Rate & Discuss: Day of the Moon

April 30th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The Doctor is locked in the perfect prison while Amy, Rory and River Song are being hunted down across America by the FBI. With the help of new friend and FBI-insider Canton, they are reunited to share their memories. The world is occupied by an alien force that controls humanity through post-hypnotic suggestion, and no one can be trusted.

Our heroes embarked on an apollo mission tonight as Series 6 of Doctor Who continued, and there were shocks aplenty as their US adventure reached its thrilling conclusion…

Episode one’s cliffhanger saw us all holding our breath as Amy shared a life-changing revelation, and part two (as part two’s often do!) picked up from right where we left off, and from then on it was non stop action as Earth faced a threat from a terrifying force.

Three months later, the Doctor was locked up in the perfect prison and his friends were alone, terrified and on the run across America. It seemed that nothing or no one could break the Silence as they controlled humanity through post-hypnotic suggestion. Of course, the new series has only just begun, and with 5 other episodes to get through this spring, things were eventually wrapped up and the TARDIS team managed to save the day, aided – as one often is – by Neil Armstrong’s foot, and be back in time for tea.

The Day of the Moon has dawned, and as the sun doth set on the Doctor’s dapple in the desert, we want to know what you thought of the latest episode. Do you think it was a worthy conclusion to the opening two-parter, or do we need to speak to Houston about a problem? Did its momentous cliffhanger result in you screaming at the television? Leave your mark in the comments below (the good, the bad and the ugly) before you forget!

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110 comments on this article
  1. Friar
    April 30th, 2011 at 8.56pm | #1

    Doctor who: The soap opera for geeks.

  2. TWWL
    April 30th, 2011 at 9.03pm | #2

    Well, it’s not aimed at children really, more the whole family.

  3. TSG
    April 30th, 2011 at 9.03pm | #3

    No, I don’t think you’re being unreasonable. It’s mighty confusing, particularly with story lines spanning two series. We obviously haven’t seen the last of the Silence – why did they blow up the TARDIS? In retaliation for this moment?

    I love the little girl. But let’s not forget that she’s not necessarily young – think of the Doctor, who’s 909 and looks 28, but has previously looked to be far older.

    And I’m so surprised no one has yet mentioned this – my heart broke for River. Is no one else crying over this?

  4. Patrick
    April 30th, 2011 at 9.04pm | #4

    the silence are returning in episode 7 and episode 13 so you are right there :) as for Idris and the TARDIS thats some idea as i heard the 9th/10th Doctors’ tardis interior appears in episode 4 whether thats true or not we’ll see that for ourselves but during the trailer when we see that we obviously see river and amy but that sphere there is some figure there for certain i’ve no idea who it is but if the 9th/10th doctors tardis interior does appear in episode 4 then its probably idris.
    as for the girl who you think regenerates into amelia thats a thought i suppose as so far from what i’ve seen no-one has suggested that idea but i think moffat has something even bigger than that lined up something we have not guessed.

  5. TE
    April 30th, 2011 at 9.09pm | #5

    Just saw that it was indeed Frances Barber who appeared through the hatch. The mid-series finale is looking better and better!

  6. TC
    April 30th, 2011 at 9.13pm | #6

    Perhaps you wouldn’t have kept watching, but not all children are the same. And its much better to have intelligent programming for kids to get their minds working. Plus, Doctor Who has always had a broader appeal that its “childrens show” reputation.

    Not trying to argue with you, just hoping to make a point. ;)

  7. vaguely
    April 30th, 2011 at 9.16pm | #7

    I read somewhere (although for the life of me I can’t remember where and can’t find) that we may see a MUCH earlier Tardis as well – possibly the back-up room used in the Tom Baker years. But I will believe that when I see it.

    Or it could be Romana, of course.

    Yes, heart broke for River. Think it si a tragic love story.

  8. camm
    April 30th, 2011 at 9.22pm | #8

    Why did the TARDIS crew have to run from the cops at the beginning of the episode? :S

  9. TSG
    April 30th, 2011 at 9.28pm | #9

    To make the charade believable, I suppose. To be perfectly honest, though, I’m not entirely sure I got that. When did Canton decide definitively which side he was on? When did he plot everything out with the Doctor?

