BBC release archive of Classic Series documents

The BBC have released an archive detailing the changing faces of the Doctor over the years, from the inital character outlines to how viewers reacted to new incarnations.
The extensive collection is made up of image galleries, audience letters, memos, magazine articles and reviews. One point of particular interest – and one that has been picked up by various news outlets - is the revelation that the early regeneration scenes were inspired by, of all things, the effects of an hallucinogenic drug…
A memo compiled in May 1966 describes the William Hartnell/Patrick Troughton regeneration sequence as ”a horrifying experience – an experience in which he re-lives some of the most unendurable moments of his long life, including the galatic war. It as as if he has had the L.S.D. drug and instead of experiencing the kicks, he has the hell and dank horror which can be its effect.” Poor Doctor!