Impossible to crack…

We’re now two episodes in to this year’s series and already there’s an intreguing story arc cracking into motion!
Speculation is rife as to just how and why the mysterious cracks keep appearing, first in Amy’s bedroom in The Eleventh Hour, and then again in the hull of the Starship UK spaceship in The Beast Below…
In addition, Prizoner Zero told the Doctor that the Pandorica will open, and that silence will fall. But what does it mean?
Feel free to discuss your outlandish theories right here, right now, and also over the coming months as the mystery deepens. Can you crack it?
What did you think of The Beast Below? Have your say in our discussion.
@elena roberts
Amy contorted down to 1
When I watched the Doctor Who commentary for the Eleventh Hour episode, Moffat confirmed that the shadow running past in the kitchen was indeed the Doctor but from the future most definitely I reckon The Big Bang when he goes to see Amelia and tell her the story about him and the ancient,borrowed blue, but brand new TARDIS (interior) so she would remember in the future. About the TARDIS causing the cracks that looks very clever. The regeneration from Tennant to Smith was fantastic especially with the burning TARDIS. Remember the final companion that the 10th Doctor said goodbye to which was Rose Tyler (save the best for last). she said it was January 1st 2005 and in the Eleventh Hour its 1996 which means the TARDIS must have either gone through a crack or the TARDIS created the crack itself but an external force perhaps?
i thought from the start that the cracks were created because david tennets doctor took the TARDIS with him when he regenareted and it started to explode i think that this is the start of all that happens in series 5 onwards