Torchwood’s Series 4 title revealed?

The title of the fourth series of Torchwood has reportedly been revealed!
According to an article posted on the Televisionary Blog, the new series will be called Torchwood: The New World, and, in a similiar fashion to last year’s Children of Earth, the 10 episodes will make up one story which Russell T Davies has promised will reach a “most remarkable conclusion”. Yesterday its list of writers was seemingly confirmed by The Chicago Tribune.
What do you think of the proposed title? Feel free to post your thoughts below!
The new series of Torchwood begins filming in the UK and the US at the start of 2011.
Like it, although there seems to be something quite American about the title, and I can’t place what it is… Still, it sounds good, along with the list of writers.
I’m quite looking forward to the possibility of an RTD Torchwood finale, if his previous Torchwood episodes are anything to go by.
New world? A parallel world?
Or they’re brought back to the start of America.
The New World – America’s traditional name. Oh, please let’s not abandon Cardiff entirely! As for a 10-ep, arcing series, well I don’t see why not.
I don’t get the anti-American vibe I get from some comments about the new series, it’s odd.
Neither do I. The hub wasn’t a very well kept secret anyway. Rebuilding it in the same spot after it blew up all over everyone defeats the purpose of having a secret base, in my opinion.
It’s probably because American networks have a bad habit of “re-making” British shows and they’re usually pretty horrible.
But I agree with you, especially because RTD is still in charge, and what’s left of the original cast will be involved. It’s still Torchwood. There’s really no reason to think this new season will be worse just because there are more Americans involved.
Wow, sounds brilliant! Can’t wait!!
sounds epic…but im not going to judge it until i watch it
That’s usually the best way, yeah.
I think the titles sounds brilliant and very true as it is (in a way) a new series, with new members. To be honest titles don’t mean very much. I.E last year I wasnt that fussed on the CHILDREN OF EARTH title but the story turned out to be amazing so I feel the same will go for this.
More importantly: are we getting stand-alone episode titles, or will they be Part One, Part Two, Part Three etc.?
I don’t think I’m anti-American, per se, just anti-taking-Torchwood-away-from-Cardiff-which-was-such-a-major-part-of-its-charm and that’s far too many hyphens for one sentence. It’s also slightly irrational, bearing in mind how little of CoE was actually based in Cardiff. Still, rational thinking is overrated.
why another series called the new world like children of earth, any way i hope the 456 would come back, not in this series but in series 5 (if there will be a 5th series)i hope the weevils return but if there worldwide maybe not.