Rate & Discuss: The Big Bang

June 26th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The Doctor is gone, the TARDIS has been destroyed, and the universe is collapsing. The only hope for all reality lies with a little girl who still believes in the stars.

Just over 3 months ago, the Eleventh Doctor crash-landed in Amelia Pond’s back garden, and ever since that fateful night, they’ve faced non-stop drama and adventure, as they’ve embarked on an epic journey across the stars. Along the way they’ve faced the likes of Smilers, Daleks and Dream Lords galore, but there’s been something else following them, just out of sight… that is, until now!

Tonight’s Big Bang tied up the loose ends that have been developing throughout the previous episodes, and our questions were given their much needed answers, as the cracks that have remained hidden in the shadows were finally explained.

It might have been the final episode, but that didn’t stop Steven Moffat throwing in a last-minute array of the usual shocks, laughs and tears for which he is acclaimed, and it’s safe to say that the showrunner’s first finale was unlike anything we’ve seen before, pushing the boundaries of new Who – and the concept of timey-wimey - itself.

Whether you’ve loved or loathed Matt Smith and Karen Gillan’s portrayals of the Doctor and Amy, it’s now time, as their first tenure in the TARDIS draws to its close, to look back over tonight’s finale and the 12 episodes before it. Whovians know well enough by now that all goods things must come to an end, and, even though we’re saying a fond farewell to our beloved Time Lord for a few months, it means we can set our brains to nostelgia and relive the highs and lows of the Eleventh Doctor’s first series…

The TARDIS closes its doors on another action-packed voyage, so please leave your thoughts on tonight’s finale and the series as a whole below. You can also give the episode a star rating out of 5, and don’t forget to leave your mark in the poll.

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125 comments on this article
  1. dorian
    June 27th, 2010 at 11.49am | #1

    I am sorry but I did not think the big bang that good for a finali to the show, There were all the doctors foe’s at the end of the first part as they put him in the box and your thinking this could be intresting for next time with all them there how will he get out and what do we find next episode they have all become dust or stone what a cop out there, and liked the roy holdinmg amy but if the others had turned to dust should he have not as well as he was still ment to be placstic man.

    Matt’a acting was realy good he has come a long way since the start of the show I hope he keeps inproveing as he goes and roy has not been a the plank he was at the start so if he is carrying on with them as it looks hope he is given as good a stuff as in the last 2 episodes and not just used as a spare part.

  2. Laurie
    June 27th, 2010 at 12.09pm | #2

    I have to say I liked it as a episode. but not quiete as a finali.
    Good stuff like the Rory stayed 2000 years thing or the hints for little Amalia and also action and tricky things like the time jumping. But no real answeres were given.On the other hand we have somethingf to look forward too.
    But in my opinion the Pandorica Opens promised much, and not all of this was given in the Big Bang. Still you can see the pure genius of SM.

    And throught out the whole series, Matt Smith was amazing. He developes more and more and I love his Doctor!

  3. Steve
    June 27th, 2010 at 1.01pm | #3


    Doctor who is NOT ment for children! obviously you are not a real doctor who fan…

  4. TSG
    June 27th, 2010 at 2.15pm | #4

    Re: the lack of answers, I cannot for the life of me decide whether I’m teased or irritated. I posted a comment here a couple of weeks ago asking ‘do you really think we’ll find out who River Song is?’ And now I find out I was right to be sceptical.

    With specific regard to River, I wish we had found out. We’ve already waited two years. I have dozens of stories I would love to write about her, and yet I can’t because I keep wanting to include bits of her past or her feelings which might end up being completely contradictory to canon.

    However, I’m slowly coming to think that leaving the Silence as another arc is quite tantalising. It’s a new idea for DW, and I think it could be a good move.

    Things that I felt weren’t explained include why Amy can’t remember Doomsday/Journey’s End. I’m not sure whether that was because she’d been living by the crack which had affected her memories, or because of something else which will be explained next series. I don’t mind if it is the latter, but I would have liked to have known that it was. Or not. Ooh, complicated sentences. I apologise.

