Rate & Discuss: Victory of the Daleks
The Doctor has been summoned by an old friend, but in the Cabinet War Rooms far below the streets of Blitz-torn London, it’s his oldest enemy he finds waiting for him. The Daleks are back - but can Winston Churchill really be in league with them?
The return of the Daleks is always an exciting - albeit terrifying – time of year, and in tonight’s highly-anticipated episode, we saw them as we’ve never seen them before!
Of course, the Daleks combined with Winston Churchill was always going to be an interesting affair, and, with the added backdrop of a Blitz-torn London, it had all the makings of a Doctor Who classic…
For the Doctor and Amy Pond, it was a case of third time unlucky, as they were faced with their biggest challenge yet after landing slap bang in the middle of the Daleks and their most audacious plan yet. But did the adventure, penned by Mark Gattis, deliver?
It’s that time of week again! Will Victory of the Daleks go down in history, or is it set to be come a distant relic of the forgotten past? How does it compare to previous Dalek adventures? And what did you think about seeing the newly redesigned Daleks in action?
As you can see, there’s lots to dissect, so feel free to share your reactions in a comment on this discussion article! As always, you can also give the story a star rating out of 5, and don’t forget to pop over to our homepage to leave your mark in our episode poll!
So… what are you waiting for!? Dis-cuss and raaaate! Dis-cuss and RAAAAATE!
I’ve preferred some Doctors to others, but I’ve always loved the actual show. The term wasn’t aimed at anyone, especially not actual fans of the show, but at those who actually are just Tennant fans, not Who fans. I know a lot of people who have stopped watching because Tennant is no longer involved, it baffles me. (And I loved Tennant, one of the very best)
Sorry if it annoyed you, but I stand by my Fair weather thingy.
I loved the episode, very funny. New Daleks are amazing, love the orange one and the white one. I am very happy for Daleks, at last the won! Love Matt’s acting!!For now it’s my favourite episode from 5 series!
My penn’orth: I think DT possibly had a wider appeal than MS does. I find MS intriguing and quite classic in his approach so far, where DT was perhaps more new school. Perhaps.
As for the new Daleks, I’m afraid I’m with the majority opinion: they look like Power Rangers. Sorry, powers that be! I know we’ve had differently coloured Daleks in the past, but I was glad of the move towards the uniform soldier, the dull khaki and bronze suited them down to the ground. A Dalek for me (remember I’m only a teenager) will always be as they first appeared to me, in ‘Dalek’ itself, bronze and bold, stout and stubborn. In the way that one has ‘their’ Doctor, that was ‘my’ Dalek.
It was alright, 7/10
They probably should have just cut the whole bomb scene, it was just unnessicery
I really enjoyed this episode. The new Dalek seemed more superior and more terrorizing. The music was fantastic, very quick paced and loved the battle in the skies scene which was superbly done. I loved how Amy managed to work out why the Oblivion Continuum couldn’t be switched off and how she was able to save the Doctor from a difficult situation like in the previous episode The Beast Below.