NTAs: David awarded Best Drama Peformance!

January 20th, 2010

david-tennant-2010David Tennant has recieved the gong for the Best Drama Peformance at the 15th National Television Awards!

Voting has been open all month and the actor faced competition from David Jason (A Touch of Frost), David Threlfall (Shameless) and Philip Glenister (Ashes to Ashes). But it’s his acclaimed portrayal of the Tenth Doctor in Doctor Who that’s taking home the prestigious title for the fourth year in a row!

“Ooh, what a thing! Thank you so much,” he said. “The whole thing exceeded my expectations, and that’s due to no small part to the incredible audience we’ve enjoyed. Thank you for watching, thank you for tuning in.”

He added: ”The great joy for me is that the show goes on now, and it’s going to be fantastic and I can’t wait. I’ve had a blast!” Congratulations, David! You’ll be sorely missed!

Earlier tonight Doctor Who was named the Most Popular Drama series.

14 comments on this article
  1. pirko
    January 20th, 2010 at 9.55pm | #1

    Very well done david! Ive just watched his acceptance speech. He was a huge part of the series and he deserves the award tonight

  2. David
    January 20th, 2010 at 10.00pm | #2

    What an ambassador DT has been for DW. He so deserved this award. And giving props to the new team – brilliant! The regeneration still gets me everytime – it’s the eyes, I think! Anyway… well done David!

  3. David Fox
    January 20th, 2010 at 10.57pm | #3


  4. Steve
    January 21st, 2010 at 12.32am | #4

    David :
    What an ambassador DT has been for DW. He so deserved this award. And giving props to the new team – brilliant! The regeneration still gets me everytime – it’s the eyes, I think! Anyway… well done David!

    It boils my blood when people make this stupid claim. What exactly has David Tennant done for a show that has been running successfully since 1963 (even with the break between 1989-1996 and 1996-2005). Is he the savour? An ‘ambassador’. Has he single handedly saved a show that owes so much to people like Verity Lambert, Sydney Newman, William Hartnell, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker even. He is one in a long line of Actors to play the part. Some well, some not. He has done a lot to help reduce a once noble character into a snogging monster. Not one of his companions has got away without a snog. It lowers the tone of the program. As for the regeneration, lets face it, he did an excellent impression of someone throwing the doll out of the pram. How did it go? Oh yes….. He gets swamped with radiation, goes around to meet all his previous companions, gets a lottery ticket, meets Rose…again! Staggers into the TARDIS cries like a baby and blows up the ship. Compare that to the brilliant way the Peter Davison/Colin Baker regeneration was handle. The Doctor, infected with a lethal disease, uses the last of the antidote to save his companion and then dies. He does not go, “Hang on, just popping off to see Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, oh and give me a quick one while I pass by”

  5. David
    January 21st, 2010 at 7.49am | #5

    I think you should calm down before you blow a fuse – my comment ISN’T a “claim”, stupid or otherwise, it’s MY point of view, just as your rambling post is yours.@Steve

  6. Steve
    January 21st, 2010 at 12.43pm | #6

    It’s not a ramble, it’s fact. I think you should re-read your post and put mine into context. I noticed you have not backed up your post in anyway.

  7. Sam
    January 21st, 2010 at 4.54pm | #7

    Congratulations,David! :) We all knew you where going to win anyway ! :D

  8. The-OncomingStorm
    January 21st, 2010 at 5.51pm | #8

    For some people, David Tennant really has made Doctor Who special, and that has to be respected. Not everybody watched the older series, and we all have our favourites, so it’s not really worth arguing over. It’s all a matter of opinion.

    Anyway, well done Doctor Who and David Tennant. I wooped when they both won :)

  9. David
    January 21st, 2010 at 11.58pm | #9

    I don’t need to re-read my post, I stand by every word. I don’t feel the need to back it up either with reams of facts – we are all very aware of the show’s success on various platforms over the past four years – it’s been excellently documented here, let alone almost everywhere else. I’ve been a viewer and fan of DW since 1976, and Tom Baker is my favourite Doctor, and yet I still think that Tennant has been one of the best things to happen to Who – not all of his episodes have been great, I agree, but many have and he has done the show nothing but good, with a great future ahead. @Steve

  10. Steve
    January 22nd, 2010 at 6.43pm | #10

    “the show’s success on various platforms over the past four years”? Only the past 4 years. All down to David Tennant? What an Ambassador he is. Lets all bow down to this Superman without whom the show would have died. Lets forget about Chris Eccleson, whom DT owes this success! DT is not an ambassador in anyway. He is an actor who took on a role, that 11 actors have played previously.
    Lets also examine that childishness that the BBC have played on with ITV’s success with Coronation Street. When the shoe was on other foot, the BBC played down the drive by certain websites to encourage Doctor Who votes.
    To be honest, I am glad to see the back of David Tennant now, his childish, snogger Doctor has gone. Another actor has come into the show and I hope he will show that Doctor Who is not David Tennant!

  11. ChildofTime
    January 22nd, 2010 at 9.04pm | #11

    YOU should re-read your posts Steve…
    “…is an actor who took on a role, that 11 actors have played previously.” Before David Tenannt started, only 9 actors had played the part! Get your facts right and correct your grammar BEFORE you go starting any arguments…

  12. Mass
    January 22nd, 2010 at 10.01pm | #12

    Technically, 11 actors have played the role.

    The First Doctor was portrayed by a different actor in The Five Doctors, and for a while Richard E Grant was the official 9th Doctor on the BBCi animations.

  13. Steve
    January 23rd, 2010 at 11.20am | #13


    Actually, I was refering to this list –
    William Hartnell – The Original
    Patrick Troughton – Number 2
    Jon Pertwee – Number 3
    Tom Baker – Number 4
    Peter Davison – Number 5
    Richard Hurndall – Number 1 (The Five Doctors)
    Colin Baker – Number 6
    Michael Jayston – The Valeyard (revealed to be the Doctor at the end of Trial of a Timelord)
    Sly McCoy – Number 7
    Paul McGann – Number 8
    Chris Eccelson – Number 9
    David Tennant – Number 10
    Making 12 actors playing the part on TV.

    Check it out, you will find these facts are correct. So, please “Get your facts right a BEFORE you go accusing any one of not getting the facts right.”

  14. David
    January 23rd, 2010 at 11.24am | #14

    I said “the past four years” because you mentioned I hadn’t “backed up my post” about David Tennant. What would be the point of mentioning anything prior to the four years David Tennant was in the show to back up a post about David Tennant’s time on the show?

    Ambassador: An unofficial representative; a spokesperson.

    Looks like we will have to agree to differ. You think my point of view/opinion is “stupid” and I think yours, that David Tennant hasn’t been, at least, partly responsible for Who being as popular and successful as it has ever been, vaguely “ludicrous”.

    PS. A snogger Doctor? You are really that bothered with a few seconds of kissing from 47 episodes? Eccleston “snogged” Rose and Captain Jack too.@Steve

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