Piper back as the 13th Doctor! And Cathrine Tate as the 14th!
    God’s sake…

  4. Steve
    June 19th, 2013 at 7.33am | #4

    I always think it is hilarious when paper don’t get their facts right! Sheridan was the Doctor’s companion for 4 years and the chemistry between Paul McGann and Sheridan was a damn sight better than Matt Smith and KG!!!

  5. joshrr
    June 19th, 2013 at 7.49am | #5

    MMhh. I know I have made myself very clear about what I think of a female Doctor Who (Shiver) But this rumour of Sheridan Smith as the Doctor doesnt scare me as such. I’m a big fan of her work on Big Finish as the Brilliant Lucie Miller. She’s cool and quirky. But still, I would rather the Doctor stay male.
    However, I would love Sheridan to appear on Doctor Who, maybe even apear as Lucie Miller in a flashback, so this shows the Audio drama’s are in the same continutie as the T.V show.

  6. Freddy Jones
    June 19th, 2013 at 1.05pm | #6

    Unfortunately, that would raise some licensing issues.

  7. joshrr
    June 19th, 2013 at 5.00pm | #7

    @Freddy Jones
    Ah yes it would. Well I would love her to appear on Doctor Who anyway as either a returning character or a special quest star.

  8. JC
    June 19th, 2013 at 5.21pm | #8

    I’ve never been interested in the Big Finish productions and consider them non-canon.

    Whilst I want a white male actor to take the part, if the 12th Doctor were to be female, Sheridan Smith would likely not even make my prefered list of actors. I can appreciate she has her fans, but I’ve seen enough of her in other things to know I really don’t like her and that were she to be the Doctor, she’d grate on my last nerve.

    Another of tens of rumours. Guest star on one or two episodes, ok but as a Companion or more, no, not for me.

  9. Steve
    June 19th, 2013 at 10.14pm | #9

    @Freddy Jones A licence extended by…. the BBC!!!! Ph dear!

  10. the other guy
    June 20th, 2013 at 2.30am | #10

    Just now read on E! Online that “daniel radcliff has turned down doctor who”. That being said it didn’t say guest spot, doctor character or what. There were in fact a lot of negative comments on him of negative comments on him actually being the Doctor. Just a little FYI.

  11. TWWL
    June 20th, 2013 at 9.57am | #11

    Yeah, she’s, obviously, not going to be The Doctor.

  12. TWWL
    June 20th, 2013 at 9.59am | #12

    Not enough exclamation marks there, Steve; five minimum from now on lease.

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