Share your 2010 highlights and favourite memories!

December 12th, 2010

2010 has been another great year for Doctor Who fans. In January, we said a tearful farewell to one Doctor and said hello to another one, and since then there’s been more shocks and surprises than a blind date with a Dalek!

To help us prepare for the start of 2011, we’ve been getting nostalgic by taking a fond look back over the last 12 months in parts one and two of our Year in Review feature – but now we want to know what YOUR personal Whovian highlights of 2010 have been!

So, what have been your favourite moments in the weird and wonderful world of Doctor Who this year? Obviously the series itself has been a big part of our year, but have you got any other happy Doctor Who memories you’ll be taking away with you in 2011?

Perhaps you’ve attended a convention, seen an exhibition or watched one of the Doctor Who Live shows? Have you met any of the cast, visited any of the filming locations or had any Doctor Who parties or marathons with your friends? Get reminiscing below!

As for 2011, have you got any Doctor Who related resolutions? What are you most looking forward to in 2011? Are you twiddling your thumbs waiting for Series 6 of Doctor Who, or perhaps the returns of Torchwood or The Sarah Jane Adventures?

Leave your Doctor Who highlights, memories and your hopes for 2011 in the comments!

20 comments on this article
  1. shauna curtis
    December 12th, 2010 at 12.44am | #1

    the return of river song had to have been my favorite moment and also when she made the dalek beg for mercy!

  2. Emma
    December 12th, 2010 at 2.22am | #2

    My favourite parts would have to be when River came back, and the Doctor and Amy’s kiss scene.

  3. Marcelof
    December 12th, 2010 at 3.09am | #3

    Matt Smith of course, in the words of 10th… he is brilliant!

  4. Tiberius the Troll
    December 12th, 2010 at 7.53am | #4

    The yuri I read where River Song, Amy Pond, and Rose Tyler have three way.

  5. Tiberius the Troll
    December 12th, 2010 at 7.54am | #5

    The yuri I read where River Song, Amy Pond, and Rose Tyler have a three way.

  6. Maddy
    December 12th, 2010 at 9.39am | #6

    you forget to mention the release of Specials 2009 OST…that was the best thing of this year..

  7. Kikkervanger
    December 12th, 2010 at 10.23am | #7

    The Big Bang. An absolutely stunning ending to a brilliant series that confirmed what an amazing writer Moffat is and how well thought out he had it. The “something old something new…” part was so brilliant it made me cry.
    Special mention to the New Years Day episode for also making me weep.

  8. TE
    December 12th, 2010 at 10.27am | #8

    The Eleventh Hour – the greatest thing about this year! (Maybe with The End of Time sneaking in there a bit…)

  9. Patrick
    December 12th, 2010 at 10.55am | #9

    The storyline was excellent because for once it just wasn’t about the aliens/monsters, they just happened to get in the way. The introduction to the Vampires, the Dream Lord was superb and I hope they come back. The return of River was always going to happen and definitely the Weeping Angels returning all i have to say is: good job Moffatt creating them Angels cause they are simply terrifying. Loved the last 2 episodes of Series 5; absolutely superb. I had to watch them last 2 episodes over and over again to understand the Big Bang episode as I got confused at times. My favourite moment apart from the Wedding scene has to be the last 5 minutes of Vincent and the Doctor as Vincent remembered Amy by drawing the sunflowers for her.

  10. Sam
    December 12th, 2010 at 11.37am | #10

    There’s a few highlights to be named this year, including the newly revamped Daleks, the return of the Weeping Angels which where twice as scary as there first appearance, and obviously not to mention the releases of Murray’s fantastic soundtracks which are one of his best yet! 2010 has been a great year for Whovians.

  11. Steven
    December 12th, 2010 at 11.56am | #11

    Best moment on 2010? Five words.
    “I don’t want to go.”
    The Tenth Doctor’s regeneration was the best moment of the year and the most heartbreaking since Tom Baker’s back in 1981

  12. TWWL
    December 12th, 2010 at 4.39pm | #12

    The Eleventh Hour, the best first episode any Doctor has had, by a mile, just outstanding.

    The Weeping Angels two parter, amazin Who!

    Matt Smith, OWNED the role right from the off.

  13. Steve
    December 12th, 2010 at 4.54pm | #13

    Ah Doctor Who this year. What a year of up’s and downs. Matt Smith, brilliant. New Logo on screen, brilliant. New theme, dreadful. Amy, Rory. Wooden and dreadful. End of the childish 10th Doctor, brilliant (by which I mean, is’s brilliant he has gone). Return to great story telling after last years marmite writing of RTD, fantastic. Return of Jo Grant in SJA, amazing. The Doctor, Sarah, Jo line up, brilliant, shame it was a crap story.

  14. Rose
    December 12th, 2010 at 5.49pm | #14


  15. Leeson Fischer
    December 12th, 2010 at 6.37pm | #15

    Best villan: The Dreamlord.
    Best moment: The ‘did I ever tell you I stole it?’ speech at Amy’s bedside in ‘The Big Bang’.

  16. Telly Addict
    December 12th, 2010 at 7.20pm | #16

    Memories of 2010

    1. Matt Smith as the Doctor – from the moment he was hanging from that Police Box to heading off on new adventures following his SJA episode, he had that part nailed.

    2. Karen Gillan – great chemistry with her co-stars and adds a new spin on the companion role. Amy fancies the Dr, but doesn’t go all gooey eyed like Rose or Martha.

    3. Arthur Darvill – shows that with a well written role, the companion’s boyfriend doesn’t have to be written as a wimp or an idiot.

    4. Doctor Who Live – a great experience and took me back to being a kid waiting for the latest episode of Doctor Who to begin.

    All in all, a great year for Doctor Who. Roll on 2011!

  17. Ash
    December 12th, 2010 at 8.46pm | #17

    I personally think that Steven moffat finally getting to take over the helm and write an incredibly great, Entertaining series, casting Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arhtur Darvill and bringing back Alex Kingston has been one big Combined brilliant moment for 2010. Bring on 2011!!!

  18. Jouni
    December 13th, 2010 at 12.26pm | #18

    For me this was 100% ‘The Year of Doctor Who’. From all the DW stuff that happened last year, for me one things tops everything else;

    The transition — Transition from Tennant to Smith was smooth and surprisingly painless. I absolutely loved Tennant in the role and had fears how well can all this go, but smartly Mr. Davies closed almost all the open story arcs letting Mr. Moffatt to kick-start Eleventh Doctor almost from scratch. The show has a completely new vibe now and it feels fresher for it. Yet since everything before it was brought to a solid conclusion, I found myself not missing the Tenth Doctor as much as I feared.

    Congratulations, Matt Smith; You made the role your own from the very beginning. And yes, bowties are cool. The fez? Not so much, but it still beats the celery.

    Also congratulations to Steven Moffatt; After Jekyll, Sherlock and now Doctor Who, I’m now 100-percent convinced you are the most clever writer in television history. Thank you for the awesomeness!

    And finally special mention to Murray Gold; Don’t get upset by the negative comments on the new title theme arrangement. It’s bold yet recognizable and I love it for it.

  19. Shauna Curtis
    December 14th, 2010 at 10.32pm | #19

    @Steven I agree. The death of the Tenth doctor saddened me very much. I was happy to see that he got to see Rose and his former companions before he regenerated.

  20. Katie
    December 14th, 2010 at 10.57pm | #20

    Definitely Ten’s regeneration, even if it was at the very beginning of this year, it was so memorable and heartbreaking! Still sad when I watch it! :’)

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