Silences, Rivers and Songs – Series 6 discussion

July 27th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The spring series of Series 6 has been and gone, but the first action-packed seven episodes have left us a TARDIS load of unanswered questions and unexplained mysteries…

Suffice to say, Steven Moffat has definitely provided us with more than enough to keep our overactive brains occupied until the Doctor returns in Let’s Kill Hitler in the autumn, so let’s get started, shall we? Of course, we now finally know who River really is, but just what is her relationship with the Doctor? And who was the girl in the spacesuit?

Feel free to speculate away on this post, a link to which will be posted on the sidebar so you can check back to see what our other visitors make of all the latest developments.

589 comments on this article
  1. Kona
    March 8th, 2011 at 8.29pm | #1

    Its already been explained , that episode is all about Paradoxes , the amount of times the Doctor uses the Vortex Manipulator is dangerous, loads of **** is in two places at once, It is said that since the universe was collapsing in on itself , a few paradoxes wouldnt make it worse, it was everything or nothing anyway, and the Paradoxes are deleted when the Universe is reebooted

  2. Patrick
    March 9th, 2011 at 2.42pm | #2

    That voice sounds an awful lot like Davros
    But that can’t be Could it?
    Still I’m hoping we get a chance to see Donna again after seeing Rivers reaction to her name


  3. Patrick
    March 9th, 2011 at 11.02pm | #3


    Could you change your username cause I’m Patrick as well and this could lead to confusion.

  4. Drain
    March 11th, 2011 at 9.16pm | #4

    I think the silence is Omega trying once again to take his revenge on the time lords well the last of the

  5. Cam
    March 12th, 2011 at 3.17pm | #5

    River could be a future version of Amy, perhaps in some adventure ( mid season perhaps) Amy kills Rory, the greatest man she ever knew…so Amy and Rory leave the series as rumored. The Doctor helps Amy escape, the next time he meets her is in her future and she has taken on the name River Song, making that the first time he met River, at which point she is arrested by the aliens (Jadoon??)that invaded the hospital in smith and jones ” the galactic police” which explains why one is present in backstage shots. She is arrested, taken to storm cage and the rest is history or future or whatever

  6. TWWL
    March 13th, 2011 at 4.27pm | #6

    I’ve just noticed in the latest issue of DWM, that splitting the series into two halves doesn’t appear to be the only rejig; it says that Gareth Roberts writes Ep 12, and Moffat Ep 13. So this either means the series doesn’t end on a two parter, or it’s a two parter written by two different people (Unlikely), or part two will be episode one of the next series. So, will this series end with a single one part story??

  7. Rose
    March 14th, 2011 at 11.22pm | #7

    The second US two-parter title interests me very much The Day of the Moon hmmmmmm interesting kinda makes me think back to Silence in the Library, River Song and Doctor Moon and the Moon that was always in the sky a connection possible, cause SM has said before that all the clues to who River is go way back to those first two episodes ‘the clues are there’ (I say in my David Frost voice lol) x x x

    @Cam- That is a perfect and possible explination as to who River Song could be and off course cause of the cracks in time and such the future Amy ‘River’ and the present Amy are allowed to co-exist together…So good possible explination :D

  8. Patrick
    March 17th, 2011 at 8.31am | #8

    I’m not sure if anyone has thought of this but what if River Song is ROSE TYLER? Yes the void closed but what if she found another way to get back?

  9. 10thPlanet
    March 19th, 2011 at 5.36pm | #9

    That’s a bit silly. River Song is going to be far more interesting than we anticipated. Moffat’s been working on this for years, after all.

  10. retro
    March 20th, 2011 at 7.14pm | #10

    what will be.. wil be

    i just hope moffat gets his full-handon doctor who!! hes the best writer and i wish he would write the whole series <3

  11. Captain Howdy
    March 20th, 2011 at 9.51pm | #11

    I’m hoping they bring back some of the classic Dr Who monsters. The daleks are begining to get a little dull. They need to have a huge gap of other things then bring them back. I think an episode of genesis of the daleks starring Matt Smith would be awesome. He’s sent there to try again to finish of the daleks as last time didn’t go to plan.

  12. trevor chalkley
    March 21st, 2011 at 4.21pm | #12

    Davros…well that prunefaced ballbag has more lives than a cat! and it did sound like him…maybe to much like him!?

  13. Connor Connaughton
    March 24th, 2011 at 7.44pm | #13

    in episode 11 that time engin was controling the tardis and in episode 12 the tardis bloow up so that time engin could of been controling it and mabe thats omegas tardis. Also the omega sighn was on rivers army suit in the time of angels and flesh and stone. So Maybe river is working for omega because in episode 13 river was in a time loop like in episode 11 so mayde omega saved her.

  14. wdz
    March 24th, 2011 at 8.42pm | #14

    Just commenting on older posts, but couldn’t Amy, or more than likely River, be the Doctor’s daughter from Series 4, Jenny?

    To quote Wikipedia…
    “Jenny come back to life at the end of the episode was Steven Moffat’s idea.”

    Would explain a few points….. know his name, flying the TARDIS, being in handcuffs together….. etc!

    Ah well, we’ll see!

  15. felixtcat
    March 25th, 2011 at 5.42am | #15

    @Rose Weasley

    i still think River is a future amy and kills rory, her husband, but keeps it from the doctor till some point where the doctor finds out and feels she should be jailed!

  16. felixtcat
    March 25th, 2011 at 5.45am | #16

    Also the jenny thing is going to be interesting I will enjoy that, maybe jenny is behind the building the tardis (time machine) in the lodger but not being true timelord or traveling with a timelord for a amount of time needs the signature of the time vortex to activate the ship, (looking for a pilot or heart of the ship)

  17. Connor Connaughton
    March 25th, 2011 at 6.25am | #17

    river could be romana or the rani or that time lady from the end of time part 2.

  18. Connor Connaughton
    March 25th, 2011 at 5.13pm | #18

    River might be working for omega and in series 5 flesh and stone that man said that river will kill a good man a good man and a hero to many. I think it could be the presadent of the usa from 1960s in episode 1 because no one knows who killed him. Or itmight be the doctor.

  19. Connor Connaughton
    March 27th, 2011 at 8.33am | #19

    I think river is a time lord and she is working for omega.

  20. Alex
    March 27th, 2011 at 10.35am | #20

    I think you’re all WRONG. Wrong wrong wrong.

    My theory is that the silence are a race of people and River is one of them:
    Clue 1: SM in an interview said “who are the silence?”
    Clue 2: “SILENCE in the Library”
    Clue 3: The silence kills off a load of planets, for example the fishy people in Vampires in Venice. It would make sense for it to be a race of people killing off planets just as much as an unknown force.
    Silence will fall? Perhaps prophesying the end of the Silence race?

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