Rate & Discuss: The Impossible Astronaut

April 23rd, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The Doctor, Amy, Rory and River Song are reunited in the middle of the Utah desert, where a strange summons unveils a terrible secret that the Doctor’s friends must never reveal to him.

The last time we saw the Doctor, Amy and Rory (not including the Comic Relief special), they were decking the halls with boughs of holly on a festive quest to show lonely old miser Kazran the true meaning of Christmas. Now they’re back, and this time they’ve swapped the snow and ice of Sardicktown for the baking hot plains of the Utah desert!

The weather wasn’t the only thing heating up, as it didn’t take long for the drama to reach boiling point too! As our heroes were becoming reacquainted, they were thrown head first into yet another mystery, one which took them to the most powerful city on the planet, specifically to the desk of a Richard M. Nixon. You may have heard of him!

The President of the United States enlisted our time travelling heroes on a mission to save a terrified little girl from an impossible astronaut, and to help them along the way they were joined by the enigmatic Canton Everett Delaware the Third, a former FBI agent. Tensions soon began to rise in the TARDIS, as Amy, Rory and River discovered a terrible secret. With the Doctor left in the dark, he was forced to put his own life solely into the hands of his companions. But Amy Pond was harbouring another secret too, and as his friends all held heir tongues, the Doctor was about to encounter another Silence

So, at long last the TARDIS has reopened its doors, but what did you make of its first Series 6 outing? Was it an American dream, or do you feel disappointed? Did the new monster send you shivering behind the sofa? Were you impressed by the story’s scale?

We now declare our first new series discussion officially open, so let us know what you thought of tonight’s opener in the comments! Tell us what you loved/hated about part one of the US adventure, and don’t forget to share anything you picked up on that might hold relevance to future episodes. The most important question: Are Stetsons cool!?

As with last year’s discussions, you can also give the episode a star rating out of five.

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105 comments on this article
  1. David
    April 24th, 2011 at 4.23pm | #1

    Post of the day

    @Professor Zed
    I have to agree. I was a tad shocked that a 48 year-old tv series, famous for its legendary monsters throughout those 48 years, didn’t bother to include any in their latest series opener!!

    Seriously though, just for a second there… Professor Zed you almost got me :) Post of the day.

    I’ve watched ‘The Impossible Astronaut’ three times now and I do think it’s a great episode. Each viewing has flown by, a good indicator of a decent ep for me.

  2. TWWL
    April 24th, 2011 at 5.18pm | #2

    It reeally does whirl by, doesn’t it? I was just as surprised how quick it seemed to end the second time I watched it, even though i knew it was going to end!

  3. Patrick
    April 24th, 2011 at 5.24pm | #3

    @Professor Zed
    We did see the Silents. They were the MONSTERS in the suit.

  4. Ruby
    April 24th, 2011 at 5.32pm | #4

    I dont think it was the best opening episode however it was quite good, River’s character is becoming more likeable (I think when she was in series four she seemed quite arrogant but as Moffat is showing us a more vunerable side to her, I’m starting to like her more) Bit disappointed we didnt really see the Silence much and I cant see why it is SO important Amy tells the Doctor shes pregnant (unless it really essential to the plot) All in all – good episode but not the best opening we’ve ever had :)

  5. Patrick
    April 24th, 2011 at 5.38pm | #5

    Moffat has said that the pregnancy is a major plot. This possibly could be the last in the series for Amy if she is actually pregnant and not another dream or it could be that the baby is the Doctors which I don’t think it is but is possible :)

  6. Me obviously
    April 24th, 2011 at 5.50pm | #6

    A couple of thoughts:
    The envelopes were numbered and sent out depending how much the (future) Doctor trusted them. And River got number 2. Before Amy and Rory (no. 3). He clearly trusts her more in the future. Despite whatever he finds out about her.
    I find the statement “silence will fall” a little odd. I’t doesn’t mean that the silence will win (necessarily), but more like they WON’T. So whoever stated this was most certainly not friendly with the silence. So if we assume that the voice exploded the Tardis, it wasn’t the silence. There is something else going on.

