Weeping Angels two-parter an ‘absolute belter’

April 14th, 2010

FEARNet have released an exclusive interview with Steven Moffat, in which he discusses the forthcoming two-parter, The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone, which will mark the return of the Weeping Angels.

“I had a bunch of ideas that I never managed to squeeze into Blink, scary angel things that I’d like to try. So I just thought it was worth it - people would like to see them again,” the showrunner explains. ”I think the two-parter is an absolute stormer, and I’m really thrilled with it.”

He continues: ”The thing is, it’s so completely different from Blink - in style, tone, pace, approach - that it rarely feels like a sequel to it at all. It just feels like a cracking good Doctor Who yarn, which I genuinely think it is. A great example of how to do a sequel right is probably Aliens coming after Alien. I think this is the equivalent of that. It’s a brand new use of the same monster.”

He goes on to reveal how Neil Gaiman, confirmed to be writing an episode for Series 6, came to be involved with the series.

“Obviously I’m not gonna tell you what the story’s gonna be, because it will be a long time before you see it. Best to keep it fresh,” Moffat said. “I knew Neil as far as email exchanges went, and we’ve been out for dinner a couple of times. He’s a big fan of the show. If you’re familiar with Neil Gaiman’s work, you can tell he’s a Doctor Who fan. It made sense to go in that direction. He was keen, I was keen. That wasn’t a hard sell. That was one of the easier hirings. We were happy to have him on board.”

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