Release date & draft artwork for first Series 5 DVD/Blu-ray!

March 1st, 2010

Various online retailers have today been updated with the release date and temporary artwork for the first Series 5 DVD and Blu-ray, which will feature the first 3 episodes of the new series, The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below, both by Steven Moffat, and Victory of the Daleks, written by Mark Gatiss.

The volume is currently scheduled to be released on both formats on 7th June 2010, at the RRP price of £15.99 for the DVD and £19.99 for the Blu-ray. The Monster Files, a guide to the Eleventh Doctor’s foes with ‘previously unseen footage and exclusive interviews with the cast and crew’, is listed as a special feature. You can check out the draft cover artwork below:


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19 comments on this article
  1. Sean
    March 1st, 2010 at 4.58pm | #1

    I’m afraid this the first cover that I really do not like, it looks tacky and old. I hope they change it for the final version, lets see some of the doctor and amy!

  2. Lee
    March 1st, 2010 at 5.10pm | #2

    Wow, I think it looks very original. Very nice! I always wait for the boxset but the bluray might tempt me to buy the vanillas then sell at the end for a boxset. Hmm, not sure. Looks mighty nice though!

    It could always be a slipcase, with the Doctor and Amy inside. Hope the bluray has more features since its a bigger disc allowing more on.

    Thanks for reporting! Haven’t seen this anywhere else.

  3. ChildofTime
    March 1st, 2010 at 5.40pm | #3

    Wha? Eeuggh.

  4. David
    March 1st, 2010 at 5.57pm | #4

    That doesn’t look very good atall. Far too much blue for starters. It looks like some unathorised cover that someone has thrown together in Photoshop in a spare five minutes.

  5. Ian
    March 1st, 2010 at 6.22pm | #5

    It does say Temporary art work.

    So until it actually has a confirmed release date, lets all just marvel at the trailer and wait for the actual programe to start.

    remember the 1st 3 Dr Who books featuring Matt & Karen have a release date of 22nd April but no art work as of yet.

    Is anyone judging these books before there release. NO, they are not.

  6. Sam
    March 1st, 2010 at 6.29pm | #6

    Looks like that maybe the new time vortex after all..

  7. David Fox
    March 1st, 2010 at 6.53pm | #7

    On the websites there calling it SERIES 5 volume one.
    Which in my opinon is a good thing.

  8. Steve
    March 1st, 2010 at 7.23pm | #8

    There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s simple and plain. Great Logo. The Police Box shell looks great. Great to get back to some of the origins of Doctor Who with TARDIS. I hope and pray they keep the proper console!!

  9. ChildofTime
    March 1st, 2010 at 8.07pm | #9

    David :It looks like some unathorised cover that someone has thrown together in Photoshop in a spare five minutes.

    It’s not even as good as a cobbled together Publisher cover, let alone Photoshop. I quite frankly think its apalling. The TARDIS image looks like an amateur photograph of a schneid piece of merchandise, and they could have tried something much more inventive with the new vortex…

  10. Sean
    March 1st, 2010 at 8.51pm | #10

    The release date is the 7th June


  11. dani
    March 1st, 2010 at 9.09pm | #11

    i hope that isn’t what they use… so blue… hurts my eyes… must buy anyway…

  12. pirko
    March 1st, 2010 at 10.37pm | #12

    One word………..CAMP! (Not a good thing)

  13. Stay Calm
    March 1st, 2010 at 10.52pm | #13

    More importantly, are we going to get proper UK speed HD masters? After the specials debacle I won’t be buying them if we don’t. May as well stick with off air HD if we’re going to be sold a sub standard product. However, I’m looking forward to seeing the new series enormously. Also,as a child of the 70s I’m loving the blue time tunnel. Let’s hope the new theme goes well with it.

  14. TE
    March 2nd, 2010 at 12.38am | #14

    People have been judging them since the synopsis’ were released (and they’re absolutely awful novels!).

    On topic, though: that is an awful cover. Are the episodes and Confidential going to be the only reason to buy the box set in November (assuming the cover will use the same template)? Why didn’t they get someone with a sense of colour and simplicity to design the covers?

  15. Steve
    March 2nd, 2010 at 6.49pm | #15

    I don’t see what the problem is with the cover. People appear to be whinging about everything to do with the new series on several of these forums! Whats so different about this cover (if it is the cover and so far it does say Artwork TBC) and the dreadful cover for the Special Box Set? That was an uninspired DT posing!

  16. Steve
    March 2nd, 2010 at 6.51pm | #16

    @Stay Calm
    It’s doubtful as the BBC are transmitting the lowest HD spec possible and are very proud of it.
    It is a shame that as we are bullied into supporting the BBC, who have just announced there building projects are over run, over budget and behind schedule, that can not be at the forefront of new technology! As usual!

  17. TSG
    March 2nd, 2010 at 7.36pm | #17

    Calm down everyone! Emphasis on TEMPORARY artwork. To be honest, if this has been knocked up in five minutes on Photoshop (or the cheap free version I use, which is much worse) then I’m glad they’ve got their priorities right. Make those episodes the best they can be!

  18. The Watcher
    March 3rd, 2010 at 10.22am | #18

    Blimey!! One temporary artwork cover yet to be confirmed and everyone’s practically hopping up and down and seething!!!
    Just sit down, relax have a cup of tea and a Jammie Dodger. ;-)
    Granted the blue is a bit overpowering. And I don’t believe for a second they’re not going to have Matt and Karen on the front…
    As to the quality, would you really waste money cobbling together a beautiful piece of artwork if it’s not going to be used?
    Besides. Why show Tendril Face(??)early?
    How many badly cobbled together using unrelated Who pictures have you seen before for forthcoming products?
    As to the Tardis used in the picture… It’s not Matt’s/11th Doc’s. There’s no white window frame paint work. And besides. “The phone’s just a dummy and the windows are the wrong size!” ;-)

  19. David
    March 3rd, 2010 at 2.09pm | #19

    I think everyone knows that this is nowhere close to the finished article we will receive. There’s nothing much going on at the moment so at least we have something to comment on. 2Entertain/BBC obviously want the new logo out there so that’s probably why this has been issued.

    I’ll bet that the bona fide artwork will be out of this world.

    I have every faith that EVERYTHING to do with the new series will be utter quality, from the new titles to the stories, from the special effects to the merchandise. I have every faith because Mr Moffat doesn’t do sub-standard. S5 is going to be Mofftastic!!

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