    Best moment of the episode: the demise of the fez sequence. Second best: ‘yes’. Brilliant writing there, Mr Moffat. I can’t wait to watch it all over again.

  5. Vanessa
    June 27th, 2010 at 2.26pm | #5

    I was a little disappointed with The Big Bang.

    There’s still so many questions left unanswered. But I guess it’s going to be pushed forward to Series 6. I read somewhere where SM mentioned, though not as big as the finale of series 5, the finale of series 6, would have a big impact on the doctor himself.

  6. David
    June 27th, 2010 at 2.47pm | #6

    The level of writing for this series has been outstanding, clever and requires some brainwork from the viewer. I’ve read comments from people saying this series “wasn’t exciting enough”, I wonder how they would have coped with classic Who?

    The Big bang was an above average episode but it was always going to be difficult to match up to The Pandorica Opens.

    Matt was incredible last night and S6 is going to be unmissable. Although it is slightly irritating we have to wait nine months for answers, holding back, yet again, on River Song and continuing the “Silence Will Fall” story just makes anticipation for 2011 even more heightened than it would be.

  7. TWWL
    June 27th, 2010 at 2.48pm | #7

    I don’t think it quite lived up to expectation, but it was still very good. And you can’t deny it was a brave episode for a series finale, especially for an audience expecting lots of monsters, a climactic confrontation with the Big Bad, all the questions answered, none of which this episode gave you. It confounded expectations really, which means I’ll need to watch it again to fully appreciate it.

  8. Vanessa
    June 27th, 2010 at 2.57pm | #8

    I mean ‘will’ have a big impact on the doctor himself.

  9. Sean
    June 27th, 2010 at 3.23pm | #9

    I personally don’t want to find out who River is, for me it would be like finding out the Doctors real name. In that respect I feel like it would be too big a disappointment when we find out.

  10. pirko
    June 27th, 2010 at 3.34pm | #10

    at Steve: RE: IYC’s comment

    At the risk of causing controversy, the series Doctor Who is MAINLY aimed for children. that is what audience it was made for in 1963…it just so happens that its popular with all age brackets. Even RTD, SM and Mark Gatiss have said that the main demographic for doctor who is between 8-12. It is no different then us loving Shrek or Glee or Disney films but they are mainly aimed for kids.

    In terms of leaving the story arc going for another series. This can either be a good thing or a bad thing. If the ideas are good and the results pay off then great, fantastic, monte bena! But it could also be boring for the viewer. they may get bored if it goes on for too long. Having said that I’m more fascinated about “the Silence” most of all.

    It will be interesting next series cos we will have the same cast, which hasnt happened since dr who returned (2005- chris and billie, 2006- david and billie, 2007- david and freema etc) so it will be interesting.

    Still miffed off though that there was no lead in to xmas special at all.

  11. pirko
    June 27th, 2010 at 3.41pm | #11

    Right to sum up what I thought of series 5 (sorry but going to be honest)…Better than what i was expecting but still bit mixed bag for me. Matt is brilliant as the doctor. Is he the best in my opinion, no. I preferred DT. Amy is the best companion since the series came back. to sum up…

    ‘Eleventh Hour’- 8/10 Really good opening
    ‘The Beast Below’- Loved it! 10/10
    ‘Victory of the Daleks’- Awful 2/10
    ‘The Time of Angels’- Brilliant and so scary 9/10
    ‘Flesh and Stone’- Disappoiting 2nd parter 5/10
    ‘Vampire in Venice’- A bit meh but ok 5/10
    ‘Amy’s Choice’- Even I fell asleep! 1/10
    ‘The Hungry earth/Cold Blood’- Bad bad bad! 1/10
    ‘Vincent & The Doctor’- Fantastic! 10/10
    ‘The Lodger’- Surprisingly good 8/10
    ‘The Pandorica Opens’ Excellent start 10/10
    ‘The Big Bang’ Bit bland but good finale episode…well it was still better than Last of the Time Lords 8/10

  12. David
    June 27th, 2010 at 4.07pm | #12

    I pretty much agree with your scoring, except I would rate Flesh and Stone a 7/10, and I loved The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood.

