It’s the Most Who-nderful Time of the Year!

Well, it’s that time of the year, where we make ourselves sick eating Christmas food whilst watching the Doctor Who Christmas special. When I was asked to write about a Doctor Who special, I was spoilt for choice. Killer Clauses, troublesome Christmas trees and dangerous space sharks – the possibilities are endless.
Christmas 2005 saw the arrival of the tenth Doctor played by David Tennant. Although taking a nap for half of the episode, this episode was a great Christmas special and a great introduction for the new Doctor who would soon become famous for his iconic trench coat and converse. His appearance is highlighted towards the end of episode after a good old cup of tea, where he – of course – saves the planet. Although the hero of the hour, we learn that although he wears a new face, the anger from the ninth regeneration of the Doctor is very much alive as he denies the Sycorax a “second chance.” This episode was a great start to the tenth Doctor’s adventure, but sadly an end for the the big ears that was nine.
Not only were we introduced to the new regeneration of the Doctor, we were introduced to killer Christmas trees – much to Jackie Tyler’s horror. Luckily, The Doctor wakes up from his nap ready to stop it with his trusted screwdriver informing his friends that his energy from his regeneration was attracting unwanted attention. Not only did we have murderous Christmas trees, we also had dodgy Santas. Armed with their weapons of mass destruction – a trombone – the not so jolly Santa Clauses attacked Rose and Mickey. It was clear by this point that something was definitely out to get The Doctor and unfortunately the Christmas spirit was something they were using to their advantage.
By the end of the episode, the tenth Doctor sends the Sycorax back taking their word that they will never return. However, Prime Minister Harriet Jones, refuses to take their word and gives the order for their spacecraft to be destroyed. Although a few moments ago we saw a more comical and charismatic side to The Doctor, we see his anger towards Harriet Jones as he ensures her her career will come to an end with six words. The episode comes to a close with The Doctor in his famous trench coat and converse eating a Christmas dinner with Rose, Jackie and Mickey. The very end of the episode shows The Doctor and Rose planning their route into the snowy sky – ending the episode in the true Christmas spirit!
So from I and the rest of the WhovianNet team, we wish you a merry Christmas and most probably a heart breaking Doctor Who Christmas special!
Written by Sophie Reynolds
There are some grammatical mistakes…none the less a wonderful piece of writing…I wish it could’ve been a tad longer and maybe add your own experience…to the festive mood whether it’d be funny or serious.
Wishing you a Happy Christmas.