Karen Gillan defends all things Amy

May 26th, 2010

The Mirror have today posted new quotes from Karen Gillan commenting on the surge of complaints the BBC recieved as a result of Amy’s suggestive remarks at the end of Flesh and Stone.

“We’re not sending out bad messages because the Doctor wasn’t reciprocating,” she said. “And, actually, people who do find that quite raunchy: really?” In regards to Amy’s mini-skirts, she admitted: “They’re not that short! I’ve seen shorter on the street.”

The actress also reveals that she wouldn’t say turn down the chance to lock lips with the Doctor again in a future episode. “For the Christmas special? Who knows?” she joked. ”Another kiss would be fine.”

6 comments on this article
  1. JC
    May 26th, 2010 at 6.45pm | #1

    I don’t know why Karen keeps bringing it up now. I thought she’d addressed it before, I don’t think it’s necessary to say “and to those who do find that quite rauncy: really?” to those who didn’t appreciate Amy’s behaviour at the end of that episode. It wasn’t so much the behaviour, I’m sure a lot of us have seen much worse, I just didn’t appreciate that kind of behaviour in Doctor Who, it was out of place in my opinion.

    Seriously though, I got over it and I think the issue is given much more importance by constantly highlighting it, this is just my opinion though.

  2. Ash
    May 26th, 2010 at 7.11pm | #2

    Karen gillan didnt bring it up, the mirror newspaper did, they were interviewing her. I agree that people should be over it by now. It had no adverse effect on me, i actually found it quite funny, and i didnt really find it out of place. Only my opinion though. :)

  3. TWWL
    May 26th, 2010 at 7.59pm | #3

    Yes, she wasn’t ‘bringing it up’, she was answering a line of questioning.

  4. TSG
    May 26th, 2010 at 8.41pm | #4

    And the newspapers are going to keep bringing it up, and when they refer to Amy in years to come, they’ll call her “the first companion of the Eleventh Doctor, who notoriously broke the age old taboo that Doctor Who didn’t do sex.”


  5. e.p
    May 26th, 2010 at 8.46pm | #5

    Nah, that would be #10 when he hinted he slept with Elizabeth I

  6. JC
    May 26th, 2010 at 11.16pm | #6

    You have a point about the newspapers bringing it up, not Karen, I stand corrected.

    Saying that, Karen could talk to me herself and still wouldn’t convince me what happened was humorous, I still struggle to see what others thought was funny.

    It’s just a case of my convictions being different I suppose. But it really was weeks ago, no use crying over spilt milk and all that.

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