    The return of the Silurians was something I’d wanted for years, even though this story, essentially, felt like a remake of ‘The Silurians’.

    For me, Amy’s Choice and Victory Of The Daleks were the only real low points of the series. Both written by big names too.

    Something I’ve found with this series is rewatching the episodes really changes my initial opinions. I thought TEH was average on first viewing but by the third I loved it.

    Ultimately, Matt has proved himself to be a great Doctor. If he stays for a few series I’m sure he will be up there with the greatest Doc of ‘em all… Tom Baker.

  13. Sean
    June 27th, 2010 at 4.10pm | #13

    Am I the only person who found The Vampires of Venice to be one of the best of the whole series. The story was simple but effective and reminded me of pure Doctor Who, very down to Earth and it had a fabulous Doctor vs Villan speech similar to that of 10/Finch. Classic episode in my opinion :D

  14. TE
    June 27th, 2010 at 4.39pm | #14

    The Big Bang was fantastic, but that’s because I was expecting that kind of episode, like I said last week. It was obviously going to be a reset button-episode with an ending like that, and the twists and turns are what made it brilliant.

    Also, the fact that it was quite a light story, even though it was the end of reality, is what made it such a refreshing change after the likes of The End of Time and Journey’s End (though, they are both brilliant episodes). Another thing that’s brilliant is the fact that The Silence won’t be resolved soon (though, hopefully it features at some point in the Christmas Special) and who River Song is is finally going to be revealed next year.

    So, who thinks the Doctor and Amy will still be stuck with Rory for Series Six (beyond the Christmas Special)?

  15. Darren
    June 27th, 2010 at 5.18pm | #15

    To be honest I struggled to get my through this series of Doctor Who, which is testiment to RTD.When Moffat took over I thought great,he has written some of the best stories of previous episodes.However as previous people have quite rightly said the whole series has been aimed at children.
    I liked the way they kept a theme going through the series with the crack in the wall and all of the Drs old foes getting involved……but for what!For everything to be ok in the end eventhough it didn’t really make that much sense.Maybe I am being synical in my review but when I compare it to three episodes with John Simm being the master there is no comparison.
    Another thing that has been eating away at me is…is the Matt Smith not up to the task or is it Karen Gillan?Amy Pond has managed to overact her way through a full series with those overly wide eyes at the slighest sign of trouble which again has made the whole experience a little unbelievable in my own opinion.
    Things have surely got be spiced up a bit if the series is maintain any kind of momentum

  16. Glenn
    June 27th, 2010 at 5.27pm | #16

    This series has been great IMO. I loved the feel of it.

  17. Brian
    June 27th, 2010 at 6.01pm | #17

    WHen do you think we’ll start hearing about changes. THis season was just awful . Would like to hear from the BBC higherups about it.

  18. Glenn
    June 27th, 2010 at 6.16pm | #18

    Unfortunately for the naysayers, they are in the minority… by a huge amount. You don’t change things to suit the few when the majority are loving it. What I’m trying to say you won’t be hearing about “changes” anytime soon. Live with it, or just stop watching… thats your choices.

    In moffat I trust.

  19. TWWL
    June 27th, 2010 at 6.33pm | #19

    Changes? There will be no ‘changes’. I mean, like what, exactly? Moffatt will still be in charge, Smith the Doctor, Amy his companion, travelling through space and time in a blue box fighting monsters.

  20. David
    June 27th, 2010 at 6.42pm | #20

    Series 31 of DW will, in 10, 20, 30 years time, be looked back on as a “classic”.

    No doubting that.

    It has been confusing, ambitious, bold, clever and ultimately very satisfying.

    The more we rewatch these 13 episodes the more that satisfaction will be appreciated.

    To use a “reset” in such an ingenius way, to leave many threads of the story tingling away for the next season – DW is, after all, a story that never ends – is just incredibly, erm, incredible!

    For anyone who thought this was boring or want changes, or whatever… maybe Who isn’t for you?

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