Just a stone’s throw away!

May 1st, 2010

It’s been an agonising wait since last week’s cliffhanger, but its resolution is now just a stone’s throw away, as Flesh and Stone airs tonight on BBC One/HD at 6:25PM!

The last time we saw them, the Doctor and his friends (and, for some BBC One viewers, Graham Norton!) were trapped below the wreckage of the Byzantium, with Weeping Angels left, right and centre. Tonight, they must make their way through the space liner in order to escape, while, in the forest vault, Amy faces an even more deadly attack…

Enjoy the show everyone, and join us straight after at 7:10PM because, as always, we’ll be ready and waiting for you to dissect the latest adventure! Oh, and our advice from last week (Don’t blink!) very much still stands…

4 comments on this article
  1. dani
    May 1st, 2010 at 11.03am | #1

    my comp wouldn’t let me play…… something about bbc worldwide copyright grounds…. I ACTUALLY DO LIVE IN BRITAIN!!!!!!! WALES IS A PART OF BRITAIN…..

  2. Marc
    May 1st, 2010 at 11.08am | #2

    lol you mean BBc One England. Scotland, for one, did not get ti.

  3. Marc
    May 1st, 2010 at 11.09am | #3

    Graham Norton that is.

  4. TSG
    May 1st, 2010 at 1.46pm | #4

    Re: our advice (don’t blink) very much still stands.

    Unless you’re Amy, it seems. If she opens her eyes, do you think she becomes an Angel?

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