Silences, Rivers and Songs – Series 6 discussion

July 27th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The spring series of Series 6 has been and gone, but the first action-packed seven episodes have left us a TARDIS load of unanswered questions and unexplained mysteries…

Suffice to say, Steven Moffat has definitely provided us with more than enough to keep our overactive brains occupied until the Doctor returns in Let’s Kill Hitler in the autumn, so let’s get started, shall we? Of course, we now finally know who River really is, but just what is her relationship with the Doctor? And who was the girl in the spacesuit?

Feel free to speculate away on this post, a link to which will be posted on the sidebar so you can check back to see what our other visitors make of all the latest developments.

592 comments on this article
  1. Turlough Myers
    April 24th, 2011 at 6.07am | #1

    That thing that Rory and River were in at the end of the episode looked just like the thing in The Lodger. Could it be another TARDIS? or maybe a paradox machine?

    The Doctor can totally die at the age of 1100, it means Whovians like us still have another 200 years of Doctor Who watching! ;)

    But actually, I’m so confused by this episode, probably going to watch it a few more times today.

  2. Gazareth
    April 24th, 2011 at 3.55pm | #2


    Little Girl is the same hologram from the lodger, possibly the “Space Man” she refers to is the “Silence”? Also, she’s lured the Doctor there to pilot the “Lodger Tardis” again?
    Sabotaged telephone used to contact the President just as intercom on the Lodger house was used.
    Bullet passes through the astronaut harmlessly of course because it’s a hologram.
    Hologram needs the space suit to walk further from the “Lodger Tardis”?
    Doctor is on the run from the Silence, has spent 200 years on the run?
    Showdown with the astronaut in the desert a show for the Silence, so they think he’s dead?

  3. Turlough Myers
    April 24th, 2011 at 8.36pm | #3

    does that imply then that the Doctor is not dead? because he was shot by a hologram? that’s impossible, because we saw all the “regeneration smoke” around him before he shot him again in the middle of his regeneration cycle. And they also burned his body right after…he definitely died.

  4. Patrick
    April 24th, 2011 at 8.39pm | #4

    @Turlough Myers
    He doesn’t neccessarily die at 1100 but dies DURING REGENERATION as said by the 10th Doctor in End of Time to Wilf in the cafe. He said that can die during regeneration which happened to the 11th (sort of).

  5. Kevin Carter
    April 25th, 2011 at 6.19pm | #5

    The Doctor never used his sonic screwdriver all episode. That has been a huge crutch for him.

  6. Patrick
    April 25th, 2011 at 8.11pm | #6

    @Kevin Carter
    What is interesting is that his Sonic broke in a christmas carol so how on earth did it get fixed lol or did he just get a new one that looks similar? :P

  7. Jaaaarkkk the Pirate.
    April 25th, 2011 at 9.21pm | #7

    He might not have done that yet, so his screwdriver wouldn’t be broken yet?

  8. TE
    April 25th, 2011 at 10.15pm | #8

    Now I’m wondering if Churchill will somehow link the finale with Episode Eight at all…?

  9. TimeNeek
    April 26th, 2011 at 1.59am | #9

    Sorry, gotta test this message

  10. TimeNeek
    April 26th, 2011 at 2.12am | #10

    Ok! Where was I. So, we all saw that the Doctor died. A 1100 year old doctor, but it’s strange that his body has not aged a bit saying for 200. But as he goes toward his death, the one person, something something the 3rd the agent that enters the tardis in 1969 knows of the happenings of what happened, so he knows why the doctor had to do it. And the Doctor 900 year old doctor, knows of nothing. So he has to trust his companions, and something tells me that River will be a big part of his trust, because not only will he know who she is, but what happens is how she got #2 of the trust factor. Why Amy is #3 I dunno, and the 4th we will find ot about him. The silence are marvelous, and amazing powers. But what is the effects of the amnesia in the next episode, cause all of them got the black markings except the doctor. Amy said at the end to the doctor that she is pregnant, why tell it to the doctor first and not her husband rory. Wouldn’t he be the first one to be told, unless if the doctor is the father of the baby. The astronaught could be either the doctors daughter, or it could be the person from the lodger that lured the people in te tardis. And that tardis could be exactly the same as the one in the lodger. Why was the boat there exactly at the death? Sorry if I am revising your theories but yeah. Delaware is the name. And it must be painful to see River and the Doctor to know eachother in different paths. Thank u for listening

  11. Patrick
    April 26th, 2011 at 6.57am | #11

    @Jaaaarkkk the Pirate.
    But the shark from Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol ate half the sonic screwdriver which the Doctor did not manage to get back and only had one half.

