Matt fell off chair after being told Christmas special title!

February 22nd, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Matt Smith has teased us with an intriguing insight into the future by revealing that he nearly fell off his chair when he was told the title of the 2011 Christmas special!

As the Daily Star reports, the Eleventh Doctor actor has revealed: “Steven Moffat has just told me the title of the 2011 Christmas special and I nearly fell off my chair!”

He has also spoken about working with David Walliams, who is currently filming his Series 6 guest role, Gibbis.

“David and I started filming the episode last week,” he said. ”He makes me laugh all the time. He’s terribly funny and I am very fond of him. I haven’t asked him to do any of the Little Britain voices just yet but I have been asking him lots about that show and Come Fly With Me. I know he is going to be very funny in Doctor Who.”

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10 comments on this article
  1. Lee
    February 22nd, 2011 at 8.09pm | #1

    Now I’m really intrigued!

  2. Last_of_the_timelords
    February 22nd, 2011 at 9.12pm | #2

    same, must be good to make him fall off a chair

  3. Bobin
    February 22nd, 2011 at 9.54pm | #3

    Maybe it was a really rubbish chair?
    Only kidding, can’t wait!

  4. Alex
    February 22nd, 2011 at 10.45pm | #4

    The best news is this seems to confirm that Smith will be back for another season, but I’d prefer to have a better source than a tabloid before I start looking ahead to Matt Smith as the Doctor at Christmas or in 2012. (That said, wasn’t it confirmed elsewhere that he’d been contracted for 3 seasons anyway?)

  5. TSG
    February 22nd, 2011 at 11.03pm | #5

    Yay! This news is made of win! Matt’s here to stay for a further Christmas (I support him staying for at least three series) and even the Christmas title is exciting enough to make him almost fall out of his chair. I feel a little ridiculous saying I can’t wait for Christmas so early… but the point still stands.

  6. Ninjamec
    February 23rd, 2011 at 12.23am | #6

    Tabloids, eh? Not sure if this information is reliable or not.

    Thus said, I really hope Matt intends to stay on Doctor Who for a long time. As in Tom Baker long. Or, even better, Tom Baker’s scarf long.
    And I hope the 2011 christmas special is as awesome as this articles leads to believe. The last one was great, SM&MS (+ the rest of the team) are really the best people to helm the show.

  7. DocWhoGater
    February 23rd, 2011 at 1.39am | #7

    Brilliant! A Christmas Carol was fantastic with Matt, and now we have another Christmas to look forward to!! I’m soooo watching it!!!

  8. DoctorWhom
    February 25th, 2011 at 1.53am | #8

    Hmm… What kind of title could make Matt fall off his chair?
    Maybe “The Three Doctors”? Finally uniting Eccleston, Tennant, and Smith!

    Yeah, probably not gonna happen, but a fanboy can dream…

  9. The Silence
    February 25th, 2011 at 6.32pm | #9

    Awesome as that would be, “The Three doctors” was the title of a classic who episode!

  10. Calli Arcale
    August 6th, 2011 at 2.28am | #10

    “The Three Other Doctors”, perhaps? :-P Nah, it’s gotta be something christmassy.

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