Rate & Discuss: Day of the Moon

April 30th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The Doctor is locked in the perfect prison while Amy, Rory and River Song are being hunted down across America by the FBI. With the help of new friend and FBI-insider Canton, they are reunited to share their memories. The world is occupied by an alien force that controls humanity through post-hypnotic suggestion, and no one can be trusted.

Our heroes embarked on an apollo mission tonight as Series 6 of Doctor Who continued, and there were shocks aplenty as their US adventure reached its thrilling conclusion…

Episode one’s cliffhanger saw us all holding our breath as Amy shared a life-changing revelation, and part two (as part two’s often do!) picked up from right where we left off, and from then on it was non stop action as Earth faced a threat from a terrifying force.

Three months later, the Doctor was locked up in the perfect prison and his friends were alone, terrified and on the run across America. It seemed that nothing or no one could break the Silence as they controlled humanity through post-hypnotic suggestion. Of course, the new series has only just begun, and with 5 other episodes to get through this spring, things were eventually wrapped up and the TARDIS team managed to save the day, aided – as one often is – by Neil Armstrong’s foot, and be back in time for tea.

The Day of the Moon has dawned, and as the sun doth set on the Doctor’s dapple in the desert, we want to know what you thought of the latest episode. Do you think it was a worthy conclusion to the opening two-parter, or do we need to speak to Houston about a problem? Did its momentous cliffhanger result in you screaming at the television? Leave your mark in the comments below (the good, the bad and the ugly) before you forget!

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110 comments on this article
  1. vaguely
    April 30th, 2011 at 6.50pm | #1

    What? What?! WHAT?!?!

  2. George
    April 30th, 2011 at 6.51pm | #2


  3. George
    April 30th, 2011 at 6.53pm | #3

    Too much unanswered, but… TIME LORD?!!?

  4. Dave
    April 30th, 2011 at 6.54pm | #4

    Seriously not liking the whole time lord girl thing, and they haven’t half cheapened the whole regeneration thing, it’s happened TWICE in two episodes. Apart from the end it was a great episode.

  5. Matt (not Smith)
    April 30th, 2011 at 7.01pm | #5

    I thought the end was brilliant, it was one of few endings that made my jaw drop!

  6. TWWL
    April 30th, 2011 at 7.03pm | #6

    We’ve barely had anything about the timelord girls story; what on earth could there be not to like about it at this moment?

  7. Telly Addict
    April 30th, 2011 at 7.09pm | #7

    Keep remembering that phrase we all used from last year – In Moff we trust.

    Everything from the last two weeks will be carefully planned and plotted. I’m looking forward to the next 11 episodes. But, Steven, after this year, cut back on the mind bending plots.

  8. Ruby
    April 30th, 2011 at 7.16pm | #8

    I am sooo confused, we got NO answers about the girl in the spacesuit killing the Doctor and then they throw in the girl regeneratingg at the end O.o
    I dont mind having quite a complicated plot but I dont want to have to work hard, I want to watch it and enjoy so I really loathed this episode! I didnt understand anything that was going on! Is the girl Amy and The Doctors child? Is it River? I mean…what the heck?! Anyhelp will be really appreciated! xD

  9. TWWL
    April 30th, 2011 at 7.22pm | #9

    No help from me! It’s all mystery being set up for the rest of this years episodes. It will be answered later though! Keep watching!

  10. vaguely
    April 30th, 2011 at 7.52pm | #10

    No answers? I think the 2nd most important question has been answered.

  11. Ruby
    April 30th, 2011 at 7.57pm | #11

    Which was what? Sorry if I seem a bit negative xD Im just totally confuzzled!

  12. The Silence
    April 30th, 2011 at 8.03pm | #12

    A new secret message is up on the day of the moon fourth dimension:


  13. vaguely
    April 30th, 2011 at 8.04pm | #13

    What the little girl in the spacesuit was (a Time Lord…er…Lady….Contessa…).

    The most important, of course is where did she come from? What are the odds on her regenerating into Caitlin Blackwood?

  14. TC
    April 30th, 2011 at 8.08pm | #14

    If you don’t want to have to think too much, you’re watching the wrong show. :p Moffat certainly doesn’t write for the typical couch potatoes.

  15. Rose
    April 30th, 2011 at 8.21pm | #15

    OMG I thought part one was full of secreta, but part two answered some and then threw a whole lot more at use :O I AM LOVING this new angle of Doccy Who and can’t wait for episode 7 when we find out who River and the little girl are :D , but we’ve got a whole lot of great eps in between. Next week looks amazing and I can’t wait for ep 4 :D , I think that one will be fantastic :)

  16. Patrick
    April 30th, 2011 at 8.39pm | #16

    But then we got even more questions. Is Amy really pregnant and if she is whose is the girl’s father? Is it the Doctor’s or Rory’s? And apart from that who is that girl? Could she be river probably as river said to rory i first met the doctor when i was a LITTLE GIRL and knew everything about me. not the exact quote but something along the lines of that. and we still need to find out who shot the future doctor. does that mean its the end of doctor who? i think moffat has something clever up his sleeve and that the doctor is not dead at all. and who does the girl regenerate into? apart from that cause i know im rambling on moffat produced a sublime episode and one more question who is river song? she kissed the doctor more or less confirming she is the doctors wife but apparently idris in episode 4 the doctors’ wife is reportedly to be the doctors’ wife so idris and river could be the same person :)

  17. Patrick
    April 30th, 2011 at 8.42pm | #17

    sorry for the double comment also i hope canton appears again as we should do because we need to find out who killed the future doctor on the beach (thats if he really is dead) i loved canton absolutely terrific character :D everyone knows what the moff is like ;)

  18. Ruby
    April 30th, 2011 at 8.50pm | #18

    I’m certainly no couch potato and dont mind doing a bit of work but I just think that a programme aimed at children is going to fail if the writer keeps writing complicated storylines – I started watching when I was ten and I know if I started off watching episodes like these I wouldnt have wanted to keep watching.

  19. vaguely
    April 30th, 2011 at 8.51pm | #19

    Amy is evidently in a state of quantum pregnancy.

    You would expect River to remember Little River’s traumas.

    I will be moderately surprised is Idris is not a personification of the Tardis (id…..geddit?) and the the wife thing is a joke.

    Would not at all surprise me id the little girl regenerated into Amelia, with Silence affected memory (that could apply to River also). I do not think we have seen the last of the Silents just yet.

    Moffat’s Who – TV for those WITH an attention span!

  20. vaguely
    April 30th, 2011 at 8.52pm | #20

    I think you underestimate who long and complex some of the early stories were (I go back to One, but consider Two “my” doctor).

    And my 10yo nephew loves it.

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