New Matt Smith interview from Newsbeat

Matt Smith was interviewed by BBC Radio 1’s Newsbeat earlier today, in which he explained what it’s like having the series finally on our screens.
“Pretty thrilling. I’m loving it!” he said. “It’s wonderful that it’s actually out on TV now, and my friends and family can see it and stuff. It’s quiet a relief. I’m enjoying it. I tune in every week, which feels quite odd. I just quite like the event. It’s on every Saturday, you know, and the music starts, and it’s exciting!”
When asked to describe what it was like filming scenes with the Daleks, the actor revealed: “It’s quite slow, actually. Because they have to come out, and then they have to come back, then they have to come out and then they can’t find the spot to land on and stuff. But, yeah, it’s very exciting, obviously, because they’re such an iconic piece of design, and they’re so integral to the history of Doctor Who.”
Doctor Who continues this Saturday with Amy’s Choice, at 18:25 on BBC1/HD.
How refreshing it is that an actor speaks of watching his own work! Karen Gillan has said the same thing in the pages of Doctor Who Magazine.
So many actors and actresses say they can’t watch themselves on screen because it makes them feel self-conscience, or they hate seeing themselves on screen, or they can’t help but think to themselves, “Oh, I could have done that better” or “I wish I had said that line differently” etc.
I was surprised to read a recent interview with Carrie Mulligan (“Blink”, “An Education”) that she doesn’t like to watch her own work.
I would think watching one’s own performance would help an actor/actress in improving their work on future projects.