  10. camm
    April 30th, 2011 at 9.32pm | #10

    That’s what I thought! It was very confusing that bit, didn’t quite understand the whole Canton thing… Overall I thought it was a good episode but I was just getting increasingly annoyed at the fact I thought we were going to get answers but we got more questions instead… Owell, I’m sure it will all pay off! LOVED the cliffhanger, fantastic! Just getting bored of the whole pregnancy thing (unless it is to do with that girl), it’s like a soap opera!

  11. mpirks
    April 30th, 2011 at 9.34pm | #11

    Not going into a long evaluation of this episode as I want to watch it a second time to really get into it. Really good episode and somewhat satisfying conclusion to part 1. The end shot with the girl regenerating was a shocker but something that I got quite excited by. Loved the confrontation with the silence, I hope we see them again for the mid season finale.

    Really liked Amy finally showing Rory how much she cares through the “stupid face” business
    My only gripe (and please don’t shoot me for this) is that I agree with some of you, Moffat needs to stop making his stories so complicated. Some of his stories have too many strands and it can be too much to throw at one fan at one time. Really the mystery of River Song and Amy’s pregnancy should be enough without throwing all the other questions too.

    I do agree that the stories should make you think and you should use your brain when watching dr who but Moffat takes it to extreme. At least with the RTD era you could follow what was happening (even if some of it was predictable towards the end of his era) but it was a clever arc which made things clear.

  12. camm
    April 30th, 2011 at 9.38pm | #12


    I completely agree with you :-)
    Good episode overall, just needs to tie up some of the answers, it would make it more enjoyable :-)

  13. TSG
    April 30th, 2011 at 9.39pm | #13

    This is EXACTLY what I mean. Possibly SM has pushed it just a bit too far.

    The ’stupid face’ section was… Well, I liked it once it was resolved, but I thought it went on a bit too long, really. I’m glad we’ve had a definitive answer as to the nature of the Rory/Amy/Doctor relationships but could it have been slightly less painful?

    Oh, and Karen Gillan’s ADR acting is superb. How difficult must that be to record, all the crying etc? Absolutely brilliant.

  14. Patrick
    April 30th, 2011 at 9.48pm | #14

    I think we find that out in a later episode because what happened in the first 10 minutes to the 1103 doctor has not yet happened to the 908 doctor yet so canton could very much come back later on :)

  15. tyler
    April 30th, 2011 at 9.51pm | #15

    My theroy, the little girl is river song, the way the doctor new he was going to be killed in the impossible astronaut? he knew river killed a good man, he had already started a diary marking events and maybe this was the time she killed ‘a good man’ and was then sent to prison, and although not really relivent the little girl is played by the actress who was in MARCHLANDS with alex kingston, as she played her daughter in it?????????

  16. Jay
    April 30th, 2011 at 11.20pm | #16


    I couldn’t agree more with you about SM’s approach. He is proving to be a fantastic, inspired executive producer in many respects and there is nothing wrong with the quality of his scripts, per se, but I personally think he runs the risk of alienating the “casual” viewers of “Doctor Who” who perhaps don’t follow the series religiously. There’s nothing wrong with writing complex, intelligent scripts – and boy do we need them in this day and age of dumbed-down television – but, as you say, at least with RTD, his episodes were more “linear” in structure and audiences could follow the action, wherever they were coming from – dedicated viewers or not. On a separate note (or perhaps linked), I would be AMAZED if tonight’s episode’s overnight ratings matched last week’s 6.5 million. Another hot day, another ridiculously hot 6pm slot and much less publicity… I’m not optimistic.

  17. Jay
    April 30th, 2011 at 11.21pm | #17


    … that should have read ‘ridiculously early 6pm slot’.

  18. Lance
    April 30th, 2011 at 11.44pm | #18

    Does no one else think the girl is the Rani regenerating? Just me thinking that?

  19. blakey
    May 1st, 2011 at 2.07am | #19

    right don’t kill me if you don’t agree with me….

    but i think that the little girl is the doctor and amy’s baby. I think that Amy is pregnant and they did actually hook up when rory wasn’t there, even when they joked about it i think they were either serious about it then they realised rory was listening in and she shouted ‘oi stupid face!’ or they pretended the whole thing but kept the fact to themselves that she was pregnant and that it was his baby. It just makes sense to me and why was he so curious? he even scanned her without her knowing about it and they gave each other that look they always do when rory isn’t looking that’s my opinion

  20. Joy
    May 1st, 2011 at 2.14am | #20

    The little girl…….Rose and half-human Ten’s kid? Perhaps?

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