Next Time: The Pandorica Opens

We’ve had Smilers, Daleks, Angels and Dream Lords, but next week things really hot up for the Doctor and Amy Pond, as the various strands that have been embedded throughout the series begin to draw together for a conclusion of epic proportions…
In part one of the long-awaited series finale, written by showrunner Steven Moffat himself, the Doctor’s friends unite to send him a terrible warning: the Pandorica is opening. But who, or what, is inside?
The Pandorica Opens next Saturday 26th June at 18:40 on BBC1/HD, and you can use this post to share your hopes and theories for the anticipated story! However, we do ask that you refrain from posting any huge spoilers, and please include a warning at the start of your message if it includes any major details about the finale.
Head over to the official site to watch a teaser from Karen Gillan.
I can’t believe the final is almost here
This series has been one of the best
I can’t believe that loads of aliens/monsters that the Doctor has fought are in the ep!
OMG OMG OMG! The trailer: Cybermen, Daleks, Sontarans, Slitheen!!! This is gonna be BIG!
I bet the Moff was thinking ‘How the hell am I going to compete with the Doctor and all of his former companions fighting Davros and the Daleks?
Simple. Throw in Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans, Chelonians, Sycorax, Drahvins, couple of Slitheen and top it all with off with the most feared being in all the universe trapped inside a giant puzzle box.’
One hell of a finale that I’m probably gonna miss because of a play that I’m doing next week and a party the week after.
looks amazing
i hope that the daleks and sontarians dont get shows to much, cuase there their really starting to piss me off…the scene with the cyberman cables in the helmet attack amy looks cool though
Is it just me or at 00:22 does it look like the Toclafane from Utopia/The Sound of Drums?
Honestly, they’re going to have to stop trying to outdo past season finales eventually. I don’t think there are enough epically cataclysmic events to do much more of this. Especially after the return of Davros, like Chris said, and then the return of Gallifrey.
But never mind that now, next week looks FANTASTIC! Wooooooooo!!
A bit, hard to tell as they also look like Sontaran ships, and I think Sontarans were mentioned in on of the trailers.
i think that a future doctor is inside the pandorica, because hes the only thing that links all the enemies that have been mentioned. just a theory but that would be amazing if true. also explains the burning TARDIS.
Yeh there sontaran ships
Damm i HATE the sontarans…lamest thing in drwho, and even worst cuase this series has thankfully cut all the annoying lameless outa the show, I hope we dont see much of them
I am very much looking forward to the finale. The trailer was very exciting and I can’t wait to see all these monsters return. One question though I thought the Sontarans were blown up at the end of THE POISON SKY (Series 4)apart from the odd one or two that cropped up again in SJA and The End of Time part 2?
I wasnt keen on the sontarans so I hope moffat updates them too. Does anyone know if the cybermen are being re-designed too (like the daleks)? my mate said there was talk of it but the budget couldnt cover it so they are staying as they are
Looking forward to this as the last two finals in Tennants era were a bit dissapointing, but this episode looks exciting and magical.
Going to miss this current run, has been the best since the relaunch in 2005.
Matt though needs to bring more his acting abilities out though as sometimes he is a bit wooden and placid.
I don’t think that was supposed to be ALL the sontarans! There are many more fleets of ships and planets, including, I imagine, their home planet, that still conatin millions of the buggers.
Nope: Cybusmen are staying the same, along with everything else (bar the Daleks, which are returning as the New Paradigm Daleks) which is annoying because I hate the purple Sontaran suits (how is purple a war colour?!)
Forgot to add: can’t wait to see Christopher Ryan back as a Sontaran!
it looks awesome, and i can’t wait to see the doctor explaining the wedding ring… it could be hilarious or really sad, depending on how moffat deals with it