Official plot details for The Lodger released

May 27th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The BBC Press Office has today issued the official plot details for Series 5 Episode 11, The Lodger, written by Gareth Roberts.

The episode will air on BBC1/HD on Saturday 12th June, at the provisional time of 18:45. Read on for its synopsis:

There’s a house on Aickman road, and a staircase that people go up, but never down, as the time-travelling drama continues.

To solve the mystery of the man upstairs, the Doctor faces his greatest challenge yet - he must pass himself off as a perfectly normal human being, and share a flat with Craig Owens (played by James Corden).

11 comments on this article
  1. dandaines
    May 27th, 2010 at 5.59pm | #1

    this episode should be funny, james corden is jokes!!!

  2. Steve
    May 27th, 2010 at 6.40pm | #2

    This wil be the low point of the season.
    James Cordon is a one horse wonder. AS for the Doctor playing football….not the Doctor’s style!!!

  3. David
    May 27th, 2010 at 8.07pm | #3

    Did I imagine it or has this been re-titled “Don’t Go Up the Stairs”?


    I’m not a fan of James Cordon so, at the moment, I’m filing this alongside ‘Love & Monsters’ and ‘Fear Her’.

    Premature, I admit, so hopefully I’ll stand corrected after it airs.

  4. TSG
    May 27th, 2010 at 8.34pm | #4

    Y’know, I loved Fear Her, but really wasn’t a fan of Love & Monsters. So hopefully this will fall on the side of Fear Her, and then at least I’ll enjoy it.

  5. pirko
    May 27th, 2010 at 8.45pm | #5

    “The doctor has to pass himself off as human…” *coughs) human nature *coughs

  6. admin
    May 27th, 2010 at 8.56pm | #6


    You’re not imagining things! The BBC Press Office briefly listed it as ‘Don’t Go Up The Stairs’ before changing it back to ‘The Lodger’. It looks like it was just a mistake on their behalf, but we’ll keep you updated if there are any further developments!

  7. Professor Zed
    May 28th, 2010 at 1.33am | #7

    What a terrible synopsis. I’m surprised the BBC didn’t issue the plot details as:

    “To solve the mystery of the -yawwwwn – man upstairs, the Doctor faces his greatest yada, yada, whatever. Heard that before. He must pass himself off as a perfectly normal- huh? Oh, sorry, fell asleep. Where were we? Right. And share a flat with some guy or- Wait, what show is this for? Anyway, says here, share a flat with some guy or something. (played by, oh, someone somewhat well known, we should think.)

    I’m certain the episode itself will be google-times better than that synopsis.

  8. TWWL
    May 28th, 2010 at 9.37am | #8

    I hope people give the episode a chance, instead of just going ‘waa, waa, me hate James Corden, worst episode ever-!’ Public persona aside, people forget what a very good actor Corden can be.

  9. Georgii
    May 28th, 2010 at 9.59am | #9

    This episode sounds like so much fun. I’m really looking forward to it. :D

  10. David
    May 28th, 2010 at 10.34am | #10

    OK, I’ll pretend I think he is great, and not at all annoying.

    Unfortunately the public persona you mention completely overshadows his work as an actor.

    As I said, hopefully I’ll stand corrected, and will happily hold my hands up if I am.

    I’m sure, if anything can, Who will bring out his best.

  11. Steve
    May 28th, 2010 at 5.37pm | #11

    @TWWL I will give him a go but based on Horne and Cordon, which was dreadful and his limited ability to rally the england football team in the Sports Relief clip, I really don’t hold out any hope of him not coming across as Smithy in Gav and Stac!!!

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