Rate & Discuss: Vincent and the Doctor

June 5th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Terror lurks in the cornfields of Provence, but only a sad and lonely painter can see it. Amy Pond finds herself shoulder to shoulder with Vincent Van Gogh, in a battle with a deadly alien.

After the previous action-packed Silurian two-parter, you would think a nice visit to the peaceful Provencal countryside would be just what the doctor ordered. A sunbathing siesta was strictly off the cards, however, all thanks to the deadly danger lurking in the cornfields of Southern France. But where there’s a will, there’s a Vincent Van Gogh!

Of course, the Doctor’s encounters with famous historical figures have never been an easy ride (see Series 3’s The Shakespeare Code!), and this was definitely a case in point in tonight’s poignant adventure, as our time-travelling heroes embarked on an emotional rollercoaster of epic proportions.

Penned by Richard Curtis, the story featured the usual array of laughs, love and emotion the Love Actually writer is acclaimed for. But, being one of the most anticipated of the new series so far, did it suceed in delivering the goods? Did Van Gogh’s struggle tug at your heartstrings, or were you disappointed with the painter’s portrayal? Will it easel-y become a classic, or would you rather watch paint dry than sit through it again? Let us know by sharing your thoughts and rating the episode below and in our poll!

Oh, and for those of you who were wondering, the song in the final scenes was ‘Chances’ by Athlete!

If I had the chance to start again, then you would be the one I’d come and find“.

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26 comments on this article
  1. dorian
    June 6th, 2010 at 2.44pm | #1

    I have just watched last night episode and I loved it the story was great the acting was realy good I even liked mats acting he was able in this episode to show some real emotions both with word’s and faceial expessions some thing till now he has been lacking well done.

    Rchiard Curtis writeing was great there was the alien which you have to have but there also was a great story tyo go with it and at the end the alien dieing was not the usual hurray that you normaly feel but as others have said a little sadness, How well writen this was you felt more for the death of one alien that you/I need for Roy when he died and how many episodes was he in to the one of the alien great writeing.

    And the best bit about this was no dam great big crack that i could see.

  2. pirko
    June 6th, 2010 at 4.06pm | #2

    An amazing episode last night. Joyous, sad and brilliantly written. It was really unusual though seeing the BBC Helpline after the show but i suppose that went down to the fact that the episode went over depression and suicide

  3. Laurie
    June 6th, 2010 at 4.26pm | #3

    I loved this episode.
    Great acting from all actors, but again, especially from Matt Smith who gets close to the fantastic David Tennangt with each episode, in my opinion.

    It was a darker episode, but not in the usual way. Just amazig,really deep going and a perfect story-telling.

    One of my favourites from all the new seasons.

  4. Marcus
    June 7th, 2010 at 12.51pm | #4

    Most emotional episode yet. I liked how they’ve finally shown the historical figure just how famous they became (should have done the same with Agatha Christie). DID ANYONE SEE A CYBERMAN ON VINCENT’S CANVAS AFTER THE DOCTOR ENTERED THE CHURCH?????

  5. Professor Zed
    June 8th, 2010 at 3.58am | #5

    Marcus: I see what you mean about the Cyberman on Vincent’s canvas. Earlier, when the Doctor is still aside Vincent outside the church, a “face” is more evident. It actually looks a little bit like Omega’s mask, even. However, it’s simply the beginning strokes of the top of the church. (It’s fun to spot faces in different things though!)

  6. Steve
    June 8th, 2010 at 8.48am | #6

    best episode of the series so far!
    In fact best episode of doctor who ever
    I hope that the show continutes in this format

    next episode looks weird though :S

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