Karen “cried rather a lot” reading finale script

May 15th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Karen Gillan appeared as a guest on Veron Kay’s BBC Radio 1 show earlier today, during which she commented on what it’s like playing Amy Pond and her initial reaction when she read the script for the series finale for the first time.

“It’s a real privilege to be playing her, because I think she’s such a fantastic character and it’s quite a life-changing thing,” she said. “It’s everything. It’s a huge love story and it’s a comedy, and it’s serious drama and it’s sci-fi. It’s kind of everything in one.”

She continued: ”My mother’s such a Whovian, so she’ll always be like ‘What did you do at work today, Karen?’, and, clearly, she’s just trying to get spoilers out of me, so I can’t tell her anything. I get so excited when I open up a script, especially when I read the finale. I was in Croatia, and I had this massive bed with loads of drapes over it, so I made a sort of den and got in there and read it and cried rather a lot. So that was fun.”

When pressed on the chances of Amy meeting any of the Doctor’s previous companions, the actress laughed: “Maybe. I’m not going to give anything away. That is a secret, and I want to keep it!”

Doctor Who continues tonight with Amy’s Choice at 18:25 on BBC1 & BBC HD. Join us from 19:10 for our episode discussion.

6 comments on this article
  1. TSG
    May 15th, 2010 at 4.26pm | #1

    Can you imagine reading the finale script? We’re so used to our weeks of build up, of spoilers and rumours; imagine getting the whole thing straight from the horse’s mouth, as it were, and even more than that: imagine reading, rather than watching it. Which would you prefer?

  2. pirko
    May 15th, 2010 at 4.33pm | #2

    I wonder if she’s leaving after this series. I hope not I really like Amy. I wish she was around for the RTD era

  3. Alex Smith
    May 15th, 2010 at 5.46pm | #3

    I don’t think she’s leaving I think they’ve both been confirmed for another series though it’ll be cool if amy and the doctor meet the previous doctors & companions

  4. JC
    May 15th, 2010 at 6.08pm | #4

    It would be cool to get to read the scripts before everything was filmed and knowing what was going to happen, though I can understand Karen’s dilemma because you’d have to watch everything you said about Doctor Who.

    Would I like the character to stay on beyond Season 5?……..I’d like Karen to stay on, but at this point, I really aint sure about Amy, which unfortunately, doesn’t quite work, lol

  5. Neil
    May 15th, 2010 at 8.30pm | #5

    The clip of Amy swiping at a Cyberman during the season 5 trailer must be in the final two episodes,unless Vincent Van Goch is involved with them!.
    I`d like to see more Amy stories next year,rather than relatively short runs since the show returned in `05,of companions!.

  6. sam
    May 18th, 2010 at 9.53am | #6

    i hope amy doesnt leave if she does i would cry she is awesome

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