Silences, Rivers and Songs – Series 6 discussion

It was in The Eleventh Hour we were first told of the mysterious silence, but we’re still no closer to finding out what it is, or, more importantly, what’s behind it…
Steven Moffat has promised us that all of our questions will be answered in Series 6, and we’ve been left with plenty of clues to dissect until it hits our screens! What ominous figure could possibly blow up the TARDIS, and what could be their motives for doing it? We’ve also heard what’s seemingly their voice – does it sound at all familiar?
Could it have anything to do with River Song, who’s identity we’ll also discover next year? In The Big Bang she told the Doctor that everything will change when he finally learns who she is – not the most inviting of prophecies, and we’re sure you’ve all got your own weird and wonderful theories whizzing aimlessly through your Doctor Who obsessed minds. So, it’s about time we gave you somewhere to share them, isn’t it?
Feel free to speculate the remaining nights until Christmas away on this post, a link to which will be posted on the sidebar so you can check back to see what our other visitors make of this ever-growing series arc. People say silence is a virtue, but something tells us things will be far from virtuous for the Doctor when this particular one takes over…
You should probably punctuate more, you’re very difficult to read!
I’m definately going with the Dreamlord/’Lodger’ Tardis/two Doctors theories… The Valeyard perhaps?
There’s been a lot of hints about duplication aswell… there’s already been two doctors (the doctor travelling back through his own unravelling timeline), plus all the ‘I’ll hold you personally responsible – twice’ and similar lines.
I’m going for evil Doctor. Anti-Doctor. Darkside Doctor. Valeyard.
Perhaps River Song first met the “Dream Lord/Valeyard” version of the Doctor and fell in love with him. The Valeyard-Doctor would have had no problem being “wicked in love/lust” with River Song and would even have gone ahead and told her his real name.
Perhaps River Song has been and is working for the Valeyard-Doctor.
After The DreamLord/Valeyard-Doctor was defeated from building his own TARDIS in “The Lodger”, he re-located to the top of Amelia Pond’s home.
Maybe River Song was attempting to return to the Valeyard-Doctor back at the non-existent third-floor of Amelia’s 2-story house in the concluding moments of “Pandorica Opens”. Then, when she messed up, she tried to move the TARDIS to that third floor, but ended up exploding the TARDIS – getting locked into a time-loop. When she spoke the words, “Sorry, my love” (or whatever exactly she said) perhaps she was speaking it to the Doctor – yes. But not the good Doctor. She was speaking it to the Valeyard-Doctor. She messed up the Valeyard-Doctor’s entire plan. Perhaps she’ll later kill the Valeyard-Doctor and go to prison for it!
Oh, such a conspiracy!
i though the tardis blowed itself up by itself or when i watched the episode was i totally wrong, couz thats what my sister and her friends r going on about. i’m 13 and i’m quite forgetful i forgot who martha was for a few minutes once my sister nearly killed me…
ugh just realised
itself up by itself
ugh well it is 3 am in the morning :]
River killing an alternate Doctor? Ooh, that would be very very very interesting. I’m now thinking back to all the split/two Doctor references and there are quite a few, aren’t there? Even just with the messing of timelines in TPO/TBB.
And those stairs in Amy’s house – very good point. Unless we really are overanalysing and they just go to the attic.
@Professor Zed
Gosh, that’s a very coherent conspiracy. That’s… that’s… that’s plausible. And I so want it not to be true, just because I like River!! I don’t want her to be working with the Valeyard, unless she very soon realises her mistake and turns to the good side. Still, it works as a plotline.
The Dreamlord may already have a TARDIS.
He said that the dreams he put the Doctor, Amy and Rory in were taken from their own imaginations.
In the dream with them in the villiage, the OAP-aliens the Dreamlord created stole the TARDIS as seen from the window while they were stuck in the house (just before Rory’s dream-self is destroyed by the OAP-aliens.
I reckon the valeyard omega or the master OR something new
The something new would be interesting. We haven’t had many new monsters this series, or none that are exactly ‘big’. Then again, I doubt Terry Nation expected the Daleks to take off in the way they did, and I bet now I’ve said this that the vampires or someone will turn up again and again.
What big new monsters/villains/enemies have we had since the revival? Okay, that’s difficult. Rephrase: what recurring new monsters/villains/enemies have been created since the revival? The Slitheen came back, and crossed over into SJA. The Weeping Angels. The Autons. The cat people, though they stopped being enemies. And… is that about it? Unless you want to include River (which I don’t – I like her too much) or the fleeting references to various aliens in TPO. So it’d be interesting to see if we can get a ‘big’ enemy come along.
