Archive for ‘Timey-Wimey Tuesday’
August 23rd, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The title of the Series 6 autumn finale has been confirmed in the new issue of Radio Times!

Episode 13, written by showrunner Steven Moffat, is called The Wedding of River Song, which is certainly intriguing!

So, let us know what you make of the title in the comments below. Will River Song’s wedding be a day to remember, or one we’ll all want to forget? This is River we’re talking about after all, so quite literally anything could happen!

Break your silence in our ongoing Series 6 discussion, Silences, Rivers and Songs

August 16th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

If watching Doctor Who has taught us all anything over the years, it’s that you should never underestimate a cat in a nun’s wimple…

…oh, and that time travel can be a very tricky affair indeed, and it looks like its finally catching up with Amy Pond in our Timey-Wimey Tuesday this week. What do you think is going on? As always, let us know what you’re thinking in the comments section below. What episode do you think this takes place in?

Break your silence in our ongoing Series 6 discussion, Silences, Rivers and Songs

Watch the new Series 6: Part 2 trailer and take a closer look at what’s to come

August 9th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Series 6: Part 2 is now just a stone’s throw away, and we’re preparing for the new episodes with another Timey-Wimey Tuesday!

Amy Pond has journeyed to an array of weird and wonderful places throughout her time in the TARDIS, and we’re sure you’ll agree when we say that this shot from the trailer looks like it’ll be one of the weirdest yet! We’re not entirely sure what episode it’s from, but, given that Amy’s on her own, we can guess that it’s in The Girl Who Waited

Where do you think Amy’s found herself this time? Is it on Earth, or a twisted alternative reality? Maybe it’s on a far off planet? As always, share all your ideas in the comments!

Break your silence in our ongoing Series 6 discussion, Silences, Rivers and Songs

August 2nd, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

With Series 6: Part 2 fast approaching, our speculative minds will be going into overdrive over the next few weeks, as we eagerly await the Doctor’s autumn adventures…

…and what better way to make sense of all the chaos than with the return of our Timey-Wimey Tuesdays section!? Each Tuesday until the TARDIS reopens its doors, we’ll be bringing you a related image for you to discuss and dissect, and kicking off the proceedings is this intriguing shot from the recently unveiled trailer!

Just when we thought we were finally beginning to discover the truth about River, we’re greeted with another bundle of mysteries to uncover! In the trailer, she’s seen sporting an eyepatch as worn by the sinister Madam Kovarian. What’s going on? Is she on the same side as her? Is it all a red herring? Let us know your thoughts in the comments…

Break your silence in our ongoing Series 6 discussion, Silences, Rivers and Songs

April 19th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

On this day for the last few months, we’ve been counting down to Series 6 with a featured discussion. Today, for the final time (boo!), we’ll be looking ahead to the now very near future in a Timey-Wimey Tuesday!

For our final featured image, here’s a screencap of Amy taken from the full length trailer. It looks like she’s just shot someone or something, but who or what was on the receiving end of the bullet? What could possibly have driven her to partake in such a drastic action?

As always, the comments are ready and waiting for your weird and wonderful theories!

The Impossible Astronaut airs on Saturday 23rd April at 6pm on BBC One/BBC One HD.

April 12th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

As Donna once pointed out, life with the Doctor involves an outrageous amount of running, and this clip from the full length Series 6 trailer certainly proves that it’ll be business as usual in the new series!

Of course, it’s an unwritten rule in the TARDIS handbook that all companions must be quick on their feet, but just what has made Amy sprint to safety on this particular occasion? What is she running to/from? What has she got around her neck? Leave your thoughts below…

You can also have your say on some other Series 6 topics in our discussion archive.

Series 6 begins on Saturday 23rd April. Discuss the latest in our ongoing discussion!

April 5th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The new full length Series 6 trailer is bursting with so much intrigue that it was pretty difficult to pick just one topic to feature today, but we’ve settled with one of its clips that has particularly got people talking, and you can probably guess which one we’re talking about!

If you look closely at around 37 seconds, you’ll notice that Amy and Rory are stood – of all places – in the Ninth/Tenth Doctor TARDIS. Considering it was destroyed during the Tenth Doctor’s regeneration, this is very peculiar indeed!

Of course, there are many plausible theories behind its return. Have they gone back in time to witness the Eleventh Doctor’s first breath? Maybe it’s an illusion or a dream, and what’s with the ball of light? Share your wild and wacky theories in the comments below!

Series 6 begins on Saturday 23rd April. Discuss the latest in our ongoing discussion!

March 29th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Series 6 is slowly but surely on its way, and as we continue our countdown to the Doctor’s new adventures, it’s time for another Timey-Wimey Tuesday!

This week’s featured image is a still from the closing moments of the newly released prequel. The short scene not only sets us up for the first episode, The Impossible Astronaut, but it also gives us an intriguing glimpse at what the Doctor, Amy and Rory will be facing in the opening US-based two-parter

As always, you can have your say via the comments section below! Does the mysterious figure send shivers up your spine? There are no monsters in the Oval Office indeed…

Break the Silence in our ongoing Series 6 discussion, Silences, Rivers and Songs

March 22nd, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

It’s Timey-Wimey Tuesday, which means it’s time to look ahead to the future with another Series 6 related picture!

This week’s featured image is a screencap from the trailer of a screaming Amy Pond. Although it’s common knowledge that we shouldn’t really take things at face value, that’s exactly all we need to do in this particular scenario. Our question today is – what do the mysterious tally markings on Amy’s face mean, and what are they marking off? Comment below with your thoughts and theories!

Break your silence in our ongoing Series 6 discussion, Silences, Rivers and Songs!

March 15th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

For today’s Timey-Wimey Tuesday, we’re boldly going where every Whovian has probably already gone before, as we take an in-depth look at this out of this world still from the Series 6 trailer…

As you can see, it shows an astronaut (the impossible astronaut referenced in the episode title?) holding out his/her hand, but what could they be reaching out for?

Got any theories? Share ‘em in the comments!

You can also have your say in our Series 6 discussion, Silences, Rivers and Songs… 

Every Tuesday until the start of the new series, we’ll be posting a Series 6 related image for you to discuss and decipher your heart’s content – see you next Tuesday!

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