Karen Gillan defends Amy’s behaviour

May 21st, 2010

This is London have posted a new interview with Karen Gillan, in which she responds to the controversy sparked by Amy’s suggestive remarks to the Doctor in Flesh and Stone.

“I read the complaints, but I don’t see that it’s very bad at all,” she admitted. “The Doctor isn’t reciprocating, so it’s not inappropriate. We’re not sending out bad messages.”

The actress also comments on how her character would respond had they taken their relationship to the next level.

“Amy would take that in her stride,” she said. ‘In the morning she would probably have been back to being his sister.”

Doctor Who continues tomorrow night on BBC1/HD 18:15 with The Hungry Earth.

4 comments on this article
  1. Ash
    May 21st, 2010 at 9.20pm | #1

    well said miss gillan :)

  2. Adam Clark
    May 22nd, 2010 at 4.46am | #2

    Amy is now my favourite companion of the new series.

  3. TWWL
    May 22nd, 2010 at 10.19am | #3

    I see that a certain section of fandom has begun something of a backlash against Amy, which baffles me to be honest. But then ‘fans’ always have to bitch about something, don’t they.

  4. JC
    May 22nd, 2010 at 12.30pm | #4

    To be honest, I still disagree with what happened and Karen’s opinion doesn’t really change anything for me, in fact, some of the things she said actually made Amy sound worse, lol, but I won’t bother going into that because I’m sure she didn’t mean what I thought she meant on two occassions.

    But you know, I’m actually over that now, it happened and I can’t reverse it or change it, I’m glad I made my point at the time but the issue is pretty much dead for me now.

    Apart from her occassional bouts of sexual behaviour, I actually have nothing against Amy and indeed, in Amy’s Choice (as I’ve said, one of my favourite episodes so far), I saw new sides of her that I found really appealing, so all is not lost if she’s a bit…….excitable, lol, for much want of a better word, sometimes.

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