Official Series 5 soundtrack given November release

August 12th, 2010

With the news that a 2-disc set featuring music from the 2009/10 Specials will be making its way into the hands of Whovians far and wide next month, details have now surfaced regarding the release of the official Series 5 soundtrack!

According to Amazon, which is now listing the highly-anticipated CD for pre-order, a collection of Murray Gold’s scores from the Eleventh Doctor’s first series will be available to buy from November 8th 2010.

As it’s early days, its cover artwork and track listings haven’t yet been made available, however we’ll bring you the all-important details as and when we get them. Stay tuned!

10 comments on this article
  1. TSG
    August 12th, 2010 at 5.05pm | #1

    Ah, brilliant! Now, do I recommend someone get it me for Christmas, or buy it myself, thus depriving people of Christmas present ideas but getting it early? Oh, decisions, decisions…

  2. Sam
    August 12th, 2010 at 10.09pm | #2

    Cool! Let’s hope the new Doctor’s theme is on there.

  3. Alex
    August 13th, 2010 at 3.56am | #3

    Considering the theme is featured in just about every episode (obviously it’s the new “All the Strange Strange Creatures”) I’d say it’s a sure bet, along with the new theme tune rearrangement (which I happen to like, so nyah! ;) .

    Funny part was people were complaining about them dragging their heels with the soundtracks, but now we’re getting them back to back which is pretty cool. I wonder if we’ll get any preview music from the Christmas special (as what happened with the first soundtrack CD previewing Runaway Bride)? Murray Gold still owes us an original song, too, as there wasn’t really one in Series 5.

  4. Alex
    August 13th, 2010 at 3.56am | #4

    ^ By the way, the “Nyah!” in my post above wasn’t directed at Sam! Just wanted to make that clear! ;)

  5. Sam
    August 13th, 2010 at 1.41pm | #5

    Lol thanks for making that clear for me :P

  6. Charlotte
    August 13th, 2010 at 4.31pm | #6

    Brilliant! I was waiting for this to be released, was worried they might not make one. Definately putting this on my Christmas list!

  7. pirko
    August 13th, 2010 at 5.32pm | #7

    Amazing news for dr who music fans! I’m not a huge favourite of series 5 but the music is fantastic (especially Amy’s theme). It’s just a shame they couldnt have joined the specials soundtrack with the series 5 soundtrack as like a 4 disc spectacular.

  8. Lee
    August 13th, 2010 at 5.59pm | #8

    I’m still deciding whether to get this or not, I might wait until it drops in price.

  9. Sam
    August 13th, 2010 at 8.10pm | #9

    I might get both this and the 2009/10 Specials soundtrack for Christmas..hopefully!

  10. Telly Addict
    August 13th, 2010 at 8.12pm | #10

    Firstly the Specials soundtrack in September and now Season Five’s soundtrack in November.

    Like the Ferrero Rocher advert, “Monsieur, you are spoiling us.”

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