Alex Kingston hints at River Song’s identity

May 1st, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

As Whovians across the land try to piece together the ever-growing River Song mystery, Alex Kingston has added yet more fuel to the speculation in a recent interview with TalkTalk!

While she claims showrunner Steven Moffat hasn’t yet told her who the enigmatic character really is, the actress hints that she may have worked it out for herself thanks to various clues in the script. She said: “It’s fun, because you don’t know what’s going to happen next.”

(Highlight the white spaces to reveal spoilers) “I was thrown this time by finding out she was in prison because she’d murdered somebody,” she explained. ”Then you read a little bit further and there’s this sort of teasing line where she says she killed the best man she ever knew – and so then I’m thinking, ‘there’s only one of those…‘ Steven won’t reveal if it’s the Doctor she kills, and I’m glad because it adds another dimension to the character.” The plot thickens…

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22 comments on this article
  1. TSG
    April 15th, 2011 at 11.10pm | #1

    If something is blatantly obvious, then it’s probably wrong. Occam’s razor doesn’t tend to apply in DW. I’m thinking Wilf knocking three times, I’m thinking Human!Doctor, I’m thinking the sheer probability of Gallifrey returning for a poxy two episodes as nothing more than a plot device…

  2. cathy
    May 16th, 2011 at 1.17pm | #2

    iv got my own theory ,i think river song is a regeneration of donna noble , at the begining of silence in the library donna picks up a book and the doctor says you cant read books from your future thats spoilers ,spoilers ,later river says the same to the doctor then says your rules not mine plus uv got the doctor donna thing something must happen so she can overcome the problems she had with remembering the doctor x

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