Silences, Rivers and Songs – Series 6 discussion

July 27th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The spring series of Series 6 has been and gone, but the first action-packed seven episodes have left us a TARDIS load of unanswered questions and unexplained mysteries…

Suffice to say, Steven Moffat has definitely provided us with more than enough to keep our overactive brains occupied until the Doctor returns in Let’s Kill Hitler in the autumn, so let’s get started, shall we? Of course, we now finally know who River really is, but just what is her relationship with the Doctor? And who was the girl in the spacesuit?

Feel free to speculate away on this post, a link to which will be posted on the sidebar so you can check back to see what our other visitors make of all the latest developments.

592 comments on this article
  1. Rose Weasley
    March 27th, 2011 at 12.35pm | #1

    I never though about River being a Silent. Maybe Idris is too. And maybe the green-eyed ood are a link between the ‘normal’ ood and the thing in the teaser and prelude. We’ll just have to wait and see. :(

  2. Rose Weasley
    March 27th, 2011 at 12.35pm | #2

    I never though about River being a Silent. Maybe Idris is too. And maybe the green-eyed ood are a link between the ‘normal’ ood and the thing in the teaser and prelude. We’ll just have to wait and see. :(

  3. katee
    March 27th, 2011 at 12.43pm | #3

    Katiee Wilkes ▶ Charles Morgan ive got an idea… could amy pond be a young donna?x
    cuz if she kills “the bravest man river knows” (could be rory) he doctor could whipe her memory ( like he does in donna’s last one) then give her a knew identity ( aka donna noble ) then she can live a “normal” life even though the doctor knows that she’ll meet him again but she wont remember him x
    hats ime travel for you, what do you think??x
    the inspiration for this was the way that river goes ” your donna noble??” in silence in th library x
    also does amy become a member of whoever the silence is then when donna goes here he silence is truely in the library??x ( name of that episode ) sorry i had to write all this down for you too disect x :)

  4. katee
    March 27th, 2011 at 12.44pm | #4

    ignore the names on that laat comment please :D x

  5. Rose Weasley
    March 27th, 2011 at 1.13pm | #5

    That is an interesting theory. It wouldn’t be that straightforward would it (the killing Rory bit) since they don’t often kill companions anymore?

  6. Revenant
    March 28th, 2011 at 2.07pm | #6

    If the Silence refers to a race, and Silence in the Library was the title of Rivers first episode, it makes sense that the Silence is the Vashta Narada. We never did see a conclusion to that storyline.

    River was aware of Donna because the Doctor told her about it, some time in his future but her past.

  7. James
    March 28th, 2011 at 4.55pm | #7

    I think your a genius, i only hope your wrong because then I’d know the ending

  8. blakey
    March 28th, 2011 at 5.32pm | #8

    no!!!!! i don’t want the doctor to have a wife!!!!! >:(

    eleven and amy ftw!

  9. Patrick
    March 30th, 2011 at 6.31pm | #9

    New trailer….

  10. Simone
    March 30th, 2011 at 6.49pm | #10

    I think, that maybe River is the Silence – or working with it. She did say “you’ll soon find out who I am, and I’m sorry” – besides, she’s introduced herself as both professor and doctor – maybe as a disguise.
    Maybe she is the Doctor’s Wife, as the title on the new episode hints towards, to like, infiltrate or make him an easier target.
    But why would the Doctor ever marry – and marry her, when he hardly knows her?

  11. calim
    March 31st, 2011 at 9.32am | #11

    I think River Kills the Doctor, Hopeuflly causing him to regenerate… but in the series 6 trailer he says he has been alive too long and its time for it to end, hopefully it wont be the end though… it would be horrible if it was

  12. Simone
    March 31st, 2011 at 4.01pm | #12

    I think I’ve heard that Matt has signed up for series 7 somewhere..

  13. Mike A
    April 1st, 2011 at 2.37am | #13

    The latest trailer validates one matter that I have felt to be occurring. I believed Moffat’s grand plan started with the 10th Doc regenerating and the TARDIS starting to self destruct. We were never given a reason why this occurred. The trailer looks like it vindicates this. There is a quick bit where Rory and Amy are standing in Tenant’s TARDIS console while he is regenerating into the 11th Doc. So it looks like we are going to find out what caused TARDIS to self destruct. So obviously, this is the event that caused TARDIS to blow up and cause crack in time. So it looks like more timey wimey.