I would love to see more come of the Dream Lord. That last shot of his reflection was too haunting to waste, surely.
what i want to know is who made the tardis in “the lodger”, the most likely person i can imagine doing this is the half human doctor that’s off with rose in a parallel universe
I agree, khjg, it seems SOOO out of character for the Doctor to brush off somebody not only attempting to make a TARDIS but burning up people in the process as well. I wonder if it wasn’t the Master, after all, who says he went back to the Timelock with Rassilon the spitty?
I think the half human Doctor that’s off with Rose in the parallel Universe is actually one of the few “possibles” that can be discounted. We can base this on David Tennant’s schedule. It’s too soon for a “multi-Doctor” story, even though this wouldn’t actually include another “true” Doctor. I’m tempted to believe/hope that Steven Moffat is saving any sort of “multi-Doctor” story for the 50th anniversary series in 2013.
I’m sticking with the Dream Lord/Valeyard-Doctor as the one who was trying to build a TARDIS in “The Lodger”. This nasty off-shoot version of the Doctor wouldn’t give a darn about “burning up people in the process” of building that TARDIS up on the second floor.
hello whovians,
im defiantly gping along with the whole dreamlord/valeyard/evil doctor thingy it makes sense. you know the whole Amys no existant 3rd floor, maybe he’s there after failing in the lodger episode. also river maybe something to do with this evil doctor and therefore knows alot about him and she could hav en responsible for the Tardis blowing up. As for the silence im totally confused i can find nothing to go on to even start figuring it out :/
ps. steven moffat has tweeted that “”beware upstairs” was a working title for one of the episodes but he now decided on “life on earth” could this be when its reveled in amys house ??
Guys, I have to point out that River Song is NOT evil, she did get the wrong Doctor in the Library (one younger than the one she had expected) but she n he were close enough she could STILL call him (clearly AFTER she kills the best man she knows as she dies shortly thereafter)and reasonably expect him to answer. Everything else is subjective, it COULD have been an evil Doctor that visited the night before she left for the Library, we have no proof either way, but we DO know for a fact that River n The Doctor were at LEAST on speaking terms after whatever events unfold next series have ALREADY unfolded in her timeline.
It’s a little bit too much to be a coincidence between the Hush in Dead Air, all about creating silence, and silencing the Universe and seasons 5 + 6 of DW. I eagerly wait for the next season to figure it out.
Just wondered if anyone else thought that the BBC/ Sir Moffat of Stevenage has come up with a clever way of rebooting the Doctor’s/ Doctors’(?) lives ?
When the universe was rebooted would Amy really know all the other Doctors ? She simply brought back her ‘Raggedy’ Doctor – the New 1st Doctor ?? Thoughts anyone ???
May not need to worry about only 2 more to go – what do we all think ???
Jace, I just hope whoever it is that writes the story in which the 13th Doctor regenerates into the 14th, comes up with something creative and that they don’t just have the Doctor say, “Oh, that bit about only 12 regenerations… that was just me being silly.”
I myself have thought up several really cool ways (if I do say so myself) in which a continuation of regenerations could be explained. I’m sure you and anyone reading this could think up some great possibilities also.
I just don’t want the eventual “official” explanation to be, “We chose to ignore what was said all those years ago.”
Well, think logically. daleks, cybermen etc. built the pandorica to try to stop the silence, therefore the silence is none of them. Also, the silence probably wouldn’t have known that a pandorica would be created and would have not thought a universal reboot possible. Also, I doubt it is a timelord. Think of it. End Of Time had time lords. If then they are silence, then they would have physically appeared in one ep and get hinted at for the next 26 odd episodes. just sounds like a repeatal of Specials arc if it is them.
@Professor Zed
yeah, you’re probably right. i’m american tho so this year is actually the first year i’ve ever heard of doctor who, so i haven’t seen any of the classic episodes and i don’t really know who the valeyard is -other than that he’s apparently some evil form of the doctor. yeah, he might of made the other tardis, that would be pretty cool.
you just gave me an idea, you said river recognized the 10th doctor but he doesn’t recognize her… and amy doesn’t remember the daleks… so something is messing with peoples memory, and possibly the doctor’s memory too… maybe anyway, just a thought. what does everyone else think?
Ah, but River’s journal has photos of every incarnation of the Doctor (including Twelve and Thirteen, maybe even beyond that) which is why she knew him, but the First to Tenth Doctors had never met her before so they wouldn’t have known her at all. Whereas, Amy not remembering the Daleks is just a weird but intriguing plotline.