  7. Patrick
    April 24th, 2011 at 5.59pm | #7

    In my opinion I thought it was an outstanding episode and no doubt the BEST series opener since the revival in 2005. The Silent were indeed terrifying the voice, the face, it shooting from its fingers and how you forget everything about it once you turn away from it. Moffat said that the 2 episodes would be linked to SILENCE in the Library and Forest of the Dead in which there were certainly some references. also i think the silence are enfact the Vashta Nerada as the voice was similar and where they are in utah is actually in the virtual world like in silence the lbrary/forest of the dead but very interesting how the episode had some references which linked to silence in the library about forgetting but then remembering and vice versa. and also when the vashta nerada said this is our forests in day of the moon trailer 2 the silence said this is our world and the library was indeed a world/planet as mentioned by the 10th Doctor.i think the girl could be charlotte abigail lux because in them 2 episodes(Silence in the Library & Forest of the Dead) there was a person called dr MOON and episode 2 of s6 is called Day of the MOON

  8. Patrick
    April 24th, 2011 at 6.03pm | #8

    and also what is intriguing about the pregnancy is that amy was pregnant in Amy’s Choice even though that was a dream but is now becoming real……..and the fact that the lodger tardis appeared again and the last time we saw that it was in craig owens house so there is definitely something with that and i think it could have something either to do with Davros or The Master.

  9. The Silence
    April 24th, 2011 at 6.07pm | #9

    I think that was a Joke about forgetting the silence…

  10. Patrick
    April 24th, 2011 at 6.12pm | #10

    @The Silence
    You talking about Professor Zeds comment?

  11. shania wilson
    April 24th, 2011 at 6.17pm | #11

    @Rose Weasley
    no the doctor didnt use hi screwdriver but he did hold it at the end and whats the twist with amys pregnancy

  12. shania wilson
    April 24th, 2011 at 6.19pm | #12

    no its not its only the day after the show soz

  13. The Silence
    April 24th, 2011 at 6.36pm | #13


  14. shawn
    April 24th, 2011 at 6.42pm | #14

    i now think cos of the revelation that amys pregnant that river is her daughter from the futre as amy had morning sickness when she seen the silence and so did river my theroy is that river can feel what her mum amy feels as shes in the wrong time line and isnt born yet and as for the lttle girl in the astronuat suit i think thats the young river song and as for the best man she ever knew that she kills is rory as hes the best man she ever knew as hes her father dose this theroy sound whacky r do u all think it sounds plusable?

  15. Victoria
    April 24th, 2011 at 6.57pm | #15

    Is it just me but did anyone else noticed that the room where Rory and River were in at the end was the same one as the control room in the lodger episode?

  16. TE
    April 24th, 2011 at 7.19pm | #16


    It’s funny how there aren’t many comments regarding the fact that Rory was probably blown up by a Silent at the end of the episode…?

  17. Patrick
    April 24th, 2011 at 7.38pm | #17

    But Rory is in the next episode as proven in the next time trailer and the clips that have been released so obviously he is not blown up. Maybe the Silent attempts to blow up Rory but Rory moves out the way or the Silent misses.

  18. TE
    April 24th, 2011 at 8.05pm | #18

    But so is the Doctor and he’s dead? ;)

  19. Patrick
    April 24th, 2011 at 8.30pm | #19

    I’ve just been watching the Doctors’ Daughter and his daughter is obviously named Jenny but the Doctor said that he has been a father before which could mean that Amys child is infact the Doctors. Each actor to play the Doctor has been younger than the previous so Tennant was younger than Ecclestone and Smith younger than Tennant so that could mean something.

    But the Doctor isn’t dead though =/ we all know that as he is in the rest of the series.

  20. Tom
    April 24th, 2011 at 9.16pm | #20

    @ProffesorZed was joking, and if you don’t get the joke you must be an idiot.

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