Brand new Torchwood comic, Ma and Par, now online

February 10th, 2010

A big thanks to Ricky from Titan Magazines for sending us details of the brand new Torchwood comic, Ma and Par, which is available to view exclusively over at the official website of entertainment channel Watch (Sky 109 and Virgin TV 124).

The story, written by Oli Smith with art by Brian Williamson, is set before the events of Children of Earth and follows Jack, Gwen and Ianto as they investiagte Pontyvale Golf Club, where the post-Christmas reopening hasn’t gone well thanks to a series of grisly murders. Soon, the team come face to face with the cause of the killings – and it’s not pretty!


The comic has been produced to celebrate Watch’s Alien Invasion Week, commencing Saturday 13th February, which will boast repeats of Doctor Who and Torchwood’s complete third series, with a special introduction from John Barrowman. Stay tuned!

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