Alex Kingston hints at River Song’s identity

May 1st, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

As Whovians across the land try to piece together the ever-growing River Song mystery, Alex Kingston has added yet more fuel to the speculation in a recent interview with TalkTalk!

While she claims showrunner Steven Moffat hasn’t yet told her who the enigmatic character really is, the actress hints that she may have worked it out for herself thanks to various clues in the script. She said: “It’s fun, because you don’t know what’s going to happen next.”

(Highlight the white spaces to reveal spoilers) “I was thrown this time by finding out she was in prison because she’d murdered somebody,” she explained. ”Then you read a little bit further and there’s this sort of teasing line where she says she killed the best man she ever knew – and so then I’m thinking, ‘there’s only one of those…‘ Steven won’t reveal if it’s the Doctor she kills, and I’m glad because it adds another dimension to the character.” The plot thickens…

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9 comments on this article
  1. Whoniversal
    May 1st, 2010 at 1.34pm | #1

    Interesting…. I have heard this from various other sources too… :)

  2. TSG
    May 1st, 2010 at 1.43pm | #2

    Blimmin’ ‘eck. But… oh, goodness, I’ve got to phrase this in a spoiler-free fashion… But was it fully successful? Or perhaps a false alarm? More questions!!

  3. Steve
    May 1st, 2010 at 7.56pm | #3

    They had a competition to design a TARDIS console for a story in this series. Hmm….is she the Rani?

  4. dani
    May 1st, 2010 at 9.40pm | #4

    i have a theory……………… about who she killed…..

  5. Wendy
    May 4th, 2010 at 5.07pm | #5

    Perhaps River Song is The Master? Who knows.

  6. Steve
    May 4th, 2010 at 7.33pm | #6

    @Wendy What a dreadful thought. The worst enemy back yet again. It’s an insult to Roger’s and Anthony’s memory!

  7. pirko
    May 4th, 2010 at 9.20pm | #7

    She kills the doctor in the future then feels bad over it, its blatantly obvious.

  8. Ade
    June 8th, 2010 at 11.24pm | #8

    It’s quite clear now that the crack-in-the-wall stems from the spliting of the universe into multiple realities when the 10th Doctor’s explosive regeneration went wrong. We are currently watching the events unfold in the universe where the regeneration completed and the tardis is almost destroyed but saved by the 11th Doctor. In the other universe however the 10th Doctor’s tardis is so badly damaged during regeneration that it explodes… leaving the 10th Doctor very much alive (in a weakened state of course as he didn’t regenerate fully) but creating the crack-in-the-wall. This is why the 11th Doctor was able to pull a bit of the destroyed tardis through it in episode where Rory was lost to time. I bet in a future episode yet to air, Dr River Song will have to travel to that reality and kill the 10th Doctor (who is unaware of the split in dimensions) and says that she killed ‘the best man she has ever known’ as he would have to fight all instincts to regenrate based only on her word. She isn’t the master… in fact she is more likely to be his mother!!!

  9. Vanessa
    June 9th, 2010 at 8.51am | #9

    Actually I still think there’s something so wrong with the the ‘world’ the eleventh doctor is in and also a little something aboout the eleventh doctor.

    Anyway, noticed this too when watching series 2, age of steel. It’s towards the end when they leave the parallel world.

    Doctor: I told you, travel between parallel worlds is impossible. We only got here by accident. We fell through a crack in time.

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