Nine new Cold Blood episode stills

May 25th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The BBC have today issued nine new episode stills taken from this Saturday’s story, Cold Blood.

In part two of Chris Chibnall’s Silurian adventure, the Doctor faces his most difficult challenge yet, when he finds himself caught up in a battle in which he can’t take sides, as Earth face the dawn of a new age of harmony - or the start of its final war…

Cold Blood airs this Saturday at 19:00 on BBC1/HD.

Keep up to date with the latest episode news by clicking here.

Did you enjoy The Hungry Earth? Have your say in our Episode 8 discussion.

4 comments on this article
  1. TSG
    May 25th, 2010 at 9.58pm | #1

    Yay Rory with a tray of food!

  2. dandaines
    May 26th, 2010 at 4.38pm | #2

    On picture 8, he looks like he has a third eye, or something different from the others.

  3. Steve
    May 27th, 2010 at 10.28am | #3

    They all look human in human clothing. Silurian never did look human and never wore clothes. The originals had a 3rd eye and sounds dangerous. They would have looked a thousand times better if the masks in picture 3 were really the faces!

  4. TWWL
    May 27th, 2010 at 1.01pm | #4

    Things change and develop Steve. And I wouldn’t say the original Silurians sounded dangerous, their voices weren’t great. Plus, these aren’t the same creatures, they’re a different strand, just like the Sea Devils were. (Who did wear clothes) The make up and prosthetics for this new breed is wonderful.

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Time Lord on TV
Cold Blood
19:15, BBC1/HD

Confidential: What Goes On Tour
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