  12. Steven J
    April 26th, 2011 at 9.09am | #12


    It’s been shown previously that the TARDIS can create them, just as it did for 11 in The Eleventh Hour.

  13. Patrick
    April 26th, 2011 at 11.23am | #13

    @Steven J
    Yeah I know but didn’t show that in yesterdays episode how he got his sonic screwdriver back even though it was most definitely the TARDIS.

  14. elena
    April 26th, 2011 at 5.11pm | #14

    very good idea that is, i reckon that we have all been thinking that river songs story is what will take up the whole of series 6 but i think it’ll actually be amy’s, as we were promised to learn why her life was so wierd in series 5 but it wasn’t revealed (well not the the extent that it should have been just what the doctor said to her in the pandorica) so i think we’ll find out about her in this series and through that find out about river (as they might be related me thinks ;) ) also about the fairtale thing, it did seem strange that she did change her name ‘cos it sounded ‘fairytale’ and might i just say that river and amy could be related as she was the one who said when the doctor said about the pandorica being a fairytale; ‘aren’t we all’!?!? and THATS why he looked really weirdly at her. also karen gillan and other cast members have confirmed you see a dark side to amy in this series, not river… aaaahhhhhhh @MSF

  15. Tom
    April 26th, 2011 at 5.30pm | #15

    Loving the start to series 6. All sorts of theories running round my head and loving reading everyone else’s thoughts. I find it odd though that the future doctor draws everyone’s attention to the moon when they’re having the picnic by the lake before he dies and episode 2 is called Day Of The Moon…. possible nod to the library of the dead episodes with Doctor Moon? Another nod to that episode is River Song talking about the day coming when she will look into the doctors eyes and he won’t know her and she thinks it will kill her. Also the space suit? Possible nod to the library again and the vashta nerada (spelling? sorry!)… and the little girl… not a very strong american accent? Is that on purpose so that it could be the library computer child? Keep coming back to the fact that Amy has no memory of anything that has already happened in recent doctor who history…. eg The Dalek and Cyberman war etc? The Doctor has been puzzled by this in the past and never explored the reasons. Think this is due an explanation. I’m not for a minute making any predictions here…. and I hope it’s not my imagination wanting clever links to the Library of The Dead but there are too many hints for my brain to ignore and I think that somehow…. well… who knows, but I love that the Matt Smith storylines are large and covering more than one season… like to have my brain challenged!

  16. elena
    April 26th, 2011 at 5.59pm | #16

    totally agree with you on all your points! where we are constantly thinking about who river is, we are not thinking about who amy is and all her mysteries in her life also all the other charactors are hiding things; the doctor as said earlier from dismissing the fact that someone else was building a tardis and the fact that he thought it was going to blow but it didn’t it just transported elsewhere, and why on the rewind of his life before he went through the crack did it take him to outside craigs house, what was significant with that!? i mean all the others he went to were for him to make a change so he would be remembered but that one!? hmmm there is deffo something weird about the lodger’s house and amy… WAIT just realised perhaps the reason the tardis went all funny and exploded was not because of another person but because of the other tardis as don’t forget the tardis couldn’t land when the other tardis was ‘eating’ people, so think about what it would do to the tardis if it took off!?@MSF

  17. Bobdog
    April 27th, 2011 at 11.40am | #17

    I think that the little girl is actually the younger version of river, because, for a start, she said “as i get younger, the doctor gets older – we’re travelling in opposite directions”. also, when she describes how she met the doctor, she says “he came from the sky- i was a little girl” which links with what the girl on the other end of the presidents phone…..

  18. Bobdog
    April 27th, 2011 at 11.57am | #18

    also the child might be amys baby? (amy clutches her stomach when she shoots the kid)

  19. Marcus
    April 28th, 2011 at 1.57am | #19

    I’m beginning to think the astronaut who shot the doctor is River. After all, in series 5 she did hint she killed the doctor (hence why she is imprisoned). I don’t think the little girl is the one who shot the doctor. I’m also wondering whether the astronaut suit could be something else too…Let’s not forget the episode name either; The impossible astronaut. Maybe the astronaut shouldn’t even exist…could be an alternate future. Any comments?

  20. Kiki
    April 28th, 2011 at 4.44pm | #20

    My son was remembering that the first thing the doctor did in his new Tardis was pop to the moon and back for five minutes that turned into two years.

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