Fox withdraw from Torchwood US plans

April 22nd, 2010

According to several articles that have surfaced online today, Fox have decided to scrap their plans to develop their own version of Torchwood.

The news originated from The Hollywood Reporter, who were also the first to report about the proposed US series back in January. According to the latest update, the Fox network and BBC Worldwide have signed a mutual agreement, however the BBC are reportedly in talks with other interested networks.

BBC Worldwide’s official statement reads:

“BBC Worldwide Productions and the Fox Broadcasting Company have mutually agreed not to progress together with a 13-episode serialised Torchwood format.  We are currently in discussion with several interested networks.”

Jane Tranter, executive vice president of programming and production, has also reassured fans that plans to bring back the spin off in some shape or form are “very much ongoing and very much alive.” Stick with us for the latest, as we get it!

9 comments on this article
  1. TWWL
    April 22nd, 2010 at 1.20pm | #1

    Get a new mini-series made for the Beeb! After the critical acclaim coupled with high audience figures Children of Earth garnered, I’m really surprised they aren’t already filming the follow up.

  2. JC
    April 22nd, 2010 at 4.23pm | #2

    To be honest, I’m a little glad this attempt at Torchwood US has stalled. I mean, I suppose America can have Britain’s Got Talent and X Factor and all that kind of stuff, but when it comes to Doctor Who and Torchwood, it just feels impossible that it could be successfully converted. It’d be a bit like Britain making their own version of Star Trek.

  3. JC
    April 22nd, 2010 at 4.25pm | #3

    Saying that, sorry for the double post btw, I’d certainly support another series or more of the British Torchwood. I only got into Torchwood when I watched Children of Earth, and then went back and watched the previous two series, definitely worth recomissioning it, whether it’s 13 episodes or just 5.

  4. TE
    April 22nd, 2010 at 8.10pm | #4

    To be honest, I would’ve liked it if it were co-produced by FOX. The only other US network I would love to co-produce Torchwood would be NBC. All the others (the CW, in particular): stay away…

    Anyway, the only way I can see Torchwood carrying on would be if it were produced and filmed in the US, considering the conclusion of Children of Earth. Technically it wouldn’t be a spin-off of Torchwood, but a continuation/revival. RTD and Julie would probably still be at the helm for each series (with some network people, of course) and they’d still have the full support of Jane.

  5. e.p
    April 22nd, 2010 at 8.38pm | #5

    hmm… I’m glad it’s stalled for now. I don’t think I like the idea of an American Torchwood

  6. mike945
    April 23rd, 2010 at 1.54am | #6

    I think that if it had been handled by fox it might have worked, i say that because of shows like FRINGE, an a couple of others, and if RTD was the writer, why wouldn’t work i always thought he did better stories for Torchwood anyway.

  7. TWWL
    April 23rd, 2010 at 8.55am | #7

    Children Of Earth aside, I thought RTD only actually wrote one episode of the first two series? The pilot ep?

  8. wolfe
    May 13th, 2010 at 7.06am | #8

    Honestly, I’m glad FOX decided not to do it now. They’ve canned so many great series, I’m surprised anyone is actually thinking about going to them anymore. Partner with SyFy, for the love of the Doctor.

  9. matthew hall
    May 13th, 2010 at 1.44pm | #9

    will they make their bloody minds up whether they will make a new series. i wan’t a new series. NOW

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