  14. Gallifrey123
    April 1st, 2011 at 4.46pm | #14

    People up my end keep saying the silence is Omega and going back to the ood, well Ood Sigma (Sigma being part of the Greek alphabet!) Surely that is a connection??? Sigma and Omega

  15. Barfcat2
    April 4th, 2011 at 5.24am | #15

    Ok here are my thoughts:
    River being Amy or Donna or Rose would be weak…Rose is sealed off in an alternate universe and should stay there in my opinion, if she were Donna or Amy there would be paradoxes and “Blinovitch Limitation Effect” would happen if they touch each other (although there are exceptions). Additionally, Amy, Donna, and Rose are too compassionate to be River. She tells the dalek in the Big Bang to check his memory banks on her and he then begs for mercy then claims she killed it.
    This tells me she is someone the Daleks know of and know to be ruthless (perhaps someone they encountered during the time war). This could mean she’s a time lord but that would be too simple. She could be another race that was involved in the time war and was scattered before the doctor sealed it the time-lock.
    Her being Jenny and his wife would be just to creepy and incestuous…
    I’ve also heard she could be Captain Jack and I would say that’s also unlikely (at least I’d like to hope so).
    Lastly, whom she kills we may find out to be the Doctor, Rory, or someone yet unnamed but at the end of Flesh and Stone/Time of Angles she said she killed the best man she ever knew then she leaves and Amy asks the doctor what he’s thinking and he replied that time can be rewritten meaning her killing whomever may be rewritten. Course that may mean that someone else may kill the intended person River was supposed to kill. Given the trailer it could be Amy shooting someone other than the Doctor perhaps Rory.

  16. Barfcat2
    April 4th, 2011 at 5.44am | #16

    Now I’ve heard that the person who causes the the tardis to explode is going to be Omega…either that’s miss information or the second worst kept secret in Doctor Who Television History behind the return of Davros in season 4. Along with Omega I feel that there’s 4 other possible choices:
    1. The Black Guardian, He’s out to get the doctor and pretty much wants to destroy the universe…achieved by blowing up a tardis. Also he’s outside of time and always there and was foretold that he would return in Enlightenment. Which could make River Song the White Guardian or at least a incarnation of the white guardian.
    2. Sutek from the Pyramids of Mars. He eventually escapes the time corridor and takes his revenge out on the doctor and the universe. The tardis was landed at Amy’s house the day of her wedding and explodes…which could very well be caused by Sutek’s mental powers.
    3. An incarnation of Rassilon controlling the tardis with a time lord device to implement existing outside of time and beings of consciousness or just end the universe cause he’s a bit crazy like that…
    4. Something we haven’t seen yet and I’ve heard rumors that there could be a race called The Silence that River Song is a part of but that would be kind of a dumb name like The Eternals in Enlightenment and The Old Ones in Paradise Towers…if it is a race we don’t know yet I’d like to think The Silence is what they call the end of the universe or some sort of tactic to destroy an enemy and not their species name.

  17. Mike A
    April 4th, 2011 at 10.36pm | #17

    I doubt the old enemies are behind them. To a new viewer, Omega, Black Guardian, Sutek – these names mean nothing. I still think the story is closely linked with the “Silence in the Library” story. I wouldn’t be surprised if River dies, and then comes back again. I hope Moffat surprises us. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Moffat kills the Doctor, then has some sort of timey wimey event that brings him back. Doctor Who is like a comic book now, Dying doesn’t mean you’re dead.

  18. Ian C
    April 5th, 2011 at 3.01pm | #18

    Here’s my theory. River Song is the daughter of Rory and Amy.

    The person that will die will be River as this will cause further timey wimey problems for them to try to clean up.

    I suspect that the game changer in episode 7 will be them succeeding but at a cost. The TARDIS is stolen and The Doctor loses who he is. His memory wiped. He awakes in World War II with Rory and Amy trying to find him so that they can try to get the TARDIS back from whoever stole it (whether that be an evil clone of The Doctor, River Song or the Time Lords coming back to claim what he stole from them).

    The rest of the series will follow The Doctor trying to get the TARDIS back, even going as far as to go see Craig from The Lodger as a proto-TARDIS turned up there previously and he thinks it will again.

    You never know one of these might be right.

  19. trevor chalkley
    April 6th, 2011 at 2.56am | #19

    Watching the new trailer 30 secs in (Fear me i’ve killed hundreds of time lords!(silence/omega)?(Fear me i’ve killed al of them!)(the doctor) best line ever!!!

  20. trevor chalkley
    April 6th, 2011 at 3.10am | #20

    there has been a lot of talk about the war lords returning and i was just thinking if they could make it thougth the time war (and they were just a couple of small time time lords)then the C.I.A. with all there power would have most deff have had a back up plan! in the old doctor who books when the time lords fell at the hands of fac paradox they made a new pocket dimnson and ran!…so why not?

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