Doctor Who increases bow tie sales

May 1st, 2010

The current series of Doctor Who has led to a surge in the popularity of bow ties, according to The Telegraph

There has reportedly been a 94% increase in their sales at Topman since one was introduced as part of the new Doctor’s costume in episode one, The Eleventh Hour. A spokesman for the store told the newspaper: “It appears that the Doctor’s fondness for bow ties has been picked up by some of our shoppers and has translated into extra sales.”

John Miln, chairman of the Guild of British Tie Makers, added: “Doctor Who has sparked a trend and a renewed interest – there’s no doubt of that. It’s always pleasing to know when TV stars start wearing something a bit different. There’s obviously going to be significant interest in these style of ties now that he’s wearing them.”

He finished: “I think that everyone that is on television has a big influence on the public and I would expect that the Doctor is right up there with the best of them.”

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