Neil Gaiman tweets behind-the-scenes photo

May 21st, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Neil Gaiman yesterday uploaded a photo to his Twitter which was taken at a recent Doctor Who meeting.

The acclaimed writer is seen proudly presenting his Series 6 script in his hands, which he completed last month, however he has purposefully covered its title with his fingers to avoid the top secret details slipping out to soon! Also in attendance at the meeting were showrunner Steven Moffat and Richard Curtis, the man behind episode 10 of the current series, Vincent and the Doctor.

Inevitably, the image has sparked speculation that, as he was present at the meeting, the Love Actually writer will also be writing for the 2011 series, however he may have been there for work related to his forthcoming story, which airs on Saturday 5th June. Check out the picture of the “three middle aged men” below:

12 comments on this article
  1. David
    May 21st, 2010 at 6.47pm | #1

    As much as I’m looking forward to ‘Vincent and the Doctor’, and Neil’s story next year, I do think it’s a shame Steven isn’t using his position to give a few new, up and coming, writers the opportunity to write for Who.

    Maybe eventually he will.

  2. TWWL
    May 21st, 2010 at 7.24pm | #2

    I think it’s a shame he isn’t giving more people like Gaiman a shot! Seriously, as nice as it is having Richard Curtis, why not go for the big sci-fi/fantasy names? I would LOVE to see Alan Moore tackle a story.

  3. Steve
    May 21st, 2010 at 7.49pm | #3

    I think Steven is doing a splendid job. At lease he is prepared to use other writers. Russell ME Davis only wanted his mates writing stories!!!

  4. pirko
    May 21st, 2010 at 10.22pm | #4

    I think its good that established writers like curtis, gaiman and simon nye are contributing to the new series but (dont start steve!) i agree with david. It would be good to give new writers a chance too. At least RTD brought in new people (like james moran, gareth roberts and chris chibnall) to write the series.

    and as for “wanting his mates writing stories”…umm its known fact that steven moffat is good friends with simon nye, richard curtis and mark gatiss- his co creator for the upcoming sherlock series) so that argument seems a bit hypocritical.

  5. TWWL
    May 21st, 2010 at 10.39pm | #5

    Those people you mention weren’t new-new, they all had track records as writers.

  6. David
    May 22nd, 2010 at 3.06pm | #6

    I think Steven is doing a spendid job too. However, that wasn’t the point I was making.

    Programmes like DW need fresh blood, new talent, to survive. Roping in your squillionaire showbiz mates is rather predictable and can lead to utter tosh like ‘Victory Of The Daleks’.

  7. TWWL
    May 22nd, 2010 at 3.40pm | #7

    There’s really no guarantee that a brand new person would write a better episode than someone with a track record. Neil Gaimen is fresh blood to the world of Doctor Who; someone with a great imagination who has the potential to produce something really interesting.

  8. TWWL
    May 22nd, 2010 at 3.54pm | #8

    I agree that I’d like to see more new blood in the series though, if it means I get the chance to write for it!!

  9. pirko
    May 22nd, 2010 at 9.31pm | #9

    Well I work in tv writing anyway so it would be such a thrill to write for doctor who, but then again id be terrified as to what to write. can guess one whovian wouldnt like it though…:-S

    i agree with david though, new blood is always good for any tv show. but i also agree with TWWL that new writers are not always going to write better scripts (2 words…HELEN…RAYNOR!)

  10. TE
    May 22nd, 2010 at 11.16pm | #10

    Helen had a track record: Torchwood, for which she wrote two excellent episodes. Also, she wrote the fantastic Sontaran Stratagem/Poison Sky, so…

    Also, with a show like Doctor Who, you would never find a new, new Writer writing any series. They would always have a track record, presumably to maintain Doctor Who’s reputation and not end up with another 1989…

    Or utter brilliance like Victory of the Daleks, one of the best episodes from this series.

  11. TWWL
    May 22nd, 2010 at 11.18pm | #11

    The 1989 series is one of my favourites! Big up the McCoy!:)

  12. TWWL
    May 22nd, 2010 at 11.27pm | #12

    Yes, being given the opportunity would be both thrilling and poop your pants scary.

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